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Storage of User Credentials#

The following provides a summary of where user credentials can be found in LDAP.

U2F devices#

Information about U2F security keys and Super Gluu devices are stored under a fido branch for every user entry. The entries belong to the oxDeviceRegistration object class and contain information about each enrolled device. One way to differentiate between a U2F Security Key and a Super Gluu device is to inspect the oxDeviceData attribute. Super Gluu devices will include information here, while U2F Security Keys will not.


We strongly recommend not modifying these attributes directly unless you have a good reason to do so.

TOTP / HOTP devices#

TOTP/HOTP device information is stored in the oxExternalUid attribute as well as in oxOTPDevices.

Phone Numbers#

Verified mobile phone numbers are stored in the mobile attribute of the user entry. Associated information (date added, nickname of device, etc.) is stored in JSON format in the oxMobileDevices attribute.

Preferred 2FA Method#

The user's preferred method of authentication is stored in the oxPreferredMethod attribute as a plain ACR value string. If no value is present, it means the user has not turned on 2FA.

2FA enforcement policy#

When administrators allow users to set their own strong authentication policy, that is, users being able to decide if 2FA authentication always takes place or only when device/location used is not recognized, the LDAP attributes involved are oxStrongAuthPolicy and oxTrustedDevicesInfo. The former contains the user preference, and the latter the information of his trusted devices and locations. For privacy reasons, data stored in oxTrustedDevicesInfo is encoded so the only applicable operation upon this data is flushing the list; this can be achieved by removing the attribute entirely.