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  • Install from NuGet - Use the NuGet Package Manager Console of Visual Studio Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console to install the Gluu.Oxd.OxdCSharp package, by running the following command:

PM> Install-Package Gluu.Oxd.OxdCSharp

  • Source from Github - Download the zip of the oxd CSharp library


oxd-csharp uses a configuration file to specify information needed to configure the OpenID Connect client. If OpenID dynamic client registration is used, the config file needs to be writable by the app, because oxd will save the client id and client secret to this file.

oxd-csharp can communicate with the oxd server via sockets or HTTPS.

Below are minimal configuration examples for sockets and https transport. The oxd_config.json file contains a full list of configuration parameters and sample values.


The client hostname should be a valid hostname (FQDN), not a localhost or an IP Address

Configuration for oxd-server via sockets:

"connection_type": "local", "oxd_host": "", "oxd_host_port": 8099

Configuration for oxd-https-extension:

"connection_type": "web",  
"http_rest_url": ""  

Sample Code#

oxdCsharp OpenID Connect Namespaces

using oxdCSharp.Clients;  
using oxdCSharp.CommandResponses;  
using oxdCSharp.CommandParameters;  

oxdCsharp UMA Namespaces

using oxdCSharp.UMA.Clients;  
using oxdCSharp.UMA.CommandParameters;  
using oxdCSharp.UMA.CommandResponses;  

Set Up Client#

Setup Client using oxd-server

public ActionResult SetupClient(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string OpHost, string redirectUrl)  
    //prepare input params for Setup client  
    var setupClientInputParams = new SetupClientParams()  
        AuthorizationRedirectUri = redirectUrl,  
        OpHost = OpHost,  
        ClientName = "<Your Client Name>",  
        Scope = new List<string> { "openid", "profile", "email", "uma_protection", "uma_authorization" },  
        GrantTypes = new List<string> { "authorization_code", "client_credentials", "uma_ticket" }  

    var setupClientClient = new SetupClientClient();  
    var setupClientResponse = new SetupClientResponse();  
    setupClientResponse = setupClientClient.SetupClient(oxdHost, oxdPort, setupClientInputParams);  

    return Json(new { oxdId = oxd.OxdId, clientId = setupClientResponse.Data.clientId, clientSecret = setupClientResponse.Data.clientSecret });  

Set Up Client using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult SetupClient( string oxdHttpsUrl, string OpHost, string redirectUrl)  
    //prepare input params for Setup client  
    var setupClientInputParams = new SetupClientParams()  
        AuthorizationRedirectUri = redirectUrl,  
        OpHost = OpHost,  
        ClientName = "<Your Client Name>",  
        Scope = new List<string> { "openid", "profile", "email", "uma_protection", "uma_authorization" },  
        GrantTypes = new List<string> { "authorization_code", "client_credentials", "uma_ticket" }  

    var setupClientClient = new SetupClientClient();  
    var setupClientResponse = new SetupClientResponse();  
    setupClientResponse = setupClientClient.SetupClient(oxdHttpsUrl, setupClientInputParams);  

    return Json(new { oxdId = oxd.OxdId, clientId = setupClientResponse.Data.clientId, clientSecret = setupClientResponse.Data.clientSecret });  


  "status": "ok",  
  "data": {  
    "oxd_id": "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",  
    "op_host": "",  
    "client_id": "@!E64E.B7E6.3AC4.6CB9!0001!C05E.F402!0008!98F7.EB7B.6213.6527",  
    "client_secret": "173d55ff-5a4f-429c-b50d-7899b616912a",  
    "client_registration_access_token": "f8975472-240a-4395-b96d-6ef492f50b9e",  
    "client_registration_client_uri": "!E64E.B7E6.3AC4.6CB9!0001!C05E.F402!0008!98F7.EB7B.6213.6527",  
    "client_id_issued_at": 1504353408,  
    "client_secret_expires_at": 1504439808  

Get Client Token#

Get Client Token using oxd-server

public string GetProtectionAccessToken(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string OpHost, string ClientId, string clientSecret)  
    //prepare input params for Client Registration  
    var getClientAccessTokenParams = new GetClientTokenParams()  
        clientId = clientid,  
        clientSecret = clientsecret,  
        opHost = OpHost  

    var getClientAccessToken = new GetClientTokenClient();  
    string protectionAccessToken = getClientAccessToken.GetClientToken(oxdHost, oxdPort, getClientAccessTokenParams()).Data.accessToken;  

    return protectionAccessToken;  

Get Client Token using oxd-https-extension

public string GetProtectionAccessToken( string oxdHttpsUrl, string OpHost, string ClientId, string clientSecret)  
    //prepare input params for Client Registration  
    var getClientAccessTokenParams = new GetClientTokenParams()  
        clientId = clientid,  
        clientSecret = clientsecret,  
        opHost = OpHost  

    var getClientAccessToken = new GetClientTokenClient();  
    string protectionAccessToken = getClientAccessToken.GetClientToken(oxdHttpsUrl, getClientAccessTokenParams()).Data.accessToken;  

    return protectionAccessToken;  


  "status": "ok",  
  "data": {  
    "scope": "openid",  
    "access_token": "e88b9739-ab60-4170-ac53-ad5dfb2a1d8d",  
    "expires_in": 299,  
    "refresh_token": null   

Introspect Access Token#

Introspect Access Token using oxd-server

public ActionResult IntrospectAccessToken(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxd_id, string access_token)  
        var introspectAccessTokenParams = new IntrospectAccessTokenParams()  
            OxdId = oxd_id,  
            AccessToken = access_token  

        var introspectAccessTokenClient = new IntrospectAccessTokenClient();  
        var introspectAccessTokenResponse = new IntrospectAccessTokenResponse();  

        introspectAccessTokenResponse = introspectAccessTokenClient.IntrospectAccessToken(oxdHost, oxdPort, introspectAccessTokenParams);  

        return Json(new { status = introspectAccessTokenResponse.Status });  


Introspect Access Token using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult IntrospectAccessToken(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxd_id, string access_token)  
        var introspectAccessTokenParams = new IntrospectAccessTokenParams()  
            OxdId = oxd_id,  
            AccessToken = access_token  

        var introspectAccessTokenClient = new IntrospectAccessTokenClient();  
        var introspectAccessTokenResponse = new IntrospectAccessTokenResponse();  

        introspectAccessTokenResponse = introspectAccessTokenClient.IntrospectAccessToken(oxdHttpsUrl, introspectAccessTokenParams);  

        return Json(new { status = introspectAccessTokenResponse.Status });  



        "active": true,  
        "client_id": "l238j323ds-23ij4",  
        "username": "John Black",  
        "scopes": ["read", "write"],  
        "sub": "jblack",  
        "aud": "l238j323ds-23ij4",  
        "iss": "",  
        "exp": 1419356238,  
        "iat": 1419350238,  
        "acr_values": ["basic","duo"],  
        "jti": null  

Register Site#

!!! Note: The Register Site endpoint is not required if client is registered using Setup Client

Register Site using oxd-server

public ActionResult RegisterSite(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string OpHost, string redirectUrl)  
    //prepare input params for Client Registration  
    var registerSiteInputParams = new RegisterSiteParams()  
        AuthorizationRedirectUri = redirectUrl,  
        OpHost = OpHost,  
        ClientName = "<Your Client Name>",  
        Scope = new List<string> { "openid", "profile", "email" }  

    var registerSiteClient = new RegisterSiteClient();  
    var registerSiteResponse = new RegisterSiteResponse();  
    registerSiteResponse = registerSiteClient.RegisterSite(oxdHost, oxdPort, registerSiteInputParams);  

    return Json(new { oxdId = registerSiteResponse.Data.OxdId });  

Register Site using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult RegisterSite(string oxdHttpsUrl, string OpHost, string redirectUrl, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Client Registration  
    var registerSiteInputParams = new RegisterSiteParams()  
        AuthorizationRedirectUri = redirectUrl,  
        OpHost = OpHost,  
        ClientName = "<Your Client Name>",  
        Scope = new List<string> { "openid", "profile", "email" },  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var registerSiteClient = new RegisterSiteClient();  
    var registerSiteResponse = new RegisterSiteResponse();  
    registerSiteResponse = registerSiteClient.RegisterSite(oxdHttpsUrl, registerSiteInputParams);  

    return Json(new { oxdId = registerSiteResponse.Data.OxdId });  



Update Site#

Update Site using oxd-server

public ActionResult Update(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string oxdId, string postLogoutRedirectUrl)  
    //prepare input params for Update Site Registration  
    var updateSiteInputParams = new UpdateSiteParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        Contacts = new List<string> { "" },  
        PostLogoutRedirectUri = postLogoutRedirectUrl  

    var updateSiteClient = new UpdateSiteRegistrationClient();  
    var updateSiteResponse = new UpdateSiteResponse();  
    updateSiteResponse = updateSiteClient.UpdateSiteRegistration(oxdHost, oxdPort, updateSiteInputParams);  

    return Json(new { status = updateSiteResponse.Status });  

Update Site using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult Update(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, string postLogoutRedirectUrl, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Update Site Registration  
    var updateSiteInputParams = new UpdateSiteParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        Contacts = new List<string> { "" },  
        PostLogoutRedirectUri = postLogoutRedirectUrl,  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var updateSiteClient = new UpdateSiteRegistrationClient();  
    var updateSiteResponse = new UpdateSiteResponse();  
    updateSiteResponse = updateSiteClient.UpdateSiteRegistration(oxdHttpsUrl, updateSiteInputParams);  

    return Json(new { status = updateSiteResponse.Status });  



Remove Site#

Remove Site using oxd-server

public ActionResult RemoveSite(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxd_id)  
        var removeSiteInputParams = new RemoveSiteParams();  
            OxdId = oxd_id  

        var removeSiteClient = new RemoveSiteClient();  
        var removeSiteResponse = new RemoveSiteResponse();  

        removeSiteResponse = removeSiteClient.RemoveSite(oxdHost, oxdPort, removeSiteInputParams);  

        return Json(new { status = removeSiteResponse.Status });  


Remove Site using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult RemoveSite(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxd_id, string protectionAccessToken)  
        var removeSiteInputParams = new RemoveSiteParams();  
            OxdId = oxd_id,  
            ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  
        var removeSiteClient = new RemoveSiteClient();  
        var removeSiteResponse = new RemoveSiteResponse();  

        removeSiteResponse = removeSiteClient.RemoveSite(oxdHttpsUrl, removeSiteInputParams);  

        return Json(new { status = removeSiteResponse.Status });  



    "data": {  
        "oxd_id": "bcad760f-91ba-46e1-a020-05e4281d91b6"  

Get Authorization URL#

Get Authorization URL using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetAuthorizationURL(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, dictionary<string, string> customParams)  
    //prepare input params for Getting Auth URL from a site  
    var getAuthUrlInputParams = new GetAuthorizationUrlParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        CustomParams = customParams  

    var getAuthUrlClient = new GetAuthorizationUrlClient();  
    var getAuthUrlResponse = new GetAuthorizationUrlResponse();  
    getAuthUrlResponse = getAuthUrlClient.GetAuthorizationURL(oxdHost, oxdPort, getAuthUrlInputParams);  

    return Json(new { authUrl = getAuthUrlResponse.Data.AuthorizationUrl });  

Get Authorization URL using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetAuthorizationURL(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, dictionary<string, string> customParams, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Getting Auth URL from a site  
    var getAuthUrlInputParams = new GetAuthorizationUrlParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        CustomParams = customParams,  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var getAuthUrlClient = new GetAuthorizationUrlClient();  
    var getAuthUrlResponse = new GetAuthorizationUrlResponse();  
    getAuthUrlResponse = getAuthUrlClient.GetAuthorizationURL(oxdHttpsUrl, getAuthUrlInputParams);  

    return Json(new { authUrl = getAuthUrlResponse.Data.AuthorizationUrl });  



Get Tokens by Code#

Get Tokens by Code using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetTokenByCode(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, string authCode, string authState)  
    //prepare input params for Getting Tokens from a site  
    var getTokenByCodeInputParams = new GetTokensByCodeParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        Code = authCode,  
        State = authState  

    var getTokenByCodeClient = new GetTokensByCodeClient();  
    var getTokensByCodeResponse = new GetTokensByCodeResponse();  
    getTokensByCodeResponse = getTokenByCodeClient.GetTokensByCode(oxdHost, oxdPort, getTokenByCodeInputParams);  

    return Json(new { accessToken = getTokensByCodeResponse.Data.AccessToken, refreshToken = getTokensByCodeResponse.Data.RefreshToken });  

Get Tokens by Code using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetTokenByCode( string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, string authCode, string authState, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Getting Tokens from a site  
    var getTokenByCodeInputParams = new GetTokensByCodeParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        Code = authCode,  
        State = authState,  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var getTokenByCodeClient = new GetTokensByCodeClient();  
    var getTokensByCodeResponse = new GetTokensByCodeResponse();  
    getTokensByCodeResponse = getTokenByCodeClient.GetTokensByCode(oxdHttpsUrl, getTokenByCodeInputParams);  

    return Json(new { accessToken = getTokensByCodeResponse.Data.AccessToken, refreshToken = getTokensByCodeResponse.Data.RefreshToken });  


        "id_token":"eyJ0 ... NiJ9.eyJ1c ... I6IjIifX0.DeWt4Qu ... ZXso",  
        "id_token_claims": {  
             "iss": "",  
             "sub": "24400320",  
             "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",  
             "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",  
             "exp": 1311281970,  
             "iat": 1311280970,  
             "at_hash": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng"  

Get Access Token by Refresh Token#

Get Access Token by Refresh Token using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetAccessTokenByRefreshToken(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, string refreshToken)  
    //prepare input params for Getting Tokens from a site  
    var getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenInputParams = new GetAccessTokenByRefreshTokenParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        RefreshToken = refreshToken  

    var getTokenByCodeClient = new GetTokensByCodeClient();  
    var getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse = new GetAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse();  
    getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenClient.GetAccessTokenByRefreshToken(oxdHost, oxdPort, getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenInputParams);  

    return Json(new { accessToken = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse.Data.AccessToken, refreshToken = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse.Data.RefreshToken });  

Get Access Token by Refresh Token using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetAccessTokenByRefreshToken(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, string refreshToken, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Getting Tokens from a site  
    var getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenInputParams = new GetAccessTokenByRefreshTokenParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        RefreshToken = refreshToken,  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var getTokenByCodeClient = new GetTokensByCodeClient();  
    var getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse = new GetAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse();  
    getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenClient.GetAccessTokenByRefreshToken(oxdHttpsUrl, getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenInputParams);  

    return Json(new { accessToken = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse.Data.AccessToken, refreshToken = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse.Data.RefreshToken });  


  "status": "ok",  
  "data": {  
    "scope": "openid",  
    "access_token": "35bedaf4-88e3-4d64-86b9-e59eb0ebde75",  
    "expires_in": 299,  
    "refresh_token": "f687fb69-aa77-4a1e-a730-55f296ffa074"  

Get User Info#

Get User Info using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetUserInfo(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string oxdId, string accessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Getting User Info from a site  
    var getUserInfoInputParams = new GetUserInfoParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        AccessToken = accessToken  

    var getUserInfoClient = new GetUserInfoClient();  
    var getUserInfoResponse = new GetUserInfoResponse();  

    getUserInfoResponse = getUserInfoClient.GetUserInfo(oxdHost, oxdPort, getUserInfoInputParams);  

    var userName = getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Name.First();  
    var userEmail = getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Email == null ? string.Empty : getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Email.FirstOrDefault();  

    return Json(new { userName = userName, userEmail = userEmail });  

Get User Info using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetUserInfo(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, string accessToken, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Getting User Info from a site  
    var getUserInfoInputParams = new GetUserInfoParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        AccessToken = accessToken,  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var getUserInfoClient = new GetUserInfoClient();  
    var getUserInfoResponse = new GetUserInfoResponse();  

    getUserInfoResponse = getUserInfoClient.GetUserInfo(oxdHttpsUrl, getUserInfoInputParams);  

    var userName = getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Name.First();  
    var userEmail = getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Email == null ? string.Empty : getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Email.FirstOrDefault();  

    return Json(new { userName = userName, userEmail = userEmail });  


            "sub": ["248289761001"],  
            "name": ["Jane Doe"],  
            "given_name": ["Jane"],  
            "family_name": ["Doe"],  
            "preferred_username": ["j.doe"],  
            "email": [""],  
            "picture": [""]  

Get Logout URI#

Get Logout URI using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetLogoutUrl(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId)  
    //prepare input params for Getting Logout URI from a site  
    var getLogoutUriInputParams = new GetLogoutUrlParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId  

    var getLogoutUriClient = new GetLogoutUriClient();  
    var getLogoutUriResponse = new GetLogoutUriResponse();  

    getLogoutUriResponse = getLogoutUriClient.GetLogoutURL(oxdHost, oxdPort, getLogoutUriInputParams);  

    return Json(new { logoutUri = getLogoutUriResponse.Data.LogoutUri });  

Get Logout URI using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetLogoutUrl(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Getting Logout URI from a site  
    var getLogoutUriInputParams = new GetLogoutUrlParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var getLogoutUriClient = new GetLogoutUriClient();  
    var getLogoutUriResponse = new GetLogoutUriResponse();  

    getLogoutUriResponse = getLogoutUriClient.GetLogoutURL(oxdHttpsUrl, getLogoutUriInputParams);  

    return Json(new { logoutUri = getLogoutUriResponse.Data.LogoutUri });  


        "uri":"https://<server>/end_session?id_token_hint=<id token>&state=<state>&post_logout_redirect_uri=<...>"  

UMA RS Protect#

RS Protect using oxd-server

public ActionResult ProtectResources(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId)  
    //prepare input params for Protect Resource  
    var protectParams = new UmaRsProtectParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        ProtectResources = new List<ProtectResource>  
            new ProtectResource  
                Path = "/scim",  
                ProtectConditions = new List<ProtectCondition>  
                    new ProtectCondition  
                        HttpMethods = new List<string> { "GET" },  
                        Scopes = new List<string> { "" },  
                        TicketScopes = new List<string> { "" }  
    var protectClient = new UmaRsProtectClient();  
    var protectResponse = new UmaRsProtectResponse();  
    protectResponse = protectClient.ProtectResources(oxdHost, oxdPort, protectParams);  

    return Json(new { Response = protectResponse.Status });  

RS Protect with scope_expression using oxd-server

public ActionResult ProtectResources(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxd_id)  
        var protectParams = new UmaRsProtectParams()  
            OxdId = oxd_id,  
            ProtectResources = new List<ProtectResource>  
                new ProtectResource  
                    Path = "/photo",  
                    ProtectConditions = new List<ProtectCondition>  
                        new ProtectCondition  
                            HttpMethods = new List<string> { "GET" },  
                            ScopeExpressions = new ScopeExpression  
                                Rule = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject("{'and':[{'or':[{'var':0},{'var':1}]},{'var':2}]}"),  
                                Data = new List<string>{"","","" }  

        var protectClient = new UmaRsProtectClient();  
        var protectResponse = new UmaRsProtectResponse();  

        protectResponse = protectClient.ProtectResources(oxdHost, oxdPort, protectParams);  

        return Json(new { Response = protectResponse.Status });  

RS Protect using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult ProtectResources(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Protect Resource  
    var protectParams = new UmaRsProtectParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        ProtectResources = new List<ProtectResource>  
            new ProtectResource  
                Path = "/scim",  
                ProtectConditions = new List<ProtectCondition>  
                    new ProtectCondition  
                        HttpMethods = new List<string> { "GET" },  
                        Scopes = new List<string> { "" },  
                        TicketScopes = new List<string> { "" }  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  
    var protectClient = new UmaRsProtectClient();  
    var protectResponse = new UmaRsProtectResponse();  
    protectResponse = protectClient.ProtectResources(oxdHttpsUrl, protectParams);  

    return Json(new { Response = protectResponse.Status });  

RS Protect with scope_expression using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult ProtectResources(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxd_id, string protectionAccessToken)  
        var protectParams = new UmaRsProtectParams()  
            OxdId = oxd_id,  
            ProtectResources = new List<ProtectResource>  
                new ProtectResource  
                    Path = "/photo",  
                    ProtectConditions = new List<ProtectCondition>  
                        new ProtectCondition  
                            HttpMethods = new List<string> { "GET" },  
                            ScopeExpressions = new ScopeExpression  
                                Rule = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject("{'and':[{'or':[{'var':0},{'var':1}]},{'var':2}]}"),  
                                Data = new List<string>{"","","" }  
            ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

        var protectClient = new UmaRsProtectClient();  
        var protectResponse = new UmaRsProtectResponse();  

        protectResponse = protectClient.ProtectResources(oxdHttpsUrl, protectParams);  

        return Json(new { Response = protectResponse.Status });  



UMA RS Check Access#

Check Access using oxd-server

public ActionResult CheckAccess(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string oxdId, string rpt)  
    //prepare input params for Check Access  
    var checkAccessParams = new UmaRsCheckAccessParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,   
        RPT = rpt,  
        Path = "/scim",   
        HttpMethod = "GET"  

    var checkAccessClient = new UmaRsCheckAccessClient();  
    var checkAccessResponse = new UmaRsCheckAccessResponse();  
    checkAccessResponse = checkAccessClient.CheckAccess(oxdHost, oxdPort, checkAccessParams);  

    if (checkAccessResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))  
        return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(checkAccessResponse.Data) });  

Check Access using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult CheckAccess( string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, string rpt, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Check Access  
    var checkAccessParams = new UmaRsCheckAccessParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        RPT = rpt,  
        Path = "/scim",  
        HttpMethod = "GET",  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var checkAccessClient = new UmaRsCheckAccessClient();  
    var checkAccessResponse = new UmaRsCheckAccessResponse();  

    checkAccessResponse = checkAccessClient.CheckAccess(oxdHttpsUrl, checkAccessParams);  

    if (checkAccessResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))  
        return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(checkAccessResponse.Data) });  


Access Granted Response:


Access Denied with Ticket Response:

        "www-authenticate_header":"UMA realm=\"example\",  

Access Denied without Ticket Response:


Resource is not Protected:

        "error_description":"Resource is not protected. Please protect your resource first with uma_rs_protect command."  

UMA Introspect RPT#

Introspect RPT using oxd-server

public ActionResult IntrospectRPT(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxd_id, string rpt)  
        var umaIntrospectRptParams = new UmaIntrospectRptParams()  
            OxdId = oxd_id,  
            RPT = rpt  

        var umaIntrospectRptClient = new UmaIntrospectRptClient();  
        var umaIntrospectRptResponse = new UmaIntrospectRptResponse();  

        umaIntrospectRptResponse = umaIntrospectRptClient.IntrospectRpt(oxdHost, oxdPort, umaIntrospectRptParams);  

        return Json(new { Response = umaIntrospectRptResponse.Data });  

Introspect RPT using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult IntrospectRPT(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxd_id, string rpt)  
        var umaIntrospectRptParams = new UmaIntrospectRptParams()  
            OxdId = oxd_id,  
            RPT = rpt   

        var umaIntrospectRptClient = new UmaIntrospectRptClient();  
        var umaIntrospectRptResponse = new UmaIntrospectRptResponse();  

        umaIntrospectRptResponse = umaIntrospectRptClient.IntrospectRpt(oxdHttpsUrl, umaIntrospectRptParams);  

        return Json(new { Response = umaIntrospectRptResponse.Data });  




RP Get RPT using oxd-server

public ActionResult ObtainRpt(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string oxdId, string ticket, string pct, string rpt )  
    //prepare input params for Protect Resource  
    var getRptParams = new UmaRpGetRptParams()  
        getRptParams.OxdId = oxdId,  
        getRptParams.ticket = ticket  

    var getRptClient = new UmaRpGetRptClient();  
    var getRptResponse = new GetRPTResponse();  

    getRptResponse = getRptClient.GetRPT(oxdHost, oxdPort, getRptParams);  

    //process response  
    if (getRptResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))  
        return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getRptResponse.Data) });  

RP Get RPT using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult ObtainRpt(string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, string ticket, string protectionAccessToken, , string pct, string rpt)  
    //prepare input params for Protect Resource  
    var getRptParams = new UmaRpGetRptParams()  
        getRptParams.OxdId = oxdId,  
        getRptParams.ticket = ticket,  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var getRptClient = new UmaRpGetRptClient();  
    var getRptResponse = new GetRPTResponse();  

    getRptResponse = getRptClient.GetRPT(oxdHttpsUrl, getRptParams);  

    //process response  
    if (getRptResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))  
        return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getRptResponse.Data) });  


Success Response:


Needs Information Error Response:

            "error_description":"The authorization server needs additional information in order to determine whether the client is authorized to have these permissions.",  
            "details": {    

Invalid Ticket Error Response:

        "error_description":"Ticket is not valid (outdated or not present on Authorization Server)."  

UMA RP Get Claims Gathering URL#

RP Get Claims Gathering URL using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetClaimsGatheringUrl(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, string ticket)  
    //prepare input params for Check Access  
    var getClaimsGatheringUrlParams = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        Ticket = ticket,  
        ClaimsRedirectURI = ""  

    var getClaimsGatheringUrlClient = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlClient();  
    var getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlResponse();  
    getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse = getClaimsGatheringUrlClient.GetClaimsGatheringUrl(oxdHost, oxdPort, getClaimsGatheringUrlParams);  

    //process response  
    return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse.Data) });  

RP Get Claims Gathering URL using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetClaimsGatheringUrl( string oxdHttpsUrl, string oxdId, string ticket, string protectionAccessToken)  
    //prepare input params for Check Access  
    var getClaimsGatheringUrlParams = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlParams()  
        OxdId = oxdId,  
        Ticket = ticket,  
        ClaimsRedirectURI = "",  
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken  

    var getClaimsGatheringUrlClient = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlClient();  
    var getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlResponse();  

    getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse = getClaimsGatheringUrlClient.GetClaimsGatheringUrl(oxdHttpsUrl, getClaimsGatheringUrlParams);  

    //process response  
    return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse.Data) });  




  • The GluuDemoWebsite directory contains apps and scripts written using oxd-csharp for OpenID Connect and UM RP Client
  • The UMAExample directory contains apps and scripts for UMA RS server


Please report technical issues and suspected bugs on our Support Page. You can use the same credentials you created to register your oxd license to sign in on Gluu support.