Gluu Blog

The Janssen Project has been included in the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPG) Registry. The goal of the DPG Registry is to promote digital public goods and contribute to creating a more equitable world.
OpenDJ is a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) compliant distributed directory written in Java. Many organizations use it as a persistence mechanism for their IAM systems.
As Flex is a commercial distribution of the Janssen Project, check the Janssen Nightly Build changelog and issues. You can also check the Nightly Build changelog for the Admin UI. Gluu 4 is considered a stable release–meaning no major features are planned.
Discover the latest insights from Mike Schwartz on authentication protocols, including OAuth, Dynamic Client Registration, and DPoP, in this thought-provoking blog post.
Each Govstack specification offers a blueprint of a digital service landscape. Assuming you think this is possible, among the various Govstack specs, the most important is the GovStack Identity Building Block specification– because most governments that participate in the 50-in-5initiative will start their digital public infrastructure projects with “identity”.
SPIFFY Mutual TLS (mTLS) is a way to secure workload identity and communication in a distributed system using the SPIFFE and SPIRE standards. (see also: SPIFFE stands for Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone, and SPIRE stands for SPIFFE Runtime Environment.
I attended the DPGA annual meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It was my first time meeting in person many of the people in that community and learning about the laudable goals of the DPG Alliance initiatives.
The recent announcement that Keycloak is joining the CNCF as an incubating project was welcome news!!! It resolved two important questions. How would Red Hat transfer governance of the project?
Whiteboard your consumer, citizen, or workforce identity journeys with Agama Lab.