of Gluu
Enroll and you’ll be free to try Gluu Flex for one month. The maximum number of active users during the trial period is 5,000. You can activate your subscription at any time to increase your capacity.

Gluu Flex
Gluu Flex is our flagship product, a commercial Identity Provider with an open source core. Flex includes all the components found in the Linux Foundation Janssen Project, plus the Flex Admin UI, a web interface that provides extra reporting and enterprise management tools.
With Gluu Flex, you get all the transarency of open source but the support and assurances of a commercial distribution.
Common use cases include:
- OpenID Federation
- SAML Federation
- Single sign-on (SSO)
- Mobile authentication
- Agama project deployment
- API OAuth client management and dynamic registration
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
- Active Directory or Key cloak synchronization
- Self-Service credential management
- Open Banking
- DISA STIG Security Profile
- OAuth Software Statement publication
- Identity connection via SCIM
- Stepped up authentication
- Passwordless authentication
- Smart Card Authentication
- FIDO authentication
- OTP authentication
- Email authentication including message signing
- Device Flow authentication
Gluu 4
This is the original “Gluu Server”, and will be supported by Gluu until 2030. It’s proven solution used by enterprises who want to operate either a consumer or workforce facing federated identity provider (IDP).
Common use cases include:
- OpenID federation
- SAML federation
- Single sign-on (SSO)
- Mobile authentication
- API access management
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
- FIDO authentication
- Self-Service credential management
- Active Directory synchronization
- Identity connection via SCIM