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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)#

Technical FAQs#

get_tokens_by_code command fails with No response from operation.#

It can happen if code lifetime in oxauth server is very small and code expires before token can be obtained. So in logs you can see this:

2018-04-05 14:30:32,530 ERROR [org.xdi.oxd.server.op.GetTokensByCodeOperation] Failed to get tokens because response code is: null
2018-04-05 14:30:32,530 ERROR [org.xdi.oxd.server.Processor] No response from operation. Command: Command{command=GET_TOKENS_BY_CODE, params={"code":"cc36672e-f8b9-4958-9a7c-3d83c99c4289","state":"us7d1v37cn1fcsd1c0156adr16","oxd_id":"055cec18-bd2e-4b29-ae38-7428d1d7c7fb","protection_access_token":"51ebfa51-d290-410e-bd37-abb3a0d8ab0c"}}

To fix it please increase authorizationCodeLifetime oxauth configuration value as explained here.

oxd-https-extension does not work because of PROTECTION error.#

If you see in logs output as shown below then it means that uma_protection scope is disabled for dynamic registration on oxauth side. Please find uma_protection Connect scope property Allow for dynamic registration and make sure it is checked (set to true). More info about scopes here

2018-04-04 20:03:24,855 ERROR [org.xdi.oxd.server.service.UmaTokenService] oxd requested scope PROTECTION but AS returned access_token without that scope, token scopes :openid
2018-04-04 20:03:24,855 ERROR [org.xdi.oxd.server.service.UmaTokenService] Please check AS(oxauth) configuration and make sure UMA scope (uma_protection) is enabled.
2018-04-04 20:03:24,855 TRACE [org.xdi.oxd.server.service.IntrospectionService] Exception during access token introspection.
java.lang.RuntimeException: oxd requested scope PROTECTION but AS returned access_token without that scope, token scopes :openid
    at org.xdi.oxd.server.service.UmaTokenService.obtainTokenWithClientCredentials(
    at org.xdi.oxd.server.service.UmaTokenService.obtainToken(

General FAQs#

What is oxd?#

oxd is a mediator: it provides API's that can be called by a web application that are easier than directly calling the API's of an OpenID Connect Provider (OP) or an UMA Authorization Server (AS).

How is oxd licensed, and how much does it cost?#

oxd is commercially licensed software. To start the oxd server a valid license is needed, which can be obtained by registering on the oxd website. Each application (OAuth 2.0 client) that leverages the oxd service is billed USD $0.33 per day. Usage fees are accumulated daily and charged at the end of each month. If your organization needs annual billing, schedule a call with us.

What types of applications can use oxd?#

Server-side web applications.

Where should oxd be deployed?#

By default, oxd-server must be deployed on the same host as the target web application(s). With the oxd-https-extension enabled, applications can call oxd over the web, enabling a central oxd service for many applications.

Can I use oxd for two-factor authentication (2FA)?**#

No. 2FA is implemented at the OP, not the client.

What are the support options?#

Gluu offers community support and VIP support. Anyone can register and enlist community support on the Gluu support portal. For guaranteed responses and priority support, learn more about VIP support.