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On which network is Gluu Server DE running?#

For the single-host example, script executes the docker-compose up -d command, where docker-compose creates a custom bridge network based on the name of your current directory. So, for example, the network would be named dockergluuserver_bridge. You can assign a custom network in the docker-compose.yaml. Please see the Docker-compose official documentation for further information.

All other containers in the docker-compose file are connected to that same network as well. The only container not included in the docker-compose.yaml file is the config-init. We left them disconnected, as config-init shouldn't be daemonized to avoid rerunning the command when the container is restarted. As can be seen in the following docker run command, it connects to the same network as Consul with the --network container:consul option.

docker run --rm \
    --network container:consul \
    -e GLUU_CONFIG_ADAPTER=consul \
    -e GLUU_SECRET_ADAPTER=vault \
    gluufederation/config-init:3.1.6_03 generate \
        --ldap-type "${GLUU_LDAP_TYPE}" \
        --domain $domain \
        --admin-pw $adminPw \
        --org-name "$orgName" \
        --email $email \
        --country-code $countryCode \
        --state $state \
        --city $city

For the multi-host example, we're using native Docker Swarm overlay network. See the Networking section for a multi-host example.