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  • Composer - This is the preferred method. See the composer website for installation instructions if you do not already have it installed. To install oxd-php-api via Composer, execute the following command in your project root:

composer require "gluufederation/oxd-php-api": "3.1.2"

  • Source from Github - Download the zip of the oxd PHP library.
  • oxd docs
  • oxd-php-library API docs for the auto-generated php docs, which includes more in-depth information about the various functions and parameters
  • See the code of a sample php app built using oxd-php-library.
  • Browse the oxd-php-library source code on Github.


The oxd-php-library configuration file is located in oxd-rp-settings.json. The values here are used during registration. For a full list of supported oxd configuration parameters, see the oxd documentation

!!! Note: The client hostname should be a valid hostname(FQDN), not a localhost or an IP address.

oxd-server Configuration

Below is a typical configuration data set for registration:

   "op_host":"<GLUU Server url>",
   "oxd_host":"<OXD server host IP>",

oxd-https-extension Configuration

The oxd-https-extenssion configuration file is located in oxdHttpConfig.php. The values here are used during the usage of all oxd protocols.For a full list of supported commands, see the oxd API documentation.

By passing this configuration into any oxd php library class constructor, we can enable oxd-https-extension to connect oxd through https.

return [
    'host' => '<OXD-TO-HTTP Host>',
    'get_authorization_url' => "get-authorization-url",
    'update_site_registration' => "update-site",
    'get_tokens_by_code' => "get-tokens-by-code",
    'get_user_info' => "get-user-info",
    'register_site' => "register-site",
    'setup_client' => "setup-client",
    'get_logout_uri' => "get-logout-uri",
    'get_client_token' => 'get-client-token',
    'get_access_token_by_refresh_token' => 'get-access-token-by-refresh-token',
    'uma_rs_protect' => 'uma-rs-protect',
    'uma_rs_check_access' => 'uma-rs-check-access',
    'uma_rp_get_rpt' => 'uma-rp-get-rpt',
    'uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url' => 'uma-rp-get-claims-gathering-url',
    'introspect_access_token' => 'introspect-access-token',
    'introspect_rpt' => 'introspect-rpt',
    'remove_site' => 'remove-site'

Sample Code#

Setup Client#

$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('<path to php oxd library>/oxdHttpConfig.php');
require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Setup_client.php';
require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Oxd_RP_config.php';

if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
    $oxdRpConfig->oxd_host_port = <oxd server port>;
    $setup_client = new Setup_client();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
    $oxdRpConfig->oxd_host = <oxd https extension host>;
    $setup_client = new Setup_client($config);
$setup_client->setRequestClientName(<client name>);
$setup_client->setRequestClaimsRedirectUri([<claims redirect uris>]);

  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "oxd_id": "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",
    "op_host": "",
    "client_id": "@!E64E.B7E6.3AC4.6CB9!0001!C05E.F402!0008!98F7.EB7B.6213.6527",
    "client_secret": "173d55ff-5a4f-429c-b50d-7899b616912a",
    "client_registration_access_token": "f8975472-240a-4395-b96d-6ef492f50b9e",
    "client_registration_client_uri": "!E64E.B7E6.3AC4.6CB9!0001!C05E.F402!0008!98F7.EB7B.6213.6527",
    "client_id_issued_at": 1504353408,
    "client_secret_expires_at": 1504439808

Get Client Token#

$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('<path to php oxd library>/oxdHttpConfig.php');
require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Get_client_access_token.php';
require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Oxd_RP_config.php';

if ($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local") {
    $getClientAccessToken = new Get_client_access_token();
} else if ($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web") {
    $getClientAccessToken = new Get_client_access_token($config);
$getClientAccessToken->setRequest_client_id(<client id>);
$getClientAccessToken->setRequest_client_secret(<client secret>);


  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "scope": "openid",
    "access_token": "e88b9739-ab60-4170-ac53-ad5dfb2a1d8d",
    "expires_in": 299,
    "refresh_token": null

Introspect Access Token#

$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('<path to php oxd library>/oxdHttpConfig.php');
require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Introspect_access_token.php';
if ($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local") {
    $introspectaccesstoken = new Introspect_access_token();
} else if ($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web") {
    $introspectaccesstoken = new Introspect_access_token($config);
$introspectaccesstoken->setRequest_oxd_id(<oxd id>);
$introspectaccesstoken->setRequest_access_token(<access token>);


        "active": true,
        "client_id": "l238j323ds-23ij4",
        "username": "John Black",
        "scopes": ["read", "write"],
        "sub": "jblack",
        "aud": "l238j323ds-23ij4",
        "iss": "",
        "exp": 1419356238,
        "iat": 1419350238,
        "acr_values": ["basic","duo"],
        "jti": null

Register Site#

!!! Note: The Register Site endpoint is not required if client is registered using Setup Client

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Register_site.php';
require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Oxd_RP_config.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
    $register_site = new Register_site();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
    $register_site = new Register_site($config);
$segment = explode('/',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$segment = implode("/",$segment);
$register_site->setRequestClaimsRedirectUri([<claims redirect uris>]);



Update Site#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Update_site.php';
require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Oxd_RP_config.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
    $update_site = new Update_site();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
    $update_site = new Update_site($config);
$update_site->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);
$update_site->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);



Remove Site#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Remove_site.php';
require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Oxd_RP_config.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
//      This is for OXD Socket
$remove_site = new Remove_site();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
//      This is for OXD Web
$remove_site = new Remove_site($config);
$remove_site->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);


    "data": {
        "oxd_id": "bcad760f-91ba-46e1-a020-05e4281d91b6"

Get Authorization URL#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Get_authorization_url.php';
require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Oxd_RP_config.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
    $get_authorization_url = new Get_authorization_url();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
    $get_authorization_url = new Get_authorization_url($config);
$get_authorization_url->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);
$get_authorization_url->addCustom_parameters("param1", "value1");
$get_authorization_url->addCustom_parameters("param2", "value2");
$get_authorization_url->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);



Get Tokens by Code#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Get_tokens_by_code.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if ($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local") {
    $get_tokens_by_code = new Get_tokens_by_code();
} else if ($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web") {
    $get_tokens_by_code = new Get_tokens_by_code($config);
$get_tokens_by_code->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);
$get_tokens_by_code->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);


        "id_token":"eyJ0 ... NiJ9.eyJ1c ... I6IjIifX0.DeWt4Qu ... ZXso",
        "id_token_claims": {
             "iss": "",
             "sub": "24400320",
             "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
             "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
             "exp": 1311281970,
             "iat": 1311280970,
             "at_hash": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng"

Get Access Token by Refresh Token#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Get_access_token_by_refresh_token.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if ($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local") {
    $getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken = new Get_access_token_by_refresh_token();
} else if ($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web") {
    $getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken = new Get_access_token_by_refresh_token($config);

$getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);
$getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken->setRequestRefreshToken(<refresh token from get tokens by code>);
    $getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);


  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "scope": "openid",
    "access_token": "35bedaf4-88e3-4d64-86b9-e59eb0ebde75",
    "expires_in": 299,
    "refresh_token": "f687fb69-aa77-4a1e-a730-55f296ffa074"

Get User Info#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Get_user_info.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if ($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local") {
    $get_user_info = new Get_user_info();
    $get_user_info = new Get_user_info($config);
$get_user_info->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);
$get_user_info->setRequestAccessToken(<access token from get tokens by code>);
$get_user_info->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);


            "sub": ["248289761001"],
            "name": ["Jane Doe"],
            "given_name": ["Jane"],
            "family_name": ["Doe"],
            "preferred_username": ["j.doe"],
            "email": [""],
            "picture": [""]

Get Logout Uri#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Logout.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
    $get_logout_uri = new Logout();
}else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
    $get_logout_uri = new Logout($config);
$get_logout_uri->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);
$get_logout_uri->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);


        "uri":"https://<server>/end_session?id_token_hint=<id token>&state=<state>&post_logout_redirect_uri=<...>"

UMA RS Protect#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Uma_rs_protect.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
//      This is for OXD Socket
    $uma_rs_protect = new Uma_rs_protect();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
//      This is for OXD-TO-HTTP
    $uma_rs_protect = new Uma_rs_protect($config);
$uma_rs_protect->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);

//without scope expression
$uma_rs_protect->addResource(<URI to protect>);
$uma_rs_protect->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);

RS Protect with scope_expression

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Uma_rs_protect.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
//      This is for OXD Socket
    $uma_rs_protect = new Uma_rs_protect();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
//      This is for OXD-TO-HTTP
    $uma_rs_protect = new Uma_rs_protect($config);
$uma_rs_protect->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);

//with scope expression
$rule = [
    'and' => [
        ['or' => [
            ['var' => 0],
            ['var' => 1]]
        ['var' => 2]
$data = [

$uma_rs_protect->addResource(<URI to protect>);
$uma_rs_protect->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);



UMA RS Check Access#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Uma_rs_check_access.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
    $umaRsCheckAccess = new Uma_rs_check_access();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
    $umaRsCheckAccess = new Uma_rs_check_access($config);
$umaRsCheckAccess->setRequestOxdId(<oxd id>);
$umaRsCheckAccess->setRequestPath(<request path>);
$umaRsCheckAccess->setRequestHttpMethod(<request method>);
$umaRsCheckAccess->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);


Access Granted Response:


Access Denied with Ticket Response:

        "www-authenticate_header":"UMA realm=\"example\",

Access Denied without Ticket Response:


Resource is not Protected Response:

        "error_description":"Resource is not protected. Please protect your resource first with uma_rs_protect command."

UMA Introspect RPT#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Uma_introspect_rpt.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
    $introspectRpt = new Uma_introspect_rpt();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
    $introspectRpt = new Uma_introspect_rpt($config);
$introspectRpt = new Uma_introspect_rpt($config);
$introspectRpt->setRequest_oxd_id(<oxd id>);




require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Uma_rp_get_rpt.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
    $uma_rp_get_rpt = new Uma_rp_get_rpt();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
    $uma_rp_get_rpt = new Uma_rp_get_rpt($config);
$uma_rp_get_rpt->setRequest_oxd_id(<oxd id>);
$uma_rp_get_rpt->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);


Success Response:


Needs Info Error Response:

              "error_description":"The authorization server needs additional information in order to determine whether the client is authorized to have these permissions.",
              "details": {  

Invalid Ticket Error Response:

            "error_description":"Ticket is not valid (outdated or not present on Authorization Server)."

UMA RP Get Claims Gathering URL#

require_once '<path to php oxd library>/Uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url.php';
$oxdRpConfig = json_decode(file_get_contents($baseUrl . '<path to php oxd library>/oxd-rp-settings.json'));
$config = include('./oxdlibrary/oxdHttpConfig.php');
if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "local"){
    $uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url = new Uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url();
else if($oxdRpConfig->conn_type == "web"){
    $uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url = new Uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url($config);
$uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url->setRequest_oxd_id(<oxd id>);
$uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url->setRequest_claims_redirect_uri(<claims redirect uri>);
$uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url->setRequest_protection_access_token(<protection access token>);


        "url":"https://<op host>/restv1/uma/gather_claims

Sample Project#

Download a Sample Project specific to this oxd-php library.

Software Requirements#

System Requirements:

  • Ubuntu / Debian / CentOS / RHEL / Windows Server 2008 or higher
  • php 5.4 or higher
  • Apache 2.4 or higher
  • composer

To use the oxd-php library, you will need:

  • A valid OpenID Connect Provider (OP), like the Gluu Server or Google.
  • An active installation of the oxd-server running on the same server as the client application.
  • If you want to make RESTful (https) calls from your app to your oxd-server, you will need an active installation of the oxd-https-extension).
  • A Windows server or Windows installed machine / Linux server or Linux installed machine.

Configure the Client Application#

  • Your client application must have a valid SSL certificate, so the URL includes: https://

  • Enable SSL by setting the valid certificate and key in your virtual host file:

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerAdmin postmaster@dummy-host.localhost
    DocumentRoot "<path to folder>"

    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile "<certificate file name>.crt"    
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "<key file name>.key"
        <Directory "<path to folder>" >
            AllowOverride All
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
  • The client hostname should be a valid hostname(FQDN), not a localhost or an IP address. You can configure the hostname by adding the following entry in the host file:


    Host file location /etc/host :


    Host file location C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host :

  • Open the downloaded Sample Project and navigate to directory inside the project.

  • With the oxd-server running, navigate to the URL's below to run the sample client application. To register a client in the oxd-server use the Setup Client URL. Upon successful registration of the client application, an oxd ID will be displayed in the UI. Next, navigate to the Login URL for authentication.

    • Setup Client URL:
    • Login URL:
    • UMA URL:
  • The oxd-php library uses two configuration files (oxdId.json and oxdlibrary/oxd-rp-settings.json) to specify information needed by the OpenID Connect dynamic client registration. In order to save the information that is returned (oxd_id, client_id, client_secret, etc.) the configuration files need to be writable by the client application.


Please report technical issues and suspected bugs on our Support Page. You can use the same credentials you created to register your oxd license to sign in on Gluu support.