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User Authentication Introduction#

The Gluu Server is very flexible in handling user authentication. By default, LDAP is used for username / password authentication ("basic"). However, you can change the default mechanism to a stronger form of authentication, like One-Time Passwords (OTP) or U2F. You can also support multiple mechanisms at the same time, enabling Web and mobile clients to request a certain authentication type by using standard OpenID Connect request parameters.

Authentication Interception Scripts#

The Gluu Server uses interception scripts to faciliate the user authentication process. For each supported authentication mechanism--like username/password ("basic"), U2F or OTP--there is a corresponding interception script that specifies how the mechanism should be applied during user sign-in.

The Gluu Server ships with interception scripts for a number of authentication mechanisms, including:

You can review all pre-written authentication scripts in the oxAuth integration folder on GitHub.

You can also write custom scripts to support your own unique requirements for authentication. For example, you can add extra authentication steps based on contextual information such as fraud scores, location, or browser profiling via a custom authentication script. Follow this tutorial to better understand the process of writing an authentication script.

Basic Authentication#

By default, LDAP is used to authenticate usernames and passwords. Passwords can either be checked in your Gluu Server's local LDAP server, or in an existing backend LDAP server if you have configured LDAP synchronization. Until additional authentication scripts are enabled, default authentication will always be username and password.

Learn how to configure basic authentication.

Social Login#

During deployment of the Gluu Server you are presented with an option to include Passport.js in your installation. If you want to support social login, include Passport.js in your Gluu Server deployment.

Passport.js provides a crowd-sourced approach to supporting social login at many popular consumer IDPs, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and GitHub. In addition to normalizing social login, Passport.js provides a standard mapping for user claims, allowing you to dynamically enroll new users into your Gluu Server that have authenticated elsewhere.

Learn how to configure social login.

Strong Authentication#

The default Gluu Server distribution includes interception scripts to implement the following forms of strong authentication:

Default Authentication Mechanism#

In oxTrust, you can navigate to Configuration > Manage Authentication > Default Authentication to specify the default authentication mechanism for two use cases:

  1. Default acr: this is the default authentication mechanism exposed to any application that sends users to Gluu for sign-in. Unless an app specifically requests a different form of authentication (as specified below), its users will receive the form of authentication specified in this field.

  2. oxTrust acr: this form of authentication will be presented to anyone specifically trying to access the oxTrust admin GUI.

The list of available authentication mechanisms will reflect the authentication interception scripts you have enabled in Configuration > Manage Custom Scripts > Person Authentication. You can set both fields to the same authentication mechanism, or you can choose a specific mechanism for each use case depending on your business requirements and objectives.

Multiple Authentication Mechanisms#

As previously mentioned, your Gluu Server can support multiple authentication mechanisms.

In oxTrust, navigate to Configuration > Manage Custom Scripts > Person Authentication and check the Enabled box for each applicable interception script and save the page.

By default, users will get the default authentication mechanism you specified above in the Default acr field. However, using the OpenID Connect acr_value, web and mobile applications can request any enabled authentication mechanism.

To confirm which authentication methods are available for your Gluu Server, check your OP URL: https://<hostname>/.well-known/openid-configuration. Find "acr_values_supported" to see a list of acr_values your applications can use to request a specific type of authentication.

Learn more about acr_values in the OpenID Connect core scpec and in the Gluu Server OpenID Connect docs.


All Gluu Server authentications are routed through oxAuth (the OP). You can take incoming SAML or CAS assertions from a 3rd party IDP, for example ADFS, and use that as the basis for an OpenID Connect session. This eanbles seamless SSO across all your apps.

Account Lockout#

The default Gluu Server distribution includes an interception script to implement a basic account lockout policy which will deactivate a users account after a set number of consecutive failed login attempts.

Learn how to configure account lockout.

Customizing the Login Page#

Learn how to customize the look and feel of Gluu Server pages in the Design Customizations section of the Operations Guide.