Token Based Access Control for Developers
Policy authoring tools, SDKs and deployment models help you build applications that are smarter about security. World class infrastructure empowers enterprises to deploy your solution at scale.
Browser Apps: Use our WASM component to enforce policies based on JWTs in your browser-based applications like React, Angular or Next.JS.
Mobile Applications: Embed policy enforcement in your mobile app using the Kotlin SDK.
Cloud Security: Use the sidecar to deploy an authorization policy engine as a local microservice with no external dependencies to make decisions.
Real-time Token Revocation: Limit account takeover by immediately revoking JWTs and preventing token replay.
Choose your cloud!

Gluu Flex: Self-Host
Use Gluu Flex if your business needs “air-gapped”, data sovereignty or full operational control of your business security infrastructure. The Flex software distribution includes everything you need to deploy on a public or private cloud, including Helm, Rancher and Terraform assets. Gluu provides 24x7x365 support subscription for enterprise customers, and a license-only SMB subscription.

Gluu Solo (SaaS)
Deploy a Gluu Flex instance for your business on Google’s serverless infrastructure. Software and configuration changes are managed via Gitops, and rolled out with zero downtime. Gluu’s Solo hosting offering is useful for businesses that want to use Flex, but do not want to worry about the care and feeding of another mission critical database and cloud infrastructure.
Align with best practices
Open Standards
Open standards are critical for identity which is digtial infrastructure. Gluu leverages OpenID to authenticate people using the Web, FIDO for passkey and security key authentication, OAuth for first party mobile authentication, and SAML for workforce applications and B2B (if OpenID Connect is not available!)

OpenID Connect is a ubiquitous federated identity standard for web-based applications. Gluu has accumulated many OpenID Provider Certifications over the years. Gluu enables companies to federate trusted OpenID Providers, and to act as an OpenID Provider to internal applications.

OAuth defines many useful back-channel, i.e. non-browser identity flows. OpenID Connect itself is a superset of OAuth 2.0 which defines a browser-based identity layer. There are many OAuth specs on a number of different topics, like access tokens, registration, and client authentication.

A set of standards that enable the hardware, operating system, browser, and identity provider to authenticate a person using phishing-resistent, client-side biometrics. Flex provides FIDO endpoint that support passkeys, USB, Bluetooth. and platform authenticators.

SAML, the XML identity federation predecessor of OpenID Connect, is used primiarily by SaaS and older web-based enterprise applications for SSO. In Flex, the Keycloak component, configured by the Janssen control plane, provides the SAML IDP endpoints.
Multi Factor Authentication
Use built-in MFA or bring your own

Secure your account with a passkey—a passwordless sign-in method. Just tap the button to create a unique digital key that stays on your device. No more passwords to remember or type!

One Time Password
Gluu supports all standard TOTP/HOTP mobile applications and hardware tokens.

Sign up with Twilio, and send SMS OTP codes in seconds.

Super Gluu
A free app on the Apple and Google stores to scan a QR code for one-step authentication. Super Gluu also supports push notifications.
Flex / Gluu 4 Pricing
A Gluu Subscription entitles your organization to access both Flex and Gluu 4 distributions. Pricing is based on peak Monthly Active Users ("MAU") for the last 12 months. Up to 1,600 MAU subscriptions available via ecommerce on Agama Lab.
MAU | Annual Cost |
100 | $518 |
400 | $1,811 |
1,600 | $6,339 |