4 Learnings: DPGA Meeting 2023

I attended the DPGA annual meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It was my first time meeting in person many of the people in that community and learning about the laudable goals of the DPG Alliance initiatives.
Keycloak Roadmap

The recent announcement that Keycloak is joining the CNCF as an incubating project was welcome news!!! It resolved two important questions. How would Red Hat transfer governance of the project?
Inter-Operable Identity Journeys with Agama

Whiteboard your consumer, citizen, or workforce identity journeys with Agama Lab.
APAC Digital Identity Unconference 2023: Notes from Session 1

“Building Identity Journeys with Low Code” with Mike Schwartz, Founder and CEO of Gluu Inc. at the APAC Digital Identity Unconference 2023
Whispeak and Gluu Launch Strategic Partnership

Lille, France — Whispeak, a voice biometrics-powered authentication system company, which provides frictionless and continuous authentication with voice biometrics.
Gluu 4 supports Apple platform FIDO 2 like TouchID

The Janssen Project Takes on World’s Most Demanding Digital Trust Challenges at Linux Foundation
Gluu Advisory: Okta Twilio Cyberattack

Okta one-time MFA passcodes exposed in Twilio cyberattack
Gluu 4.4.1 Updates

Updates for stability, the introduction of an allowlist and blocklist for redirect_uris (which enhances security if this optional parameter is used) and more secure email handling for MFA (and other email services)
Gluu Cloud is in Flight

Gluu Server in the Cloud. Unlimited users and possibilities.
Moving Open Banking towards Open Source in Brazil

Gluu announces that its Open Banking Distribution, based on the Linux Foundation Janssen project, meets all certification criteria for FAPI OpenID for the Brazilian Banking specification.