Manual upgrade from or to 3.0.2 with OpenDJ#
This guide explains how to upgrade the Gluu Server (SP 2) or (SP 3) to 3.0.2 and keep OpenDJ in the server. This guide assumes an Ubuntu operating system. For other operating systems some commands may change.
Upgrade Process#
Note: "x" represents the version (sp2/sp3)
1. Install 2.4.4 SP2/SP3
2. Log into CE 2.4.4 SP2/SP3 and install it
service gluu-server-2.4.4.x start
service gluu-server-2.4.4.x login
cd /install/community-edition-setup/
service gluu-server-2.4.4.x stop
/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f gluu-server-2.4.4.x disable
For CentOS6.x: - Disable 'gluuserver-2.4.4.x' from startup:
chkconfig gluu-server-2.4.4.x off
- Check the status of service in init:chkconfig --list | grep gluu-server-2.4.4.x
5. Install 3.0.2 rpm/deb, do not run setup script.
6. Backup OpenDJ,, salt from 2.4.4 SP2/SP3 and copy it into 3.0.2
cd /opt/gluu-server-2.4.4.x/opt
tar -czf opendj.tar.gz opendj
cp opendj.tar.gz /opt/gluu-server-3.0.2/opt/
cp /opt/gluu-server-2.4.4.x/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.65/conf/ /opt/gluu-server-3.0.2/tmp
cp /opt/gluu-server-2.4.4.x/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.65/conf/salt /opt/gluu-server-3.0.2/tmp
service gluu-server-3.0.2 start
service gluu-server-3.0.2 login
cd /install/community-edition-setup/
9. Stop OpenLDAP and all installed services
service oxauth stop
service identity stop
service solserver stop
/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f solserver disable
For CentOS6.x - Disable in startup:
chkconfig solserver off
- Check the status in init:chkconfig --list | grep solserver
11. Restore OpenDJ from 2.4.4 SP2/SP3
cd /opendj
rm -rf opendj
tar -xzf opendj.tar.gz
chown -R ldap:ldap opendj
/bin/su ldap -c "export OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME=/opt/jre; /opt/opendj/bin/dsjavaproperties"
For CentOS6.x: Perform below operations are user 'ldap'
Add jre location in '' ( location: /opt/opendj/config ):
Run command:
export OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME=/opt/jre
Run command:
13. Create OpenDJ init script
export OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME=/opt/jre; /opt/opendj/bin/create-rc-script --outputFile /etc/init.d/opendj --userName ldap
/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f opendj enable
For CentOS6.x:
As root, run command:
export OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME=/opt/jre; /opt/opendj/bin/create-rc-script --outputFile /etc/init.d/opendj --userName ldap
Add OpenDJ service in startup:
chkconfig opendj on
Check the status of OpenDJ service:
chkconfig --list | grep opendj
14. Update LDAP schema
cp -f /install/community-edition-setup/static/opendj/deprecated/101-ox.ldif /opt/opendj/config/schema/
. It's defined in /opt/opendj/config/schema/77-customAttributes.ldif
We need to add into it definition custom attributes from 2.4.4 SP2/SP3 /opt/opendj/config/schema/100-user.ldif
. Old custom attributes objectClass
is based on orgInum
. Example: ox-6657268F7461C8CE000150DA8011-oid
16. Start OpenDJ
service opendj start
17. Verify startup messages in OpenDJ logs: /opt/opendj/logs/server.out and /opt/opendj/logs/errors
18. Restore and salt from CE 2.4.4 SP2/SP3
cd /etc/gluu/conf
mv salt salt.3.0.2
mv /tmp/ .
mv /tmp/salt .
chown -R root:gluu /etc/gluu/conf
service oxauth start
service identity start
20. Verify if installed services are up
21. Update oxTrust JSON configuration
- We need to update personObjectClassTypes
, personObjectClassDisplayNames
and personCustomObjectClass
In 3.0.2 these properties have next default values:
personObjectClassTypes = gluuCustomPerson, gluuPerson, eduPerson
personObjectClassDisplayNames = gluuCustomPerson, gluuPerson, eduPerson
personCustomObjectClass = gluuCustomPerson
, velocityLog
In 3.0.2 these properties have next default values:
= /var/ox/identity/removed
= /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/logs/velocity.log
- If you are using SAML, you have to modify couple of sections as well:
- Add Shibv3 Root Directory location:
[ This configuration goes in between of "photoRepositoryCount... and ""velocityLog"... ] - Couple of other declarations: [ This configuration lies in between of "scimTestModeAccessToken..." and "clientWhiteList..." ]
"shibbolethVersion":"v3", "shibboleth3IdpRootDir":"/opt/shibboleth-idp", "shibboleth3SpConfDir":"/opt/shibboleth-idp/sp", "organizationName":"Gluu Inc.", "idp3SigningCert":"/etc/certs/idp-signing.crt", "idp3EncryptionCert":"/etc/certs/idp-encryption.crt",
- Add Shibv3 Root Directory location:
22. Update oxTrust CacheRefesh snapshotFolder.
New snapshotFolder = /var/ox/identity/cr-snapshots
1. If in 2.4.4 SP2/SP3 environment SCIM was enabled we need to do the following:
- Fill new properties: scimUmaClientId
, scimUmaClientKeyId
, scimUmaResourceId
, scimUmaScope
, scimUmaClientKeyStoreFile
, scimUmaClientKeyStorePassword
-- These properties have the same values as before, but in 3.0.2 we added prefix "scim" to all of them.
- Copy /etc/certs/scim-rs.jks
from 2.4.4 SP2/SP3 into 3.0.2