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OpenID Connect & UMA Protocol Overview#

oxd implements the OpenID Connect and UMA 2.0 profiles of OAuth 2.0.

  • The oxd OpenID Connect API's can be used to send a user to an OpenID Connect Provider (OP) for authentication and to gather identity information ("claims") about the user

  • The oxd UMA API's can be used to send a user to an UMA Authorization Server (AS) for access policy enforcement, for example to centrally manage which people (or software clients) can access which web pages and APIs

OpenID Connect Authentication#

OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0.

Technically OpenID Connect is not an authentication protocol--it enables a person to authorize the release of personal information from an "identity provider" to a separate application. In the process of authorizing the release of information, the person is authenticated (if no previous session exists).

Authentication Flow#

oxd supports the OpenID Connect Hybrid Flow and Authorization Code Flow for authentication.

Learn more about authentication flows in the OpenID Connect spec.

oxd OpenID Connect API's#

The oxd-server API's are used for setting up the client/application and OpenID Connect authentication.

API's used to Setup the Client/Application#

  • Setup Client*
  • Get Client Token*
  • Register Site
  • Update Site Registration
  • Get Access Token by Refresh Token
  • Get Logout URI

* only used by oxd-https-extension

API's used for OpenID Connect Authentication#

  • Get Authorization URL
  • Get Tokens by Code
  • Get User Info


If the oxd-https-extension is in use, an access token needs to be obtained to secure the interaction between the client and the oxd-https-extension. Follow the two steps below:

  • Setup Client (returns client_id and client_secret. Make sure uma_protection scope is present in request)
  • Get Client Token (pass client_id and client_secret to obtain access_token)

Pass the obtained access token as protection_access_token in all future calls to the oxd-https-extension.

Setup Client#

If you are using the oxd-https-extension, you must use Setup Client.

The parameters for Setup Client are the same as for Register the Site command. The command registers the client at your OpenID Connect Provider for communication protection. Setup Client additionally returns a client_id and a client_secret. These will be needed when calling the Get Client Token operation to obtain an access token. The access token will be passed as a protection_access_token parameter to other commands. uma_protection scope has to be present in request to setup_client command.

If your OpenID Connect Provider does not support dynamic registration (e.g. Google), you will need to obtain a client_id and a client_secret yourself and supply those as parameters of this operation. This will make oxd skip the attempt to register a new client.

To learn about the parameters supported by this operation check the API page and the "Client Metadata" section of OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0.

A working example can be found at sample project: See method doRegistrationHttps in class OxdService.

Recall that Setup Client is a one-time task.


    "params": {
        "authorization_redirect_uri": "", <- REQUIRED
        "op_host":"https://<ophostname>"                               <- OPTIONAL (But if missing, must be present in defaults)
        "post_logout_redirect_uri": "",   <- OPTIONAL 
        "application_type": "web",                                     <- OPTIONAL
        "response_types": ["code"],                                    <- OPTIONAL
        "grant_types": ["authorization_code"],                         <- OPTIONAL 
        "scope": ["openid"],                                           <- OPTIONAL
        "acr_values": ["basic"],                                       <- OPTIONAL
        "client_name": "",                                             <- OPTIONAL (But if missing, oxd will generate its own non-human readable name)
        "client_jwks_uri": "",                                         <- OPTIONAL
        "client_token_endpoint_auth_method": "",                       <- OPTIONAL
        "client_request_uris": [],                                     <- OPTIONAL
        "client_frontchannel_logout_uris": [],                                      <- OPTIONAL
        "client_sector_identifier_uri": [],                            <- OPTIONAL
        "contacts": [""],                              <- OPTIONAL
        "ui_locales": [],                                              <- OPTIONAL
        "claims_locales": [],                                          <- OPTIONAL
        "claims_redirect_uri": [],                                     <- OPTIONAL
        "client_id": "<client id of existing client>",                 <- OPTIONAL ignores all other parameters and skips new client registration forcing to use existing client (client_secret is required if this parameter is set)
        "client_secret": "<client secret of existing client>"         <- OPTIONAL must be used together with client_secret.



        "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",         <-- DEPRECATED : additional registered client oxdId which can be used for normal operations (same as returned by register_site command). It is going to be removed in future releases.
        "client_id_of_oxd_id": "@!1736.179E.AA60.16B2!0001!8F7C.B9AB!0008!A2BB.9AE6.AAA4", <-- DEPRECATED : additional registered client oxdId which can be used for normal operations (same as returned by register_site command). It is going to be removed in future releases.
        "op_host": "<op host>",
        "setup_client_oxd_id": "<setup client oxd_id>",          <-- oxdId of the setup client used to obtain access token
        "client_id":"<client id>"
        "client_secret":"<client secret>"
        "client_registration_access_token":"<Client registration access token>"
        "client_registration_client_uri":"<URI of client registration>"
        "client_id_issued_at":"<client_id issued at>"
        "client_secret_expires_at":"<client_secret expires at>"

Get Client Token#

!!! Note: If you are using oxd-https-extension, you must use Get Client Token.

When using oxd-https-extension, all API operations must be protected by an access token which is obtained using Get Client Token. Provide the client_id and client_secret you obtained in the call to Setup Client.

Besides an access token, this operation will give you additional information such as an expiration period in seconds. Once the expiration time has elapsed, the access token is no longer valid and you should request a new one by using this operation or by a call to Get Access Token by Refresh Token.

To learn more about the input and output of this operation check the API page.

A working example can be found at sample project: See method getPAT in class OxdService. There, for simplicity a new PAT is requested every time an operation is called (the expiration time is not being used).


    "params": {
        "client_id": "<client id>",            <- REQUIRED
        "client_secret": "<client secret>",    <- REQUIRED
        "op_host":"https://<ophostname>"       <- REQUIRED
        "op_discovery_path":""                 <- OPTIONAL 
        "scope":[],                            <- OPTIONAL 
        "authentication_method":"",            <- OPTIONAL, if value is missed then basic authentication is used. Otherwise it's possible to set `private_key_jwt` value for Private Key authentication.
        "algorithm":"",                        <- OPTIONAL but is required if authentication_method=private_key_jwt. Valid values are none, HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512
        "key_id":""                            <- OPTIONAL but is required if authentication_method=private_key_jwt. It has to be valid key id from key store.


        "expires_in": 399,
        "refresh_token": "fr459f",
        "scope": "openid"

Introspect Access Token#


    "params": {
        "oxd_id": "<oxd id>",                <- REQUIRED
        "access_token": "<access_token>"     <- REQUIRED


        "active": true,
        "client_id": "l238j323ds-23ij4",
        "username": "John Black",
        "scopes": ["read", "write"],
        "sub": "jblack",
        "aud": "l238j323ds-23ij4",
        "iss": "",
        "exp": 1419356238,
        "iat": 1419350238,
        "acr_values": ["basic","duo"],
        "extension_field": "twenty-seven",

Register Site#

!!! Note: If you are using oxd-https-extension and used Setup Client you do not need to use Register Site.

Register Site is a one-time task used to introduce an application to the oxd-server and register a new OpenID Client with your OpenID Connect Provider. If your OP does not support dynamic registration (e.g. Google), you have to obtain a client_id and a client_secret yourself and supply those as parameters of this operation.

Register Site returns the identifier "oxd_id" that must be passed when calling subsequent API operations.

To learn about the parameters supported by this operation check the API page and the "Client Metadata" section of OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0. Worth to mention is the authorization_redirect_uri, a URL where the OP will redirect the user's browser after successful authentication.

A working example can be found at sample project: See method doRegistrationSocket in class OxdService.


    "params": {
        "authorization_redirect_uri": "", <- REQUIRED
        "op_host":"https://<ophostname>"                               <- OPTIONAL (But if missing, must be present in defaults)
        "post_logout_redirect_uri": "",   <- OPTIONAL 
        "application_type": "web",                                     <- OPTIONAL
        "response_types": ["code"],                                    <- OPTIONAL
        "grant_types": ["authorization_code"],                         <- OPTIONAL 
        "scope": ["openid"],                                           <- OPTIONAL
        "acr_values": ["basic"],                                       <- OPTIONAL
        "client_name": "",                                             <- OPTIONAL (But if missing, oxd will generate its own non-human readable name)
        "client_jwks_uri": "",                                         <- OPTIONAL
        "client_token_endpoint_auth_method": "",                       <- OPTIONAL
        "client_request_uris": [],                                     <- OPTIONAL
        "client_frontchannel_logout_uris": [],                                      <- OPTIONAL
        "client_sector_identifier_uri": [],                            <- OPTIONAL
        "contacts": [""],                              <- OPTIONAL
        "ui_locales": [],                                              <- OPTIONAL
        "claims_locales": [],                                          <- OPTIONAL
        "claims_redirect_uri": [],                                     <- OPTIONAL
        "client_id": "<client id of existing client>",                 <- OPTIONAL ignores all other parameters and skips new client registration forcing to use existing client (client_secret is required if this parameter is set)
        "client_secret": "<client secret of existing client>",         <- OPTIONAL must be used together with client_secret.
        "client_registration_access_token":"<access token of existing client>", <- OPTIONAL must be used together with client_id/client_secret
        "client_registration_client_uri":"<uri of existing client>",   <- OPTIONAL must be used together with client_id/client_secret
        "protection_access_token":"<access token of the client>"       <- OPTIONAL for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off/on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter        



Update Site#

The parameters used in Update Site are equivalent to those of Register Site but the operation is used when the parameters of an existing client registration need to be updated.

To learn about the parameters supported by this operation check the API page

A typical use case could be extending the lifetime of a client. When using dynamic registration in Gluu Server, the client is created with an expiration time (approximately one day by default). If your application is a long-running one, you may like to set a value further in the future. Here is an example of how to do so:


    "params": {
        "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",              <- REQUIRED
        "authorization_redirect_uri": "",<- OPTIONAL 
        "post_logout_redirect_uri": "",  <- OPTIONAL 
        "client_frontchannel_logout_uris":[""],   <- OPTIONAL
        "response_type":["code"],                                     <- OPTIONAL
        "grant_types":[],                                             <- OPTIONAL
        "scope": ["opeind", "profile"],                               <- OPTIONAL
        "acr_values": ["duo"],                                        <- OPTIONAL
        "client_name": "",                                            <- OPTIONAL
        "client_secret_expires_at":1335205592410,                     <- OPTIONAL can be used to extends client lifetime (milliseconds since 1970)
        "client_jwks_uri": "",                                        <- OPTIONAL
        "client_token_endpoint_auth_method": "",                      <- OPTIONAL
        "client_request_uris":[],                                     <- OPTIONAL
        "client_sector_identifier_uri":"",                            <- OPTIONAL
        "contacts":[""],                              <- OPTIONAL
        "ui_locales":[],                                              <- OPTIONAL
        "claims_locales":[],                                          <- OPTIONAL
        "protection_access_token":"<access token of the client>"      <- OPTIONAL for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off/on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter


    "data": {
        "oxd_id": "bcad760f-91ba-46e1-a020-05e4281d91b6"

Remove Site#


    "params": {
        "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF"              <- REQUIRED       


    "data": {
        "oxd_id": "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF"

Get Authorization URL#

Returns the URL at the OpenID Connect Provider to which your application must redirect the person to authorize the release of personal data (and perhaps be authenticated in the process if no previous session exists).

The response from the OpenID Connect Provider will include the code and state values, which should be used to subsequently obtain tokens.

To learn about the parameters supported by this operation check the API page

A working example can be found in the sample project: See method getAuthzUrl in class OxdService.


    "params": {
        "oxd_id": "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF", <- REQUIRED - obtained after registration
        "scope": ["openid"],                              <- OPTIONAL - default takes scopes that was registered during register_site command)
        "acr_values": ["duo"],                            <- OPTIONAL - default is basic
        "prompt": "login",                                <- OPTIONAL - skipped if no value specified or missed. prompt=login is required if you want to force alter current user session (in case user is already logged in from site1 and site2 construsts authorization request and want to force alter current user session)
        "custom_parameters": {                            <- OPTIONAL
        "protection_access_token":"<access token of the client>" <- OPTIONAL for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off / on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter



After redirecting to the above URL, the OpenID Connect Provider will return a response to the Authorization Redirect URI (parse out the code and state). It will look like this:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Get Tokens (ID & Access) by Code#

After authentication, the OpenID Connect Provider sends the user's browser back to the redirect_uri page with a couple of query parameters in the URL: code and state. Use those to issue a call to this API operation.

As a response, you will get an access token (not to be confused with the token of Get Client Token operation), as well as an ID Token. The former token is used to call Get User Info operation while the latter when calling Get Logout URI.

A working example can be found at sample project: See method GetTokensByCodeResponse in class OxdService.


    "params": {
        "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",          <- Required
        "code":"I6IjIifX0",                                       <- Required, code from OP redirect url (see example above)
        "state":"af0ifjsldkj",                                    <- Required
        "protection_access_token":"<access token of the client>"  <- Optional for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off/on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter


        "id_token":"eyJ0 ... NiJ9.eyJ1c ... I6IjIifX0.DeWt4Qu ... ZXso",
        "id_token_claims": {
             "iss": "",
             "sub": "24400320",
             "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
             "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
             "exp": 1311281970,
             "iat": 1311280970,
             "at_hash": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng"

Get Access Token by Refresh Token#

The access token obtained at Get Tokens by Code has an expiration time. If your application needs a new access token, simply provide the refresh_token that you received when the call to Get Tokens by Code was made.

To learn more about the input and output of this operation, check the API page.

Here is an example of the usage of this operation using standard oxd-server (not https):


    "params": {
        "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",          <- Required
        "refresh_token":"I6IjIifX0",                              <- Required, refresh_token from get_tokens_by_code command
        "scope":["openid","profile"],                             <- Optional. If not specified should grant access with scope provided in previous request
        "protection_access_token":"<access token of the client>"  <- Optional for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off/on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter



Get User Info#

Use this operation with the access token to obtain user claims (e.g. first name, last name, e-mail, etc.) about the authenticated end-user.

To learn more about the input and output of this operation, check the API page.

The set of claims in the response depends on the access privileges associated to the access token provided. This has to do with the scopes passed in Site Registration API operation.

A working example can be found at sample project: See method getUserInfo in class OxdService.


    "params": {
        "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",               <- REQUIRED
        "access_token":"SlAV32hkKG",                                   <- REQUIRED
        "protection_access_token":"<access token of the client>"       <- OPTIONAL for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off/on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter


            "sub": ["248289761001"],
            "name": ["Jane Doe"],
            "given_name": ["Jane"],
            "family_name": ["Doe"],
            "preferred_username": ["j.doe"],
            "email": [""],
            "picture": [""]

Get Logout URI#

Uses front-channel logout. A page is returned with iFrames, each of which contains the logout URL of the applications that have a session in that browser.

These iFrames should be loaded automatically, enabling each application to get a notification of logout, and to hopefully clean up any cookies in the person's browser. If the person blocks third-party cookies in their browser, front-channel logout will not work.

To learn more about the input and output of this operation check the API page.

A working example can be found at sample project: See method getLogoutUrl in class OxdService.


    "params": {
        "id_token_hint": "eyJ0 ... NiJ9.eyJ1c ... I6IjIifX0.DeWt4Qu ... ZXso",<- OPTIONAL (oxd server will use last used ID Token)
        "post_logout_redirect_uri": "<post logout redirect uri here>",        <- OPTIONAL
        "state": "<site state>",                                              <- OPTIONAL
        "session_state": "<session state>",                                   <- OPTIONAL
        "protection_access_token":"<access token of the client>"              <- OPTIONAL for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off/on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter


        "uri":"https://<server>/end_session?id_token_hint=<id token>&state=<state>&post_logout_redirect_uri=<...>"

UMA 2 Authorization#

UMA 2 is a profile of OAuth 2.0 that defines RESTful, JSON-based, standardized flows and constructs for coordinating the protection of APIs and web resources.

Using oxd, your application can delegate access management decisions, like who can access which resources, from what devices, to a central UMA Authorization Server (AS) like the Gluu AS.

UMA 2 Resource Server API's#

Your client, acting as an OAuth2 Resource Server, MUST:

  • Register a protected resource (with the uma_rs_protect command)
  • Intercept the HTTP call (before the actual REST resource call) and check the uma_rs_check_access command response to determine whether the requester is allowed to proceed or should be rejected:
    • Access granted: If the response from uma_rs_check_access is allowed or not_protected then the requested resource is served.
    • Access denied: If the response from uma_rs_check_access is denied then a 401 HTTP response is returned, with initial permission ticket obtain from Authorisation Server(AS) as parameter.
  • client must have client_credenitals grant type. It's required for correct PAT obtaining.

The uma_rs_check_access operation checks access using the "or" rule when evaluating scopes.

For example, a resource like /photo protected with scopes read, all (by uma_rs_protect command) assumes that if either read or all is present access is granted.

If the "and" rule is preferred it can be achieved by adding an additional scope, for example:

Resource1 scopes: read, write (follors the "or" rule).

Resource2 scopes: read_write (and associate read and write policies with the read_write scope)

If access is not granted then an unauthorized HTTP code and registered ticket are returned, for example:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: UMA realm="example",

The uma_rs_check_access returns denied then returns back an HTTP response:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Warning: 199 - "UMA Authorization Server Unreachable"

UMA RS Protect Resources#

It's important to have a single HTTP method mentioned only one time within a given path in JSON, otherwise the operation will fail. send method is used for protecting resources with the Resource Server. The Resource Server is needed to construct the command which will protect the resource. The command will contain an API path, HTTP methods (POST, GET and PUT) and scopes. Scopes can be mapped with authorization policy (uma_rpt_policies). If no authorization policy is mapped, uma_rs_check_access method will always return access as granted. For more information about uma_rpt_policies you can reference this document.


    "params": {
        "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",   <- REQUIRED
        "resources":[        <-  REQUIRED
                        "httpMethods":["PUT", "POST"],
        "protection_access_token":"<access token of the client>"      <- OPTIONAL for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off / on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter

Request with scope_expression. scope_expression is a Gluu-invented extension that allows a JsonLogic expression instead of a single list of scopes. Read more about scope_expression here.

  "command": "uma_rs_protect",
  "params": {
    "oxd_id": "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",  <-REQUIRED
    "resources": [  <-  REQUIRED
        "path": "/photo",
        "conditions": [
            "httpMethods": [
            "scope_expression": {
              "rule": {
                "and": [
                    "or": [
                        "var": 0
                        "var": 1
                    "var": 2
              "data": [
            "httpMethods": [
            "scope_expression": {
              "rule": {
                "and": [
                    "or": [
                        "var": 0
                        "var": 1
                    "var": 2
              "data": [
    "protection_access_token": "<access token of the client>"   <-OPTIONAL for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off / on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter   


    "data": {
        "oxd_id": "bcad760f-91ba-46e1-a020-05e4281d91b6"

UMA RS Check Access#

send method is used in the UMA Resource Server to check the access to the resource.


    "params": {
        "rpt":"eyJ0 ... NiJ9.eyJ1c ... I6IjIifX0.DeWt4Qu ... ZXso",    <-- REQUIRED - RPT or blank value if not sent by RP
        "path":"<path of resource>",                                   <-- REQUIRED - Resource Path (e.g., /phones should be passed
        "http_method":"<http method of RP request>",                   <-- REQUIRED - HTTP method of RP request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
        "protection_access_token":"<access token of the client>"       <-- OPTIONAL for `oxd-server` but REQUIRED for `oxd-https-extension`. You can switch off/on protection by `oxd-server`'s `protect_commands_with_access_token` configuration parameter

Sample of RP Request:

GET /users/alice/album/photo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer vF9dft4qmT


rpt: 'vF9dft4qmT'
path: /users/alice/album/photo
http_method: GET

Access Granted Response:


Access Denied with Ticket Response:

        "www-authenticate_header":"UMA realm=\"example\",

Access Denied without Ticket Response:


Resource is not Protected Error Response:

        "error_description":"Resource is not protected. Please protect your resource first with uma_rs_protect command."

UMA 2 Introspect RPT#


    "params": {
        "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",         <- REQUIRED
        "rpt": "016f84e8-f9b9-11e0-bd6f-0021cc6004de"            <- REQUIRED

Success Response:


UMA 2 Client API's#

If your application is calling UMA 2 protected resources, use these APIs to obtain an RPT token.


The method send is called in order to obtain the RPT (Requesting Party Token).


    "params": {
         "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",   <- REQUIRED
         "ticket": "016f84e8-f9b9-11e0-bd6f-0021cc6004de",  <- REQUIRED
         "claim_token": "eyj0f9b9...",                      <- OPTIONAL
         "claim_token_format": "",  <- OPTIONAL, but REQUIRED if claims_token is specified
         "pct": "c2F2ZWRjb25zZW50",                         <- OPTIONAL
         "rpt": "SSJHBSUSSJHVhjsgvhsgvshgsv",               <- OPTIONAL
         "scope":["read"],                                  <- OPTIONAL
         "state": "af0ifjsldkj",                            <- OPTIONAL state that is returned from uma_rp_get_claims_gathering_url command
         "protection_access_token": "ejt3425"               <- OPTIONAL, but REQUIRED if oxd-https-extension is used

Success Response:


Needs Info Error Response:

         "error_description":"The authorization server needs additional information in order to determine whether the client is authorized to have these permissions.",
         "details": {  

Invalid Ticket Error Response:

        "error_description":"Ticket is not valid (outdated or not present on Authorization Server)."

Internal oxd-server Error Response:

        "error_description":"oxd server failed to handle command. Please check logs for details."

UMA RP - Get Claims-Gathering URL#

ticket parameter for this command MUST be newest, in 90% cases it is from need_info error.


    "params": {
        "oxd_id":"6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",         <- REQUIRED
        "ticket": "016f84e8-f9b9-11e0-bd6f-0021cc6004de",        <- REQUIRED
        "claims_redirect_uri":"",   <- REQUIRED
        "protection_access_token": "ejt3425"                     <- OPTIONAL, but REQUIRED if oxd-https-extension is used

Success Response:


After being redirected to the Claims Gathering URL, the user goes through the claims gathering flow. If successful, the user is redirected back to claims_redirect_uri with a new ticket which should be provided with the next uma_rp_get_rpt call.

Example of Response:
