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To install the gem, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'oxd-ruby', '~> 1.0.1'

Run bundle command to install it:

$ bundle install


oxd-Ruby uses a configuration file to specify information needed to configure your OpenID Connect client. After you installed oxd-Ruby, you need to run the generator command to generate the configuration file:

$ rails generate oxd:config

The generator will install oxd_config.rb initializer file in config/initializers directory which conatins all the global configuration options for oxd-Ruby plugin. The generated configuration file looks like this:

Oxd.configure do |config|
  config.oxd_host_ip                       = ''
  config.oxd_host_port                     = 8099
  config.op_host                           = ""
  config.client_id                         = ""
  config.client_secret                     = ""
  config.client_name                       = "Gluu oxd Sample Client"
  config.op_discovery_path                 = ""
  config.authorization_redirect_uri        = ""
  config.post_logout_redirect_uri          = ""
  config.claims_redirect_uri               = [""]
  config.scope                             = ["openid","profile", "email", "uma_protection","uma_authorization"]
  config.grant_types                       = ["authorization_code","client_credenitals"]
  config.application_type                  = "web"
  config.response_types                    = ["code"]
  config.acr_values                        = ["basic"]
  config.client_jwks_uri                   = ""
  config.client_token_endpoint_auth_method = ""
  config.client_request_uris               = []
  config.contacts                          = [""]
  config.client_frontchannel_logout_uris   = ['']
  config.connection_type                   = "local"
  config.dynamic_registration              = true

oxd-Ruby can communicate with the oxd server via sockets or HTTPS. There is no difference in code--just toggle the config.connection_type configuration property from local to web when you need to use oxd-https-extension. Sockets are used when the oxd server is running locally.

Below are minimal configuration examples for sockets and HTTPS transport.


The client hostname should be a valid hostname (FQDN), not a localhost or an IP Address

Sample Code#


The plugin requires editing the application_controller.rb file to include the following snippet.

require 'oxd-ruby'
before_filter :set_oxd_commands_instance

    def set_oxd_commands_instance
      @oxd_command =
      @uma_command =
      @oxdConfig = @oxd_command.oxdConfig

Setup Client#

This step is necessary only for sites using oxd-https-extension. The sites using oxd-server via sockets can skip setup_client and directly register the app using register_site


Get Client Token#

After setting up site, the client should get a protection token. This token will be cached by oxd-Ruby as protection_access_token in the config file and passed on to the HTTPS extension as an Authentication header for each request.

access_token = @oxd_command.get_client_token

Introspect Access Token#

The introspect_access_token method is used to gain information about the access_token generated from get_client_token method.


Register Site#


Get Authorization URL#

authorization_url = @oxd_command.get_authorization_url

Get Tokens By Code#

@access_token = @oxd_command.get_tokens_by_code(code, state)

Get User Info#

user_claims = @oxd_command.get_user_info(@access_token)

print user_claims['username']
print user_claims['website']

Get Logout URI#

# redirect the user to this URL for logout
logout_url = @oxd_command.get_logout_uri(state, session_state)

Update Site#

@oxdConfig.scope = ['openid','profile','uma_protection']
@oxdConfig.contacts = [""]

status = @oxd_command.update_site

Remove Site#


UMA RS Protect#

Request with scopes:

# define the resource
condition1 = {
      :httpMethods => ["GET"],
      :scopes => [""]
@uma_command.uma_add_resource("/photoz", condition)
response = @uma_command.uma_rs_protect # Register above resources with UMA RS

Request with scope_expression. scope_expression is a Gluu-invented extension which can use JsonLogic expressions instead of a single list of scopes.

condition = {
  :httpMethods => ["GET"],
  :scope_expression => {
    :rule => { 
      :and => [
          :or => [{:var => 0}, {:var => 1}]
        {:var => 2}
    :data => [
@uma_command.uma_add_resource("/photoz", condition)
response = @uma_command.uma_rs_protect # Register above resources with UMA RS

UMA RS Check Access#

path = '/photoz'
http_method = 'GET'

@uma_command.uma_rs_check_access(path, http_method)

Introspect RPT#

introspect_rpt method is used to gain information about obtained RPT



@uma_command.uma_rp_get_rpt( claim_token: claim_token, claim_token_format: claim_token_format, pct: pct, rpt: rpt, scope: scope, state: state )

UMA RP Get Claims Gathering URL#

claims_redirect_uri = '' # Required parameter


oxd-ruby contains rspec tests for Behaviour Driven Development.

  • Rspec Tests can be found in spec directory and can be run using rspec command.

Make sure you have set up OpenID provider and oxd-server before running specs.


Please report technical issues and suspected bugs on our Support Page.