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To install the gem, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'oxd-ruby', '~> 1.0.1'

Run bundle command to install it:

$ bundle install


oxd-Ruby uses a configuration file to specify information needed to configure your OpenID Connect client. After you installed oxd-Ruby, you need to run the generator command to generate the configuration file:

$ rails generate oxd:config

The generator will install oxd_config.rb initializer file in config/initializers directory which conatins all the global configuration options for oxd-Ruby plugin. The generated configuration file looks like this:

Oxd.configure do |config|
  config.oxd_host_ip                       = ''
  config.oxd_host_port                     = 8099
  config.op_host                           = ""
  config.client_id                         = ""
  config.client_secret                     = ""
  config.client_name                       = "Gluu oxd Sample Client"
  config.op_discovery_path                 = ""
  config.authorization_redirect_uri        = ""
  config.post_logout_redirect_uri          = ""
  config.claims_redirect_uri               = [""]
  config.scope                             = ["openid","profile", "email", "uma_protection","uma_authorization"]
  config.grant_types                       = ["authorization_code","client_credenitals"]
  config.application_type                  = "web"
  config.response_types                    = ["code"]
  config.acr_values                        = ["basic"]
  config.client_jwks_uri                   = ""
  config.client_token_endpoint_auth_method = ""
  config.client_request_uris               = []
  config.contacts                          = [""]
  config.client_frontchannel_logout_uris   = ['']
  config.connection_type                   = "local"
  config.dynamic_registration              = true

oxd-Ruby can communicate with the oxd server via sockets or HTTPS. There is no difference in code--just toggle the config.connection_type configuration property from local to web when you need to use oxd-https-extension. Sockets are used when the oxd server is running locally.

Below are minimal configuration examples for sockets and HTTPS transport.


The client hostname should be a valid hostname (FQDN), not a localhost or an IP Address

Sample Code#


The plugin requires editing the application_controller.rb file to include the following snippet.

require 'oxd-ruby'
before_filter :set_oxd_commands_instance

    def set_oxd_commands_instance
      @oxd_command =
      @uma_command =
      @oxdConfig = @oxd_command.oxdConfig

Setup Client#

This step is necessary only for sites using oxd-https-extension. The sites using oxd-server via sockets can skip setup_client and directly register the app using register_site


Get Client Token#

After setting up site, the client should get a protection token. This token will be cached by oxd-Ruby as protection_access_token in the config file and passed on to the HTTPS extension as an Authentication header for each request.

access_token = @oxd_command.get_client_token

Introspect Access Token#

The introspect_access_token method is used to gain information about the access_token generated from get_client_token method.


Register Site#


Get Authorization URL#

authorization_url = @oxd_command.get_authorization_url

Get Tokens By Code#

@access_token = @oxd_command.get_tokens_by_code(code, state)

Get User Info#

user_claims = @oxd_command.get_user_info(@access_token)

print user_claims['username']
print user_claims['website']

Get Logout URI#

# redirect the user to this URL for logout
logout_url = @oxd_command.get_logout_uri(state, session_state)

Update Site#

@oxdConfig.scope = ['openid','profile','uma_protection']
@oxdConfig.contacts = [""]

status = @oxd_command.update_site

Remove Site#


UMA RS Protect#

Request with scopes:

# define the resource
condition1 = {
      :httpMethods => ["GET"],
      :scopes => [""]
@uma_command.uma_add_resource("/photoz", condition)
response = @uma_command.uma_rs_protect # Register above resources with UMA RS

Request with scope_expression. scope_expression is a Gluu-invented extension which can use JsonLogic expressions instead of a single list of scopes.

condition = {
  :httpMethods => ["GET"],
  :scope_expression => {
    :rule => { 
      :and => [
          :or => [{:var => 0}, {:var => 1}]
        {:var => 2}
    :data => [
@uma_command.uma_add_resource("/photoz", condition)
response = @uma_command.uma_rs_protect # Register above resources with UMA RS

UMA RS Check Access#

path = '/photoz'
http_method = 'GET'

@uma_command.uma_rs_check_access(path, http_method)

Introspect RPT#

introspect_rpt method is used to gain information about obtained RPT



@uma_command.uma_rp_get_rpt( claim_token: claim_token, claim_token_format: claim_token_format, pct: pct, rpt: rpt, scope: scope, state: state )

UMA RP Get Claims Gathering URL#

claims_redirect_uri = '' # Required parameter


oxd-ruby contains rspec tests for Behaviour Driven Development.

  • Rspec Tests can be found in spec directory and can be run using rspec command.

Make sure you have set up OpenID provider and oxd-server before running specs.


Please report technical issues and suspected bugs on our Support Page. You can use the same credentials you created to register your oxd license to sign in on Gluu support.