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Configuration (oxd-server.yml)#

oxd configuration is located at /opt/oxd-server/conf/oxd-server.yml inside Gluu Server chroot. It consists of three major parts:

  • server configuration - oxd specific configuration
  • defaultSiteConfig - fallback configuration values for the OpenID Connect /register-site command. Learn more on the oxd API page
  • Everything else that is inside comes from the Dropwizard framework. For a complete list of server-related parameters, click here

Here we will explain server configuration and defaultSiteConfig. Dropwizard configuration parameters can be checked in the Dropwizard configuration documentation.

The content of the /opt/oxd-server/conf/oxd-server.yml file is as follows:


# server configuration
use_client_authentication_for_pat: true
trust_all_certs: true
trust_store_path: ''
trust_store_password: ''
crypt_provider_key_store_path: ''
crypt_provider_key_store_password: ''
crypt_provider_dn_name: ''
support-google-logout: true
state_expiration_in_minutes: 5
nonce_expiration_in_minutes: 5
public_op_key_cache_expiration_in_minutes: 60
protect_commands_with_access_token: true
uma2_auto_register_claims_gathering_endpoint_as_redirect_uri_of_client: true
add_client_credentials_grant_type_automatically_during_client_registration: true
migration_source_folder_path: ''
allowed_op_hosts: []
storage: h2
  dbFileLocation: /opt/oxd-server/data/oxd_db

# Dropwizard configurations
# Connectors
    - type: https
      port: 8443
      keyStorePath: /opt/oxd-server/conf/oxd-server.keystore
      keyStorePassword: example
      validateCerts: false
    - type: https
      port: 8444
      keyStorePath: /opt/oxd-server/conf/oxd-server.keystore
      keyStorePassword: example
      validateCerts: false

# Logging settings.

  # The default level of all loggers. Can be OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, or ALL.
  level: INFO

  # Logger-specific levels.
    org.gluu: TRACE
    org.xdi: TRACE

# Logback's Time Based Rolling Policy - archivedLogFilenamePattern: /tmp/application-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.gz
# Logback's Size and Time Based Rolling Policy -  archivedLogFilenamePattern: /tmp/application-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.log.gz
# Logback's Fixed Window Rolling Policy -  archivedLogFilenamePattern: /tmp/application-%i.log.gz

    - type: console
    - type: file
      threshold: INFO
      logFormat: "%-6level [%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS}] [%t] %logger{5} - %X{code} %msg %n"
      currentLogFilename: /var/log/oxd-server/oxd-server.log
      archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/oxd-server/oxd-server-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.log.gz
      archivedFileCount: 7
      timeZone: UTC
      maxFileSize: 10MB

  op_host: ''
  op_discovery_path: ''
  response_types: ['code']
  grant_type: ['authorization_code']
  acr_values: ['']
  scope: ['openid', 'profile', 'email']
  ui_locales: ['en']
  claims_locales: ['en']
  contacts: []
  redirect_uris: []
  logout_redirect_uris: []
  client_name: ''
  client_jwks_uri: ''
  token_endpoint_auth_method: ''
  token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg: ''
  request_uris: []
  front_channel_logout_uris: []
  sector_identifier_uri: ''
  claims_redirect_uri: []
  client_id: ''
  client_secret: ''
  trusted_client: false
  access_token_as_jwt: false
  access_token_signing_alg: ''
  rpt_as_jwt: false
  logo_uri: ''
  client_uri: ''
  policy_uri: ''
  front_channel_logout_session_required: false
  tos_uri: ''
  jwks: ''
  id_token_binding_cnf: ''
  tls_client_auth_subject_dn: ''
  run_introspection_script_beforeaccess_token_as_jwt_creation_and_include_claims: false
  id_token_signed_response_alg: ''
  id_token_encrypted_response_alg: ''
  id_token_encrypted_response_enc: ''
  user_info_signed_response_alg: ''
  user_info_encrypted_response_alg: ''
  user_info_encrypted_response_enc: ''
  request_object_signing_alg: ''
  request_object_encryption_alg: ''
  request_object_encryption_enc: ''
  default_max_age: null
  require_auth_time: false
  initiate_login_uri: ''
  authorized_origins: []
  access_token_lifetime: null
  software_id: ''
  software_version: ''
  software_statement: ''
  custom_attributes: {}

Server configuration fields descriptions#

  • use_client_authentication_for_pat: If set to true, client authentication is required. If false, user authentication requires user_id and user_secret to be specified during the register_site command

  • trust_all_certs: true to trust all certificates, if false then trust_store_path must be specified to store with valid certificates

  • trust_store_path: Path to Java .jks trust store to be used for an SSL connections

  • trust_store_password: Password to access the trust store

  • crypt_provider_key_store_path: Path to the cryptologic service provider's key store

  • crypt_provider_key_store_password: Password to access the cryptologic service provider's key store

  • crypt_provider_dn_name: Cryptologic service provider's domain name

  • support-google-logout: Choose whether to support Google logout or not. Only use this if you are using Google as your OP

  • state_expiration_in_minutes: Expiration time of state parameter in minutes

  • nonce_expiration_in_minutes: Expiration time of nonce parameter in minutes

  • public_op_key_cache_expiration_in_minutes: OP keys are put into cache after fetching. This value controls how long to keep it in cache (after expiration on first attempt keys are fetched again from OP)

  • protect_commands_with_access_token: In order to protect communication between oxd-server and the client application (RP) this value MUST be set to true.

  • uma2_auto_register_claims_gathering_endpoint_as_redirect_uri_of_client: Notifies the oxd-server whether to automatically register the Claims Gathering Endpoint as the claims_redirect_uri for a given client. It is useful for UMA 2 clients that wish to force authorization against the Gluu Server. To provide custom claims_redirect_uri, set this property to false

  • add_client_credentials_grant_type_automatically_during_client_registration: If set to true then client_credentials grant type is automatically added to clients registered by oxd. If false, then client_credentials will not be automatically added to clients, but user can still add this grant type while registering clients in AS.

  • migration_source_folder_path: Migration from previous versions is built into the oxd-server. To migrate old JSON files from previous versions, specify the path to folder/directory that contains those JSON files in this property. Those files will be read and imported once (during restart oxd-server, will not import them again). If using Windows OS, don't forget to escape the path separator, e.g. C:\\OXD_OLD\\oxd-server\\conf

  • allowed_op_hosts: Array containing a list of the op_host urls. oxd can only access the op_hosts from this list and all other calls (to IDPs not present in this list ) will be rejected. If the list is empty then oxd is allowed to access any OpenID Connect Provider.

  • storage: This value can be either h2 or redis.

  • storage_configuration: Storage configuration details of the storage set in storage field. For more details check H2 and Redis configuration page.

Redis storage configuration sample:

    host: localhost
    port: 6379  

H2 storage configuration sample:

      dbFileLocation: /opt/oxd-server/data/oxd_db    

defaultSiteConfig Field Descriptions#

  • op_host: Provide the URL of your OpenID Provider (OP). (Example : "op_host":"")

  • op_discovery_path: Path to the OpenID Connect Provider's discovery document. For example, if it is then the path is blank . But if it is then the path is /oxauth

  • logout_redirect_uris: Provide the URLs supplied by the RP to request that the user be redirected to this location after a logout has been performed.

  • redirect_uris: Provide the list of redirection URIs. The first URL is where the user will be redirected after successful authorization at the OpenID Connect Provider (OP).

  • response_types: JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_type values that the site is declaring that it will restrict itself to using

  • grant_type: JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 Grant Types that the Client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using

  • acr_values: Preferred authentication method the client will receive from the OP (e.g. basic, Duo, U2F). The specified acr value must be enabled at the OP. If no value is specified, the client will receive the default authentication mechanism specified by the OP. Learn more about how Gluu Server uses acr's in the docs.

  • scope: JSON array containing a list of the scopes that the Client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using

  • ui_locales: End-User's preferred languages and scripts for the user interface, represented as a space-separated list of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values, ordered by preference

  • claims_locales: End-User's preferred languages and scripts for Claims being returned, represented as a space-separated list of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values, ordered by preference

  • contacts: Array of e-mail addresses for people responsible for this client

  • client_name: Provide name of the client registered in OpenID Connect Provider

  • client_jwks_uri: Provide the URL for the Client’s JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document containing key(s) that are used for signing requests to the OP. The JWK Set may also contain the Client’s encryption keys(s) that are used by the OP to encrypt the responses to the Client. When both signing and encryption keys are made available, a use (Key Use) parameter value is required for all keys in the document to indicate each key’s intended usage

  • token_endpoint_auth_method: Provide the requested authentication method for the Token Endpoint. Valid values are none, client_secret_basic, client_secret_post, client_secret_jwt, private_key_jwt, access_token, tls_client_auth, self_signed_tls_client_auth

  • token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg: Provide the Requested Client Authentication method for the Token Endpoint. Valid values are none, HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, PS256, PS384, PS512

  • request_uris: JSON array of request_uri values that are pre-registered by the Client for use at the Authorization Server

  • front_channel_logout_uris: JSON array of frontchannel logout uris.

  • sector_identifier_uri: Provide the URL using the https scheme to be used in calculating Pseudonymous Identifiers by the OP. The URL references a file with a single JSON array of redirect_uri values

  • claims_redirect_uri: JSON array of claims redirect uris

  • client_id: Provide the client id of existing client, ignores all other parameters and skips new client registration forcing to use existing client (client_secret is required if this parameter is set)

  • client_secret: Provide the client secret of existing client, must be used together with client_id

  • trusted_client: Specifies whether client is trusted. Default value is false

  • access_token_as_jwt: Specifies whether access_token should be return as JWT or not. Default value is false

  • access_token_signing_alg: Provide signing algorithm used for JWT signing. Valid values are none, HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, PS256, PS384, PS512

  • rpt_as_jwt: Specifies whether RPT should be return as JWT or not. Default value is false

  • logo_uri: Provide an URL that references a logo for the Client application

  • client_uri: Provide an URL of the home page of the Client

  • policy_uri: Provide an URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about the how the profile data will be used

  • front_channel_logout_session_required: Specifies if front channel logout session required. Default value is false

  • tos_uri: Specifies an URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about the Relying Party’s terms

  • jwks: Client’s JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document, passed by value. The semantics of the jwks parameter are the same as the jwks_uri parameter, other than that the JWK Set is passed by value, rather than by reference. This parameter is intended only to be used by Clients that, for some reason, are unable to use the jwks_uri parameter, for instance, by native applications that might not have a location to host the contents of the JWK Set. If a Client can use jwks_uri, it must not use jwks. One significant downside of jwks is that it does not enable key rotation. The jwks_uri and jwks parameters must not be used together

  • id_token_binding_cnf: Specifies Token Binding of ID Tokens

  • tls_client_auth_subject_dn: Specifies tls_client_auth_subject_dn, which the OAuth client will use in mutual-TLS authentication

  • run_introspection_script_beforeaccess_token_as_jwt_creation_and_include_claims: Choose to run introspection script before access_token_as_jwt creation and include claims. Default value is false

  • id_token_signed_response_alg: Choose the JWS alg algorithm (JWA) required for the ID Token issued to this client_id. Valid values are none, HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, PS256, PS384, PS512

  • id_token_encrypted_response_alg: Choose the JWE alg algorithm (JWA) required for encrypting the ID Token issued to this client_id. Valid values are RSA1_5, RSA-OAEP, A128KW, A256KW

  • id_token_encrypted_response_enc: Choose the JWE enc algorithm (JWA) required for symmetric encryption of the ID Token issued to this client_id. Valid values are A128CBC+HS256, A256CBC+HS512, A128GCM, A256GCM

  • user_info_signed_response_alg: Choose the JWS alg algorithm (JWA) required for UserInfo responses. Valid values are none, HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, PS256, PS384, PS512

  • user_info_encrypted_response_alg: Choose the JWE alg algorithm (JWA) required for encrypting UserInfo responses. Valid values are RSA1_5, RSA_OAEP, A128KW, A256KW

  • user_info_encrypted_response_enc: Choose the JWE enc algorithm (JWA) required for symmetric encryption of UserInfo responses. Valid values are A128CBC+HS256, A256CBC+HS512, A128GCM, A256GCM

  • request_object_signing_alg: Choose the JWS alg algorithm (JWA) that must be required by the Authorization Server. Valid values are none, HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, PS256, PS384, PS512

  • request_object_encryption_alg: Choose the JWE alg algorithm (JWA) the RP is declaring that it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP. Valid values are RSA1_5, RSA_OAEP, A128KW, A256KW

  • request_object_encryption_enc: Choose the JWE enc algorithm (JWA) the RP is declaring that it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP. Valid values are A128CBC+HS256, A256CBC+HS512, A128GCM, A256GCM

  • default_max_age: Provide the Default Maximum Authentication Age (in Integer)

  • require_auth_time: Specifies the Boolean value specifying whether the auth_time claim in the id_token is required. It is required when the value is true. The auth_time claim request in the request object overrides this setting

  • initiate_login_uri: Provide the URI using the https scheme that the authorization server can call to initiate a login at the client

  • authorized_origins: JSON array of authorized JavaScript origins example: List [ "beem://", "fb://app.local.url" ]

  • access_token_lifetime: Provide the Client-specific access token expiration (in Integer)

  • software_id: Provide a unique identifier string (UUID) assigned by the client developer or software publisher used by registration endpoints to identify the client software to be dynamically registered

  • software_version: Provide a version identifier string for the client software identified by software_id. The value of the software_version should change on any update to the client software identified by the same software_id

  • software_statement: Provide a software statement containing client metadata values about the client software as claims. This is a string value containing the entire signed JWT

  • custom_attributes: Json object to provide custom attribute to registration client