This documentation demonstrates how to upgrade a kubernetes setup of Gluu >=4.2 LDAP to 4.5 PostgreSQL.
Gluu Kubernetes (CN) >=4.2 is already installed.
Upgrading Installation#
Step 1#
- Make sure the ownership of the opendj volume is
. For example, you can run:chown -R 1000:1000 /path/of/volume
Backup persistence entries as the process is not reversible.
Backup existing
(used in Gluu 4.2 installation) asvalues-4.2.yaml
. -
Get new
for Gluu 4.5 installation. -
with the newvalues.yaml
, and then modifyvalues.yaml
:global: jackrabbit: enabled: true upgrade: enabled: true image: tag: 4.5.3-2 sourceVersion: "4.2" #current chart version targetVersion: "4.5" pullSecrets: - name: regcred gluuPersistenceType: ldap config: configmap: gluuDocumentStoreType: JCA jackrabbit: secrets: gluuJackrabbitAdminPass: admin # make sure the value is equal to the one in old values.yaml
Make sure that the completed
jobs are deleted. -
helm upgrade <gluu-release-name> gluu/gluu -n <namespace> -f values.yaml
. -
Make sure the cluster is functioning after the upgrade.
Step 2#
Export entries for each tree (
) as.ldif
file.mkdir -p custom_ldif kubectl -n <namespace> exec -ti <opendj-pod> -- /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -p 1636 --useSSL -w <ldap-password> --trustAll -b "o=gluu" -s sub objectClass=* > custom_ldif/01_gluu.ldif kubectl -n <namespace> exec -ti <opendj-pod> -- /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -p 1636 --useSSL -w <ldap-password> --trustAll -b "o=site" -s sub objectClass=* > custom_ldif/02_site.ldif kubectl -n <namespace> exec -ti <opendj-pod> -- /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -p 1636 --useSSL -w <ldap-password> --trustAll -b "o=metric" -s sub objectClass=* > custom_ldif/03_metric.ldif
Create configmaps for each
file if each file below 1MB:kubectl -n <namespace> create cm custom-gluu-ldif --from-file=custom_ldif/01_gluu.ldif kubectl -n <namespace> create cm custom-site-ldif --from-file=custom_ldif/02_site.ldif kubectl -n <namespace> create cm custom-metric-ldif --from-file=custom_ldif/03_metric.ldif
Prepare Postgres database for migration (e.g. using Helm chart):
kubectl create ns postgres helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm install postgresql --set auth.rootPassword=<postgres-root-password>,auth.database=gluu,auth.username=gluu,auth.password=<postgres-user-password> bitnami/postgresql -n postgres
Take notes about the values above as we will need them in next sections.
Migrating entries from
files may take a while, hence we will be migrating them offline using a separate k8s job.-
file to store password for Postgres user and save it into secret:kubectl -n <namespace> create secret generic offline-sql-pass --from-file=sql_password
:apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: offline-persistence-load spec: template: metadata: annotations: sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false" spec: restartPolicy: Never imagePullSecrets: - name: regcred volumes: - name: custom-gluu-ldif configMap: name: custom-gluu-ldif - name: custom-site-ldif configMap: name: custom-site-ldif - name: custom-metric-ldif configMap: name: custom-metric-ldif - name: sql-pass secret: secretName: offline-sql-pass # adjust the value according to your setup containers: - name: offline-persistence-load image: gluufederation/persistence:4.5.3-2 volumeMounts: - name: custom-gluu-ldif mountPath: /app/custom_ldif/01_gluu.ldif subPath: 01_gluu.ldif - name: custom-site-ldif mountPath: /app/custom_ldif/02_site.ldif subPath: 02_site.ldif - name: custom-metric-ldif mountPath: /app/custom_ldif/03_metric.ldif subPath: 03_metric.ldif - name: sql-pass mountPath: "/etc/gluu/conf/sql_password" subPath: sql_password envFrom: - configMapRef: name: gluu-config-cm # adjust the name according to your setup env: - name: GLUU_PERSISTENCE_IMPORT_BUILTIN_LDIF value: "false" # [DONT CHANGE] skip builtin LDIF files generated by the image container - name: GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE value: "sql" # [DONT CHANGE] - name: GLUU_SQL_DB_DIALECT value: "pgsql" # [DONT CHANGE] - name: GLUU_SQL_DB_NAME value: "gluu" # adjust according to your setup - name: GLUU_SQL_DB_HOST value: "postgresql.postgres.svc.cluster.local" # adjust according to your setup - name: GLUU_SQL_DB_PORT value: "5432" # adjust according to your setup - name: GLUU_SQL_DB_USER value: "gluu" # adjust according to your setup - name: GLUU_SQL_DB_SCHEMA value: "public" # [default value] adjust according to your setup
If the ldif file is larger then 1MB:
Create a file named
which basically contains instructions to pull the ldif file:#!/bin/sh # This script will pull the ldif file from a remote location # and place it in the correct location for the Persistence job to use it mkdir -p /app/custom_ldif wget -O /app/custom_ldif/01_gluu.ldif https://<ldif-file-location/01_gluu.ldif
Create a configmap:
kubectl -n <namespace> create cm my-custom-ldif --from-file=mycustomldif.sh
Edit the job yaml to mount the configmap:
volumes: - name: my-custom-ldif configMap: defaultMode: 493 name: my-custom-ldif containers: - name: offline-persistence-load command: - tini - -g - -- - /bin/sh - -c - | /tmp/mycustomldif.sh image: gluufederation/persistence:4.5.3-2 volumeMounts: - name: my-custom-ldif mountPath: /tmp/mycustomldif.sh subPath: mycustomldif.sh
Deploy the job:
kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f offline-persistence-load.yaml
Make sure there's no error while running the job before proceeding to the next step. If there's no error, the job and secret can be deleted safely:
kubectl -n <namespace> delete secret offline-sql-pass kubectl -n <namespace> delete job offline-persistence-load
Step 3#
Switch the persistence by adding the following to the existing
:global: gluuPersistenceType: sql upgrade: enabled: false config: configmap: cnSqlDbName: gluu cnSqlDbPort: 5432 cnSqlDbDialect: pgsql cnSqlDbHost: postgresql.postgres.svc cnSqlDbUser: gluu cnSqlDbTimezone: UTC cnSqldbUserPassword: <postgres-user-password>
helm upgrade <gluu-release-name> gluu/gluu -n <namespace> -f values.yaml
. -
Make sure the cluster is functioning after migration.
Known Issues#
During upgrade from >=4.2 to 4.5, if you didn't delete the jobs as instructed, the helm command throws the following message:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "gluu-config" with kind Job: Job.batch "gluu-config" is invalid: spec.template: Invalid value: core.PodTemplateSpec{ObjectMeta:v1.ObjectMeta{Name:"config-job", GenerateName:"", Namespace:""
The upgrade itself is running though.
If you faced this, you should switch
global.upgrade.enabled: false
and rerun thehelm upgrade
command again, so that it’s registered with the helm lifecycle that the upgrade was successful. -
Interception scripts are not upgraded automatically. They need to be upgraded manually.