Sign In
You can sign into the Agama Lab using your GitHub account(recommended) or using your email ID. If you haven’t registered your email ID before, then the registration form will get you started. The registration process is not required if signing in using the GitHub.

Sign up

Need For GitHub Account
Agama Lab uses GitHub repositories to store and manage the assets of your Agama project. To do this, the sections such as the Flow Designer and the Policy Designer will need you to link your GitHub account. If you have signed into Agama Lab using an email ID and not a GitHub account, you’ll be asked to link a GitHub account when you access these sections.

Using GitHub repository to store Agama projects has couple of more advantages:
- Allows the developer to implement pull-request based code review process
- Leverage the GitHub Actions to automate further and make Agama project a part of the CI-CD pipeline