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RoundCube OpenID Connect Single Sign-On (SSO) Plugin By Gluu#


Gluu's OpenID Connect Single Sign-On (SSO) Roundcube plugin will enable you to authenticate users against any standard OpenID Connect Provider (OP). If you don't already have an OP you can deploy the free open source Gluu Server.


In order to use the RoundCube plugin you will need to have a standard OP (like Google or a Gluu Server) and the oxd server.


Manual Installation#

To install the plugin manually, start by downloading the plugin from Github source. Right now, the manual installation is the best way to get the plugin working. The server we've used in our case is: with latest roundcube installed which is of version 1.3.6. In our case, the directory which serves roundcube looks like:

root@roundcube:~# ls -l /var/www/html/
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data 11510 Dec 13  2017 index.html
lrwxrwxrwx  1 www-data www-data    33 Jul  3 18:27 roundcube -> /var/www/html/roundcubemail-1.3.6
drwxr-xr-x 13 www-data www-data  4096 Jul  3 21:03 roundcubemail-1.3.6

For checking the directory in your case, please check your webserver configuration.

To download the plugin, run the command as:


Once downloaded, unzip the archive as below:


Now, rename the resulting directory roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1 to roundcube_oxd_plugin as below:

mv roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/ roundcube_oxd_plugin

Next, move the plugin to the plugins directory of your roundcube installation. In our case, roundcube is installed under: /var/www/html/roundcube, so we'll move our plugin to /var/www/html/roundcube/plugins as below:

mv roundcube_oxd_plugin/ /var/www/html/roundcube/plugins/

In order to use this plugin, the plugin roundcube_oxd_plugin needs to be listed in the plugins list inside and in our case the file is: /var/www/html/roundcube/config/

In our case, the earlier plugins array was as below:

$config['plugins'] = array('acl', 'archive', 'attachment_reminder', 'emoticons', 'filesystem_attachments', 'managesieve', 'password');

We made it to look like:

$config['plugins'] = array('acl', 'archive', 'attachment_reminder', 'emoticons', 'filesystem_attachments', 'managesieve', 'password', 'roundcube_oxd_plugin');

For those who want to view whole outputs, the collective output of operations carried out looks as below:

root@roundcube:~# wget
--2018-07-05 20:06:08--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2018-07-05 20:06:08--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 615078 (601K) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’

100%[====================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 615,078     --.-K/s   in 0.04s   

2018-07-05 20:06:08 (14.5 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [615078/615078]

root@roundcube:~# ls
root@roundcube:~# unzip 
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/
 extracting: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/.gitignore  
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/css/
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/css/bootstrap.css  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/css/gluu-oxd-css.css  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/css/gluu-oxd-css1.css  
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/fonts/
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff  
 extracting: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2  
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/images/
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/images/icons/
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/images/icons/gl.png  
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/js/
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/js/jquery.min.js  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/js/scope-custom-script.js  
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Client_OXD_RP.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Get_access_oken_by_refresh_token.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Get_authorization_url.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Get_client_access_token.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Get_tokens_by_code.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Get_user_info.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Logout.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Register_site.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Setup_client.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/GluuOxd_Openid/oxd-rp/Update_site_registration.php  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/composer.json  
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/docu/
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/docu/4.png  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/docu/RoundCube2.png  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/docu/gluusrv1.png  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/docu/gluusrv2.png  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/docu/rcopidlnk.png  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/docu/rcregimg.png  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/docu/rcscopdtl.png  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/gluu_sso.js  
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/localization/
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/localization/  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/plugin.jpg  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/roundcube.png  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/roundcube_oxd_plugin.php  
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/skins/
   creating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/skins/larry/
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/skins/larry/gluu_icon.png  
  inflating: roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/skins/larry/gluu_sso.css  

root@roundcube:~# ls
root@roundcube:~# mv roundcube_oxd_plugin-3.1.1/ roundcube_oxd_plugin
root@roundcube:~# ls
root@roundcube:~# mv roundcube_oxd_plugin/ /var/www/html/roundcube/plugins/
root@roundcube:~# ls /var/www/html/roundcube/plugins
acl                         autologon             enigma                  hide_blockquote      jqueryui            newmail_notifier   redundant_attachments    subscriptions_option  virtuser_query
additional_message_headers  database_attachments  example_addressbook     http_authentication  krb_authentication  new_user_dialog    roundcube_oxd_plugin     userinfo              zipdownload
archive                     debug_logger          filesystem_attachments  identicon            managesieve         new_user_identity  show_additional_headers  vcard_attachments
attachment_reminder         emoticons             help                    identity_select      markasjunk          password           squirrelmail_usercopy    virtuser_file
root@roundcube:~# grep plugins /var/www/html/roundcube/config/
// List of active plugins (in plugins/ directory)
$config['plugins'] = array('acl', 'archive', 'attachment_reminder', 'emoticons', 'filesystem_attachments', 'managesieve', 'password', 'roundcube_oxd_plugin');

This finishes, plugin installation process.


Roundcube Plugin Configuration#

After clicking on Settings, in your RoundCube admin menu, you should see the OpenID Connect menu tab in the left pane towards the end. Click the link to navigate to the General configuration page. Please remember that only the admin users can register with the OpenID Provider(OP). For non-admin users, the registration is disabled. After installing the roundcube plugin, whichever user accesses the plugin first before configuration, becomes the admin user and can register the plugin to the OpenID provider. The other users can also be admin users and can carry out registration process.


Please note that only admin users can register the plugin to the OpenID Provider or edit the details. First user clicking on OpenID Connect link becomes the user.


Please note that, we've logged in with, this is the first ever user who clicks on OpenID Connect link in left pane. So, it becomes admin user. This user will find Register button Enabled as is evident from below screen-shot.


For our test, we're using below information:

Resource Value
Users user) and user)
OpenID Connect
OXD Server
Logout URL

Above values are mandatory for making the client register to OpenID Provider.

Fill in the values from above table and click on Register for registring the client to OP. See how these values are filled as per screen-shot below:


Once the client registers successfully, it's assigned Client ID and oxd ID. Some values have been blurred for security reasons. This screen confirms that the client registered successfully. Below screen-shot confirms this.


The OpenID Connect Configuration values are shown in below screen-shot. New scopes can be added as desired by your configuration.


This part concludes the roundcube oxd plugin configuration side.

Registring Claims(Attributes) in OpenID Provider#

Here we deal with the pre-requisites on OpenID Provider side. Four values aka claims are required for successful authentication to roundcube via oxd-service using OpenID Provider. These are: imapHost, imapPort, imapUsername and imapPassword.

Below table defines these claims:

Claim Description
imapHost The name of imap service provider. We've used ssl:// Since we intend to use 993 as imap port which supports ssl, so we're using ssl://. file of roundcube guides on more prefixes for imapHost.
imapPort The port at which the imap server serves you requests. Our port is 993 which stands for imaps.
imapUsername For us, the imapusername is email id. We're using and
imapPassword The imap Password for the user. It can be different from the OpenID Provider password for the user.

!!!Note: Please note that all the attribute values are case sensitive.

You can login to your OpenID Provider and see at: Configuration --> Attributes --> Show All Attributres. If these attributes do not exist or are not active, you can use below screen-shots as guidelines to create and register the attributes.

You can not add these attributes unless these exist in ldap of your OpenID Provider. For confirmation, please see if the below output is part of your OP. Path should be more or less similar. cat /opt/gluu-server-3.1.3/opt/opendj/config/schema/77-customAttributes.ldif 
dn: cn=schema
objectClass: top
objectClass: ldapSubentry
objectClass: subschema
attributeTypes: ( 1486583426410 NAME 'imapPort' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'gluu' )
attributeTypes: ( 1486583381327 NAME 'imapUsername' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'gluu' )
attributeTypes: ( 1486403774573 NAME 'gluuPermission' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'gluu' )
attributeTypes: ( 1486583480345 NAME 'imapPassword' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'gluu' )
attributeTypes: ( 1486583825530 NAME 'imapData' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'gluu' )
attributeTypes: ( 1486583290517 NAME 'imapHost' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'gluu' )
attributeTypes: ( myCustomAttr1-oid NAME 'myCustomAttr1' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'Gluu - dynamic registration custom attribute' )
attributeTypes: ( myCustomAttr2-oid NAME 'myCustomAttr2' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'Gluu - dynamic registration custom attribute' )
objectClasses: ( NAME 'gluuCustomPerson' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY ( telephoneNumber $ mobile $ carLicense $ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ departmentNumber $ employeeType $ cn $ st $ manager $ street $ postOfficeBox $ employeeNumber $ preferredDeliveryMethod $ roomNumber $ secretary $ homePostalAddress $ l $ postalCode $ description $ title $ imapHost $ imapPort $ imapUsername $ imapPassword $ gluuPermission ) )
objectClasses: ( oxAuthClientCustomAttributes-oid NAME 'oxAuthClientCustomAttributes' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY ( myCustomAttr1 $ myCustomAttr2 ) ) 
Once confirmed that above attributes exist in ldap, you can move forward for adding the attributes from OP GUI.

For imapHost:


For imapPort:


For imapUsername:


For imapPassword:


Adding claims to scope#

Once all the four attributes are registered and are active, you can create new scope named: imapData by going to OpenID Connect --> Scopes --> Add Scope. The name is exactly: imapData. After creating the scope, add the claims imapHost, imapPort, imapUsername, imapPassword to this newly created scope. Below screen-shot guides on this:


Adding attributes to users#

Next for the two users, and, add the newly created attributes(claims). Below screen-shot shows the available attributes which are created just now.


Similarly, add the attributes to other user Below we see how these attribute values look once we add these to the user profile


Further Information#

  1. Automatically log in any user with an account in the OpenID Provider: By setting login to automatic, any user with an account in the OP will be able to dynamically log in for an account in your Roundcube site
  2. Only register and allow ongoing access to users with one or more of the following roles in the OP: Using this option you can limit login to users who have a specified role in the OP, for instance roundcube. This is not configurable in all OPs, but is supported in the Gluu Server. Follow the instructions below to limit access based on an OP role

If your OpenID Provider supports dynamic registration, no additional steps are required in the general tab and you can navigate to the OpenID Connect Configuration tab.

If your OpenID Connect Provider doesn't support dynamic registration, you will need to insert your OpenID Provider client_id and client_secret on the following page.


To generate your client_id and client_secret use the redirect URI: https://{site-base-url}/index.php?option=oxdOpenId.

!!!Note: If you are using a Gluu server as your OpenID Provider, you can make sure everything is configured properly by logging into to your Gluu Server, navigate to the OpenID Connect > Clients page. Search for your oxd id.

Enrollment and Access Management#

Navigate to your Gluu Server admin GUI. Click the Users tab in the left hand navigation menu. Select Manage People. Find the user(s) who should have access. Click their user entry. Add the User Permission attribute to the person and specify the same value as in the plugin. For instance, if in the plugin you have limited enrollment to user(s) with role = roundcube, then you should also have User Permission = roundcube in the user entry. Update the user record, and now they are ready for enrollment at your Roundcube site.

OpenID Connect Configuration#


User Scopes#

Scopes are groups of user attributes that are sent from the OP to the application during login and enrollment. By default, the requested scopes are profile, imapData, email, and openid.

To view your OP's available scopes, in a web browser navigate to https://OpenID-Provider/.well-known/openid-configuration.

If you are using a Gluu Server as your OpenID Provider, you can view all available scopes by navigating to the Scopes interface in Gluu CE Server Admin UI

OpenID Connect > Scopes

In the plugin interface, you can enable, disable and delete scopes.

!!!Note: If you have chosen to limit enrollment to users with specific roles in the OP, you will also need to request the Permission scope, as shown in the above screenshot.


For logging into your RoundCube site, it is very important that your OP supports imapData scope, which contains your imap connection climes (imapHost,imapPort,imapUsername,imapPassword). This is not configurable in all OP's. It is configurable if you are using a Gluu Server. For example : imapHost = ssl:// ; imapPort = 993 ; imapUsername = ; imapPassword = password ;


Bypass the local RoundCube login page and send users straight to the OP for authentication#

Check this box so that when users attempt to log in, they are sent straight to the OP, bypassing the local RoundCube login screen. When it is not checked, it will give proof the following screen.


Select ACR#

To signal which type of authentication should be used, an OpenID Connect client may request a specific authentication context class reference value (a.k.a. "acr"). The authentication options available will depend on which types of mechanisms the OP has been configured to support. The Gluu Server supports the following authentication mechanisms out-of-the-box: username/password (basic), Duo Security, Super Gluu, and U2F tokens, like Yubikey.

Navigate to your OpenID Provider configuration webpage https://OpenID-Provider/.well-known/openid-configuration to see supported acr_values. In the Select acr section of the plugin page, choose the mechanism which you want for authentication.


If the Select acr value is none, users will be sent to pass the OP's default authentication mechanism.