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Upgrade 4.0 to 4.1#

Follow these steps to upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1.


Upgrades should always be thoroughly scoped and tested on a development environment first.

  1. Take a backup of your Kong and Konga database. Use the following command to export a Database. Make sure your postgresql service is started.

    pg_dump --dbname=postgresql://<user>:<password>@localhost:5432/konga > konga.sql
    pg_dump --dbname=postgresql://<user>:<password>@localhost:5432/kong > kong.sql

    If you get Ident authentication failed for user ... problem then you need to update the file /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/pg_hba.conf. Set host .. .. .. ident to host .. .. .. md5. After this change you need to restart the service postgresql restart service.

  2. Take a backup of /opt/gluu-gateway/konga/config/local.js, /etc/kong/kong.conf and /opt/oxd-server/data/ Run the following command.

    cp /opt/gluu-gateway/konga/config/local.js ./
    cp /opt/oxd-server/data/ ./
    cp /etc/kong/kong.conf ./
  3. Stop the Gluu Gateway service

    service gluu-gateway stop
    service kong stop
    service konga stop
    service oxd-server stop
  4. Uninstall GG 4.0, nodejs, oxd-server and Kong.

    For Ubuntu 16 and 18

    apt-get purge gluu-gateway kong nodejs oxd-server

    For CentOS 7 and RHEL 7

    yum remove gluu-gateway kong nodejs oxd-server

  5. Install GG 4.1 by following details here. Don't run the setup script. Follow the next step for upgrade.

  6. Move konga.sql, kong.sql and file to /opt/gluu-gateway-setup/templates

    mv konga.sql kong.sql  /opt/gluu-gateway-setup/templates
  7. Download upgrade script from here and start installation with the following command.

    • When asked to generate client, select n and it will prompt to ask oxd_id.
    • Open a new terminal, open local.js which you have take backup in step-2. Open it and copy past the oxd_id, client_id and client_secret.
    cd /opt/gluu-gateway-setup/
  8. The upgrade is done here. If there are any configuration missing from the config files, update manually. Please check all the services running using command netstat -ntlp.