with Agama Lab, Gluu’s low code identity orchestration platform, your business can build the perfect identity flows in minutes, not months.

Agama Lab Quick Start Guide


Agama Lab tool helps developers to make a flow for Jans Agama.

Agama Docs: https://docs.jans.io/head/agama/introduction

Agama-Lab Online Tool
Use https://cloud.gluu.org/agama-lab online tool to make an agama flow. Hit the above URL and you will see a page with Login with GitHub button. Click on it and give access to agama-lab.
Install GitHub-App and select Repository
In the next step, You need to install a GitHub App which will allow Agama-Lab to commit and push changes to your repository. Agama-Lab uses your repository to store the whole project’s data and flow files.
While GitHub-App installation it will ask you to choose a repository. If you missed it, add a repository using GitHub settings GitHub Settings > Integrations > Applications > agama-lab > Repository Access.
Use the Select Repository button to choose a repository. Your repository must have at least one Git Commit to proceed. Just making a fresh new repo with README.md will be good. Click on the Create Project button to proceed next.
Make a Project
The first step is to make a Project.
Navigate to the Project Tree File view to make Agama Flows and .gama files.
Make a Flow File
Right-click on the Code folder and select New Flow file. You can double-click on files to open it.
Enter Details in Form and click on the Create button.
Make a Simple Basic Auth Flow










Make sure to check In Repeat Block checkbox.












Save it and you can click on the Code button to see the actual flow
It will look like
Flow agama.pw Basepath "" authService = Call io.jans.as.server.service.AuthenticationService#class cdiUtil = Call io.jans.service.cdi.util.CdiUtil#bean authService authResult = {} Repeat 3 times max creds = RRF "login.ftlh" authResult authResult.success = Call cdiUtil authenticate creds.username creds.password authResult.uid = creds.username // check auth response When authResult.success is true it_lfnnw = { success: true, data: { userId: authResult.uid } } Finish it_lfnnw it_dnyli = { success: false, error: "auth failed" } Finish it_dnyli
Download Basic Flow
If you created the above flow successfully then skip this part. There is an import facility. If you have any existing flow’s JSON file then you can directly import and make a flow quickly. co.basic.zip Download the above zip, extract it, and import the JSON file:
Make a template file
The above flow is using login.ftlh template file. Let’s create it.
  • Right-click on the web folder and select the new free maker template
Select Template and add details. It is up to you to make a beautiful design using UI-Editor.
Edit HTML to add existing code. You can make your own.
<!doctype html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	  <title> Jans Agama Basic Auth flow </title>
	  <hr />
	  [#if !(success!true)]
	  	<p class="fs-6 text-danger mb-3">${msgs["login.errorMessage"]}</p>
	  <hr />
	  <form method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
			Username: <inputtype="text" class="form-control" name="username" id="username" value="${uid!}" required>
			Password: <input type="password" class="form-control" id="password" name="password">
			<input type="submit" class="btn btn-success px-4" value="Login">
 		input {
 			border: 1px solid #000000;
Once you save the file. It will add [#ftl output_format="HTML"] which is needed because we are using [#if... instead of <#if....
Notice If you want to add code like <inputtype="submit" class="btn btn-success px-4" value="${msgs["login.login"]}"> then it will not work instead of add <inputtype="submit" class="btn btn-success px-4" value="${msgs['login.login']}">.You need to use a single quote inside a double quote.
Download a gama file
Right-click on anything in File Tree and select Download .gama
Deploy a gama file on Jans
  • Make sure you have enabled Agama and Agama Script on your Jans server. Check Agama Docs for Details
  • Let’s enable it using TUI, Open TUI in your Jans Server
# cd /opt/jans/jans-cli
# python3 jans_cli_tui.py
  • Enable Agama Configuration, In TUI, navigate to  AuthServer > Properties > agamaConfiguration > Enabled [*] > Save
  • Enable Agama Script, In TUI, navigate to Scripts > Search 'agama' > Select script Enabled [*] > Save
  • Move your .gama file to your Jans server
  • Navigate to Auth Server > Agama > Upload Project
  • Select a file and upload
  • You should see now uploaded project in the list. Check it after some minute or press d to check details.
Check your Jans logs for Any Errors. Log file path is /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/logs/jans-auth.log
Testing using Jans Tarp
  • Setup Jans-Tarp. Instructions
  • Configuration to run Agama flow
  • Add Your Jans Auth server host and click on Register client. It will register new OP Client on your Auth server.
  • Add additional params { "agama_flow": "agama.pw" } and select acr value agama and click on Trigger Auth Code flow
  • It will trigger agama flow and show login screen to you. You can use TUI to add testing user.
  • After successful auth, it will show you below screen

Get Ready to Design

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

Create a custom login flow that integrates with your existing systems and meets your specific security requirements.

Implement multi-factor authentication for your users to enhance security.

Create a seamless single sign-on experience for your customers across multiple applications.