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Installation [Beta]#

Minimum Requirements#

Kubernetes cluster must have the following minimum requirements available:

CPU Unit RAM Disk Space Processor Type
1 2 GB 10 GB 64 Bit

DB-less mode(Recommended)#

To install Gluu Gateway on kuberentes, follow these steps:

  1. [Pre-requirement] Install Gluu on kubernetes if not already installed and make sure OXD server is installed by answering Y to Install Casa. Answer N to prompt Install Gluu Gateway Database mode as this option is for Database mode.

  2. Create namespace kong for Gluu-Gateway

    kubectl create ns kong
  3. Create kong.yml declarative configuration before proceeding. Head to DB-less Cloud Native edition section and finish steps there, then continue here. Please note that loading kong.yml occurs automatically as the kong.yml gets pulled from secrets and loaded if changes occur to it. An update on kong.yml requires only an update to the secret created in the next step. The deployment will automatically re-load upon changes.

  4. Once done with creating kong.yml create secret called kong-config in the same namespace as Gluu Gateway

    kubectl create secret generic kong-config -n kong --from-file=kong.yml
  5. Install Kong with GG plugins. The only component that must be changed inside kongs manifests is the image:tag of kong to gluufederation/gluu-gateway:4.2.1_03. Please refer to kongs kubernetes installation for more tweaks and detail.

       wget && cat kong-ingress-dbless | sed -s "s@image: kong:2.1@image: gluufederation/gluu-gateway:4.2.1_03@g" | kubectl apply -f -

    Please refer to kongs official chart for more options.

       helm repo add kong
       helm repo update
       # Helm 3
       helm install gg-kong kong/kong --set ingressController.installCRDs=false --set image.repository=gluufederation/gluu-gateway --set image.tag=4.2.1_03 --set --namespace=kong
  6. In order for the kong deployment to read the secret containing kong.yml you must grant it permissions by adding the get to to the CluserRole of kong handling the secrets resource.

    kubectl edit ClusterRole kong-ingress-clusterrole
    kind: ClusterRole
      name: kong-ingress-clusterrole
    - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - endpoints
      - nodes
      - pods
      - secrets
      - list
      - watch
      - get # <---- Add this here

Head to DB-less for more information. Please note that loading kong.yml occurs automatically as the kong.yml gets pulled from secrets and loaded if changes occur to it.


   helm delete gg-kong -n gluu-gateway

DB mode#


Installing Gluu Gateway ui automatically adds an ingress and allows access through the loadbalancer for Gluu deployment. This is a security risk and it is better to use kubectl port-forward <gg-ui-pod> 443:8443 -n <gluu-namespace> to access the UI when needed. You can delete the ingress definition using kubectl delete <gg-ui-ingress-name> -n <gluu-namespace>.


Please make sure that the Kubernetes cluster is 1.16.x. Higher versions has an issue with the current postgres operator setup.


  • Please install Helm v3 which is required for KubeDB in both methods of installation below.

Automatic full installation#

  1. Install Gluu with Gluu gateway on kubernetes.

       ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz install
       # To install Gluu-Gateway only: Gluu must be already installed in the same kubernetes cluster
       ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz install-gg-dbmode


  1. Install Gluu and Postgres run. Answer Y to prompt Install Gluu Gateway. This will install Gluu, Postgres, and setup the databases and required secrets for Gluu-Gateway and Gluu-Gateway-UI.

       ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz helm-install
  2. Wait until Gluu is up and running. Make sure oxd server and oxauth pods are running

        kubectl -n gluu wait --for=condition=available --timeout=900s deploy/gluu-oxauth
        kubectl -n gluu wait --for=condition=available --timeout=300s deploy/gluu-oxd-server
  3. Install Gluu Gateway and Gluu Gateway UI

        ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz helm-install-gg-dbmode


    ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz uninstall-gg-dbmode
    # With helm
    ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz helm-uninstall-gg-dbmode