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The oxd-https-extension is a RESTful, Jetty-based server that accepts HTTPS calls and redirects them to the oxd-server. If you want to connect apps to your oxd server via HTTPS, you can simply start the oxd-https-extension after deploying, configuring and starting your oxd-server.

Start oxd-https-extension#

Install the oxd package as described here.

After the oxd package is successfully installed, and the oxd-server has been configured and started, start the oxd-https-extension service by executing the following command:

/etc/init.d/oxd-https-extension start

To stop the oxd-https-extension, run:

/etc/init.d/oxd-https-extension stop

After starting oxd-https-extension, move on to configuration.

Manual Installation#

For manual installation oxd-server and oxd-https-extension have to be installed separately.

Install oxd-server manually as described here.

Install oxd-https-extension following these steps:

  • Download oxd-https-extension jar file from maven repo
  • Configure the server in oxd-https.yml file in the same directory. Configuration explained here
  • Make sure oxd-https.keystore file exists and properly referenced in oxd-https.yml file.
  • Run the application with following command:
java -jar oxd-https-extension-3.1.3.Final.jar server oxd-https.yml