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Change IP Address of existing Gluu CE Server#

If your IP changes after initial setup, you need to change your Gluu Server's configuration.

  1. Start the Gluu Server
  2. Log into Gluu Server Chroot container
  3. Update the Apache Configuration
    • Navigate to /etc/apache2/sites-available
    • Open https_gluu.conf in a text editor
    • Change the IP address
    • Restart Apache2 with service httpd restart
  4. Update the LDAP Configuration
    • Open the LDAP in an LDAP editor or browser
    • Update 'gluuIpAddress', under the root ou=appliances DN
  5. Change the IP address in /etc/hosts file
  6. Restart Solserver with service solserver restart
  7. Restart Apache2 with service httpd restart
  8. Restart the IDP if you have Shibboleth installed
  9. Restart Identity with service identity stop and service identity start
  10. Restart oxAuth with service oxauth stop and service oxauth start
  11. Test