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Gluu API References#


The Gluu Server comes with a variety of APIs to help handle administration and configuration.

Swagger documentation for Gluu Services can be accessed through the following links:

Additional Information#


SCIM requires some additional configuration to get started.

To enable SCIM open the oxTrust administration interface and navigate to Organization Configuration > System Configuration. Find SCIM Support and select Enabled.


Then enable the protection mode you want for your API, see details here.

SCIM Resource types#

The following resources are supported:

Resource Schema URI Notes
User urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User See section 4.1 of RFC 7643
Group urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group See section 4.2 of RFC 7643
Fido u2f devices urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:FidoDevice Represents a fido u2f credential enrolled by a user
Fido 2.0 devices urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Fido2Device Represents a fido 2.0 credential enrolled by a user

Additionally the following resource extensions are defined:

Resource Schema URI Attributes
User urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:gluu:2.0:User Attributes can be assigned dynamically via oxTrust

In this section we provide a conformance matrix where you can see which features from the spec are supported by Gluu implementation.

To learn about the specific capabilities of the service, inspect your /ServiceProvider, /ResourceTypes, and /Schemas endpoints (see below). These endpoints are not protected so you can use a web browser to check.


Unless otherwise stated, all endpoints are protected via UMA 2.0 or test mode. All payloads sent to endpoints using POST or PUT should be supplied using Content-Type: application/scim+json or application/json, and using UTF-8 encoding. Liwewise, output is sent from server in UTF-8.

SCIM Conformance matrix#

The following table lists characteristics of SCIM protocol (see section 3 of RFC 7644) and correlates the level of support and conformance provided by Gluu Server implementation.

Characteristic Compliance Available via methods Notes on support
Resource creation Full POST Creation of Fido Devices not applicable
Resource retrieval by identifier Full GET
Resource(s) retrieval by query Full GET and POST Supports searches from root endpoint too. Complex multi-valued attributes not supported in sortBy param
Resource attributes replacement Partial PUT To avoid clients to accidentally clear data, only attributes found in payload are modified. No need to pass the whole resource nor required attributes
Resource attributes modification Full PATCH All types of operations supported (add/remove/replace) for user and group resources
Resource removal Full DELETE
Bulk operations Full POST Circular reference processing not supported. bulkIds can be used not only in "data" attribute of operations but in "path" too
Returned attributes control Full GET, POST, PUT, PATCH Supports attributes/excludedAttributes params and attribute notation (sections 3.9/3.10)
"/me" URI alias - - Not applicable: operations actually not executed on a user's behalf or other SCIM resource
Resource versioning - - Feature may be available upon explicit customer demand


If you are using Couchbase as your DB for Gluu, please also review our list of SCIM Considerations when using CB.