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Use oxd's C# library to send users from a C# application to your Gluu Server OpenID Connect Provider (OP) for dynamic enrollment, single sign-on (SSO), strong authentication, and access management policy enforcement.

Sample Code#

OpenID Connect#

oxdCsharp OpenID Connect Namespaces

using oxdCSharp.Clients;
using oxdCSharp.CommandResponses;
using oxdCSharp.CommandParameters;

Setup Client#

In order to use an OpenID Connect Provider (OP) for login, you need to setup your client application at the OpenID Connect Provider (OP). During setup, oxd will dynamically register the OpenID Connect client and save its configuration. Upon successful setup, the oxd-server will assign a unique oxd ID, return a Client ID and Client Secret. This Client ID and Client Secret can be used for GetClientToken method. If your OpenID Connect Provider (OP) does not support dynamic registration (like Google), you will need to obtain a ClientID and Client Secret which can be passed to the SetupClient method as a parameter. The Setup Client method is a one time task to configure a client in the oxd-server and OpenID Connect Provider (OP).


  • AuthorizationRedirectUri: URL to which the OpenID Connect Provider (OP) is authorized to redirect the user to after authorization
  • OpHost: URL of the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • PostLogoutRedirectUri: (Optional) URL to which the user is redirected to after successful logout
  • ApplicationType: (Optional) Application type, the default values are native or web. The default, if omitted, is web.
  • ResponseTypes: (Optional) Determines the authorization processing flow to be used
  • GrantTypes: (Optional) Grant Types that the Client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using
  • Scope: (Optional) A scope is an indication by the client that it wants to access some resource provided by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • AcrValues: (Optional) Custom authentication script from the Gluu server. Required for extended authentication.
  • ClientName: (Optional) Client application name
  • ClientJwksUri: (Optional) URL for the client's JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) document
  • ClientTokenEndpointAuthMethod: (Optional) Requested client authentication method for the Token Endpoint
  • ClientRequestUris: (Optional) Array of request_uri values that are pre-registered by the RP for use at the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • ClientFrontChannelLogoutUris: (Optional) Client application Logout URL
  • ClientSectorIdentifierUri: (Optional) URL using the HTTPS scheme to be used in calculating pseudonymous identifiers by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • Contacts: (Optional) Array of e-mail addresses of people responsible for this client
  • UiLocales: (Optional) End user's preferred languages and scripts for the user interface, represented as a space-separated list of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values, ordered by preference
  • ClaimsLocales: (Optional) End user's preferred languages and scripts for claims being returned, represented as a space-separated list of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values, ordered by preference
  • ClientId: (Optional) Client ID from OpenID Connect Provider (OP). Should be passed with the Client Secret.
  • ClientSecret: (Optional) Client Secret from OpenID Connect Provider (OP). Should be passed with the Client ID.
  • ClaimsRedirecturi: (Optional) The URI to which the client wishes the authorization server to direct the requesting party’s user agent after completing its interaction
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl:(Optional) URL of the oxd-https-extension


Setup Client using oxd-server

public ActionResult SetupClient(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string OpHost, string redirectUrl, string ClientId, string clientSecret)
    //prepare input params for Setup client
    var setupClientInputParams = new SetupClientParams()
        AuthorizationRedirectUri = redirectUrl,
        OpHost = OpHost,
        ClientName = "<Your Client Name>",
        Scope = new List<string> { "openid", "profile", "email", "uma_protection", "uma_authorization" },
        GrantTypes = new List<string> { "authorization_code", "client_credentials", "uma_ticket" },
        ClientId = clientId,
        ClientSecret = clientSecret

    var setupClientClient = new SetupClientClient();

    var setupClientResponse = new SetupClientResponse();

    setupClientResponse = setupClientClient.SetupClient(oxdHost, oxdPort, setupClientInputParams);

    return Json(new { oxdId = oxd.OxdId, clientId = clientid, clientSecret = clientsecret });

Setup Client using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult SetupClient( string oxdhttpsurl, string OpHost, string redirectUrl, string ClientId, string clientSecret)
    //prepare input params for Setup client
    var setupClientInputParams = new SetupClientParams()
        AuthorizationRedirectUri = redirectUrl,
        OpHost = OpHost,
        ClientName = "<Your Client Name>",
        Scope = new List<string> { "openid", "profile", "email", "uma_protection", "uma_authorization" },
        GrantTypes = new List<string> { "authorization_code", "client_credentials", "uma_ticket" },
        ClientId = clientId,
        ClientSecret = clientSecret

    var setupClientClient = new SetupClientClient();

    var setupClientResponse = new SetupClientResponse();

    setupClientResponse = setupClientClient.SetupClient(oxdhttpsurl, setupClientInputParams);

    return Json(new { oxdId = oxd.OxdId, clientId = clientid, clientSecret = clientsecret });


  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "oxd_id": "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00CF4FC964FF",
    "op_host": "",
    "client_id": "@!E64E.B7E6.3AC4.6CB9!0001!C05E.F402!0008!98F7.EB7B.6213.6527",
    "client_secret": "173d55ff-5a4f-429c-b50d-7899b616912a",
    "client_registration_access_token": "f8975472-240a-4395-b96d-6ef492f50b9e",
    "client_registration_client_uri": "!E64E.B7E6.3AC4.6CB9!0001!C05E.F402!0008!98F7.EB7B.6213.6527",
    "client_id_issued_at": 1504353408,
    "client_secret_expires_at": 1504439808

Get Client Token#

The GetClientToken method is used to get a token which is sent as input parameter for other methods when the protect_commands_with_access_token is enabled in oxd-server.


  • ClientId: Client ID from OpenID Connect Provider (OP). Should be passed with the Client Secret.
  • ClientSecret: Client Secret from OpenID Connect Provider (OP). Should be passed with the Client ID.
  • OpHost: URL of the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • opDiscoveryPath: (Optional) Path to discovery document. For example if it's then path is blank. But if it is then path is oxauth
  • Scope: (Optional) A scope is an indication by the client that it wants to access some resource provided by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • OxdId:oxd ID from client registration
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: (Optional) URL of the oxd-https-extension


Get Client Token using oxd-server

public string GetProtectionAccessToken(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string OpHost, string ClientId, string clientSecret)
    //prepare input params for Client Registration
    var getClientAccessTokenParams = new GetClientTokenParams()
        clientId = clientid,
        clientSecret = clientsecret,
        opHost = OpHost

    var getClientAccessToken = new GetClientTokenClient();

    string protectionAccessToken;

    protectionAccessToken = getClientAccessToken.GetClientToken(oxdHost, oxdPort, getClientAccessTokenParams()).Data.accessToken;
    return protectionAccessToken;

Get Client Token using oxd-https-extension

public string GetProtectionAccessToken( string oxdhttpsurl, string OpHost, string ClientId, string clientSecret)
    //prepare input params for Client Registration
    var getClientAccessTokenParams = new GetClientTokenParams()
        clientId = clientid,
        clientSecret = clientsecret,
        opHost = OpHost

    var getClientAccessToken = new GetClientTokenClient();

    string protectionAccessToken;

    protectionAccessToken = getClientAccessToken.GetClientToken(oxdhttpsurl, getClientAccessTokenParams()).Data.accessToken;

    return protectionAccessToken;


  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "scope": "openid",
    "access_token": "e88b9739-ab60-4170-ac53-ad5dfb2a1d8d",
    "expires_in": 299,
    "refresh_token": null

Register Site#

In order to use an OpenID Connect Provider (OP) for login, you need to register your client application at the OpenID Connect Provider (OP). During registration oxd will dynamically register the OpenID Connect client and save its configuration. Upon successful registration, a unique identifier will be issued by the oxd-server. If your OpenID Connect Provider (OP) does not support dynamic registration (like Google), you will need to obtain a ClientID and Client Secret which can be passed to the RegisterSite method as a parameter. The Register Site method is a one time task to configure a client in the oxd-server and OpenID Connect Provider (OP).

!!! Note: The Register Site endpoint is not required if client is registered using Setup Client


  • AuthorizationRedirectUri: URL to which the OpenID Connect Provider (OP) is authorized to redirect the user to after authorization
  • OpHost: URL of the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • PostLogoutRedirectUri: (Optional) URL to which the user is redirected to after successful logout
  • ApplicationType: (Optional) Application type, the default values are native or web. The default, if omitted, is web.
  • ResponseTypes: (Optional) Determines the authorization processing flow to be used
  • GrantTypes: (Optional) Grant Types that the Client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using
  • Scope: (Optional) A scope is an indication by the client that it wants to access some resource provided by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • AcrValues: (Optional) Custom authentication script from the Gluu server. Required for extended authentication.
  • ClientName: (Optional) Client application name
  • ClientJwksUri: (Optional) URL for the client's JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) document
  • ClientTokenEndpointAuthMethod: (Optional) Requested client authentication method for the Token Endpoint
  • ClientRequestUris: (Optional) Array of request_uri values that are pre-registered by the RP for use at the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • ClientFrontChannelLogoutUris: (Optional) Client application Logout URL
  • ClientSectorIdentifierUri: (Optional) URL using the HTTPS scheme to be used in calculating pseudonymous identifiers by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • Contacts: (Optional) Array of e-mail addresses of people responsible for this client
  • UiLocales: (Optional) End user's preferred languages and scripts for the user interface, represented as a space-separated list of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values, ordered by preference
  • ClaimsLocales: (Optional) End user's preferred languages and scripts for claims being returned, represented as a space-separated list of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values, ordered by preference
  • ClientId: (Optional) Client ID from OpenID Connect Provider (OP). Should be passed with the Client Secret.
  • ClientSecret: (Optional) Client Secret from OpenID Connect Provider (OP). Should be passed with the Client ID.
  • ClaimsRedirecturi: (Optional) The URI to which the client wishes the authorization server to direct the requesting party’s user agent after completing its interaction
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl:(Optional) URL of the oxd-https-extension


Register Client using oxd-server

public ActionResult RegisterClient(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string OpHost, string redirectUrl, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Client Registration
    var registerSiteInputParams = new RegisterSiteParams()
        AuthorizationRedirectUri = redirectUrl,
        OpHost = OpHost,
        ClientName = "<Your Client Name>",
        Scope = new List<string> { "openid", "profile", "email" }
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

        var registerSiteClient = new RegisterSiteClient();

    var registerSiteResponse = new RegisterSiteResponse();

    registerSiteResponse = registerSiteClient.RegisterSite(oxdHost, oxdPort, registerSiteInputParams);

    return Json(new { oxdId = registerSiteResponse.Data.OxdId });

Register Client using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult RegisterClient(string oxdhttpsurl, string OpHost, string redirectUrl, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Client Registration
    var registerSiteInputParams = new RegisterSiteParams()
        AuthorizationRedirectUri = redirectUrl,
        OpHost = OpHost,
        ClientName = "<Your Client Name>",
        Scope = new List<string> { "openid", "profile", "email" }
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

        var registerSiteClient = new RegisterSiteClient();

    var registerSiteResponse = new RegisterSiteResponse();
    registerSiteResponse = registerSiteClient.RegisterSite(oxdhttpsurl, registerSiteInputParams);

    return Json(new { oxdId = registerSiteResponse.Data.OxdId });



Update Site Registration#

The UpdateSiteRegistration method can be used to update an existing client in the OpenID Connect Provider (OP). Fields like Authorization Redirect URL, Post Logout URL, Scope, Client Secret and other fields can be updated using this method.


  • oxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • AuthorizationRedirectUri: (Optional) URL to which the OpenID Connect Provider (OP) is authorized to redirect the user to after authorization
  • PostLogoutRedirectUri: (Optional) URL to which the RP is requesting the end user's user agent be redirected to after a logout has been performed
  • ResponseType: (Optional) Determines the authorization processing flow to be used
  • GrantTypes: (Optional) Grant types the client is restricting itself to using
  • Scope: (Optional) A scope is an indication by the client that it wants to access some resource provided by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • AcrValues: (Optional) Custom authentication script from the Gluu server. Required for extended authentication.
  • ClientName: (Optional) Client application name
  • ClientSecretExpiresAt: (Optional) Used to extend client lifetime (milliseconds since 1970)
  • ClientJwksUri: (Optional) URL for the client's JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) document
  • ClientTokenEndpointAuthMethod: (Optional) Requested client authentication method for the Token Endpoint
  • ClientRequestUris: (Optional) Array of request_uri values that are pre-registered by the RP for use at the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • ClientFrontChannelLogoutUris: (Optional) Client application Logout URL
  • ClientSectorIdentifierUri: (Optional) URL using the HTTPS scheme to be used in calculating pseudonymous identifiers by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • Contacts: (Optional) Array of e-mail addresses of people responsible for this client
  • UiLocales: (Optional) End user's preferred languages and scripts for the user interface, represented as a space-separated list of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values, ordered by preference
  • ClaimsLocales: (Optional) End user's preferred languages and scripts for claims being returned, represented as a space-separated list of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values, ordered by preference
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)


Update Client using oxd-server

public ActionResult Update(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string oxdId, string postLogoutRedirectUrl, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Update Site Registration
    var updateSiteInputParams = new UpdateSiteParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        Contacts = new List<string> { "" },
        PostLogoutRedirectUri = postLogoutRedirectUrl,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var updateSiteClient = new UpdateSiteRegistrationClient();
    var updateSiteResponse = new UpdateSiteResponse();

    updateSiteResponse = updateSiteClient.UpdateSiteRegistration(oxdHost, oxdPort, updateSiteInputParams);

    return Json(new { status = updateSiteResponse.Status });

Update Client using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult Update(string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, string postLogoutRedirectUrl, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Update Site Registration
    var updateSiteInputParams = new UpdateSiteParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        Contacts = new List<string> { "" },
        PostLogoutRedirectUri = postLogoutRedirectUrl,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var updateSiteClient = new UpdateSiteRegistrationClient();
    var updateSiteResponse = new UpdateSiteResponse();

    updateSiteResponse = updateSiteClient.UpdateSiteRegistration(oxdhttpsurl, updateSiteInputParams);

    return Json(new { status = updateSiteResponse.Status });



Get Authorization URL#

The GetAuthorizationURL method returns the OpenID Connect Provider (OP) Authentication URL to which the client application must redirect the user to authorize the release of personal data. The Response URL includes state value, which can be used to obtain tokens required for authentication. This state value is used to maintain state between the request and the callback.


  • OxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • Scope: (Optional) A scope is an indication by the client that it wants to access some resource provided by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • AcrValues: (Optional) Custom authentication script from the Gluu server. Required for extended authentication.
  • Prompt: (Optional) Values that specifies whether the Authorization Server prompts the end user for reauthentication and consent
  • custom_parameters: Custom parameters
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)


Get Authurization URL using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetAuthorizationURL(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, dictionary<string, string> customParams, string ProtectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting Auth URL from a site
    var getAuthUrlInputParams = new GetAuthorizationUrlParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        CustomParams = customParams,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getAuthUrlClient = new GetAuthorizationUrlClient();
    var getAuthUrlResponse = new GetAuthorizationUrlResponse();

    getAuthUrlResponse = getAuthUrlClient.GetAuthorizationURL(oxdHost, oxdPort, getAuthUrlInputParams);

    return Json(new { authUrl = getAuthUrlResponse.Data.AuthorizationUrl });

Get Authurization URL using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetAuthorizationURL(string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, dictionary<string, string> customParams, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting Auth URL from a site
    var getAuthUrlInputParams = new GetAuthorizationUrlParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        CustomParams = customParams,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getAuthUrlClient = new GetAuthorizationUrlClient();
    var getAuthUrlResponse = new GetAuthorizationUrlResponse();

    getAuthUrlResponse = getAuthUrlClient.GetAuthorizationURL(oxdhttpsurl, getAuthUrlInputParams);

    return Json(new { authUrl = getAuthUrlResponse.Data.AuthorizationUrl });



Get Tokens by Code#

Upon successful login, the login result will return code and state. GetTokensByCode method uses code and state to retrieve token which can be used to access user claims.


  • OxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • Code: The code from OpenID Connect Provider (OP) Authorization Redirect URL
  • State: The state from OpenID Connect Provider (OP) Authorization Redirect URL
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)


Get Tokens by Code using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetTokenByCode(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, string authCode, string authState, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting Tokens from a site
    var getTokenByCodeInputParams = new GetTokensByCodeParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        Code = authCode,
        State = authState,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getTokenByCodeClient = new GetTokensByCodeClient();
    var getTokensByCodeResponse = new GetTokensByCodeResponse();
    getTokensByCodeResponse = getTokenByCodeClient.GetTokensByCode(oxdHost, oxdPort, getTokenByCodeInputParams);
    return Json(new { accessToken = getTokensByCodeResponse.Data.AccessToken, refreshToken = getTokensByCodeResponse.Data.RefreshToken });

Get Tokens by Code using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetTokenByCode( string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, string authCode, string authState, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting Tokens from a site
    var getTokenByCodeInputParams = new GetTokensByCodeParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        Code = authCode,
        State = authState,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getTokenByCodeClient = new GetTokensByCodeClient();
    var getTokensByCodeResponse = new GetTokensByCodeResponse();
    getTokensByCodeResponse = getTokenByCodeClient.GetTokensByCode(oxdhttpsurl, getTokenByCodeInputParams);

    return Json(new { accessToken = getTokensByCodeResponse.Data.AccessToken, refreshToken = getTokensByCodeResponse.Data.RefreshToken });


        "id_token":"eyJ0 ... NiJ9.eyJ1c ... I6IjIifX0.DeWt4Qu ... ZXso",
        "id_token_claims": {
             "iss": "",
             "sub": "24400320",
             "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
             "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
             "exp": 1311281970,
             "iat": 1311280970,
             "at_hash": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng"

Get Access Token by Refresh Token#

The GetAccessTokenByRefreshToken method is used to get a new access token and a new refresh token by using the refresh token which is obtained from GetTokensByCode method.


  • OxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • RefreshToken: Obtained from the GetTokensByCode method
  • Scope: (Optional) A scope is an indication by the client that it wants to access some resource provided by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional,required if oxd-https-extension is used)


Get Access Token by Refresh Token using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetAccessTokenByRefreshToken(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, string refreshToken, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting Tokens from a site
    var getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenInputParams = new GetAccessTokenByRefreshTokenParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        RefreshToken = refreshToken,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getTokenByCodeClient = new GetTokensByCodeClient();
    var getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse = new GetAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse();
    getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenClient.GetAccessTokenByRefreshToken(oxdHost, oxdPort, getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenInputParams);

    return Json(new { accessToken = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse.Data.AccessToken, refreshToken = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse.Data.RefreshToken });

Get Access Token by Refresh Token using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetAccessTokenByRefreshToken(string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, string refreshToken, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting Tokens from a site
    var getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenInputParams = new GetAccessTokenByRefreshTokenParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        RefreshToken = refreshToken,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getTokenByCodeClient = new GetTokensByCodeClient();
    var getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse = new GetAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse();
    getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenClient.GetAccessTokenByRefreshToken(oxdhttpsurl, getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenInputParams);

    return Json(new { accessToken = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse.Data.AccessToken, refreshToken = getAccessTokenByRefreshTokenResponse.Data.RefreshToken });


  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "scope": "openid",
    "access_token": "35bedaf4-88e3-4d64-86b9-e59eb0ebde75",
    "expires_in": 299,
    "refresh_token": "f687fb69-aa77-4a1e-a730-55f296ffa074"

Get User Info#

Once the user has been authenticated by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP), the GetUserInfo method returns the claims (First Name, Last Name, E-Mail ID, etc.) about the authenticated end user.


  • OxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • AccessToken: Access Token from GetTokensByCode
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • OpHost: URL of the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)


Get User Info using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetUserInfo(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string oxdId, string accessToken, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting User Info from a site
    var getUserInfoInputParams = new GetUserInfoParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        AccessToken = accessToken,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getUserInfoClient = new GetUserInfoClient();
    var getUserInfoResponse = new GetUserInfoResponse();

    getUserInfoResponse = getUserInfoClient.GetUserInfo(oxdHost, oxdPort, getUserInfoInputParams);

    var userName = getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Name.First();
    var userEmail = getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Email == null ? string.Empty : getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Email.FirstOrDefault();

    return Json(new { userName = userName, userEmail = userEmail });

Get User Info using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetUserInfo(string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, string accessToken, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting User Info from a site
    var getUserInfoInputParams = new GetUserInfoParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        AccessToken = accessToken,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getUserInfoClient = new GetUserInfoClient();
    var getUserInfoResponse = new GetUserInfoResponse();

    getUserInfoResponse = getUserInfoClient.GetUserInfo(oxdhttpsurl, getUserInfoInputParams);

    var userName = getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Name.First();
    var userEmail = getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Email == null ? string.Empty : getUserInfoResponse.Data.UserClaims.Email.FirstOrDefault();

    return Json(new { userName = userName, userEmail = userEmail });


            "sub": ["248289761001"],
            "name": ["Jane Doe"],
            "given_name": ["Jane"],
            "family_name": ["Doe"],
            "preferred_username": ["j.doe"],
            "email": [""],
            "picture": [""]


GetLogoutURL method returns the OpenID Connect Provider (OP) Logout URL. Client application uses this Logout URL to end the user session.


  • OxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • IdTokenHint: (Optional) ID Token previously issued by the Authorization Server being passed as a hint about the end user's current or past authenticated session with the client
  • PostLogoutRedirectUri: (Optional) URL to which user is redirected to after successful logout
  • State: (Optional) Value used to maintain state between the request and the callback
  • SessionState: (Optional) JSON string that represents the End-User's login state at the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • OpHost: URL of the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)


Get Logout URI using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetLogoutUrl(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting Logout URI from a site
    var getLogoutUriInputParams = new GetLogoutUrlParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getLogoutUriClient = new GetLogoutUriClient();
    var getLogoutUriResponse = new GetLogoutUriResponse();

    getLogoutUriResponse = getLogoutUriClient.GetLogoutURL(oxdHost, oxdPort, getLogoutUriInputParams);

    return Json(new { logoutUri = getLogoutUriResponse.Data.LogoutUri });

Get Logout URI using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetLogoutUrl(string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Getting Logout URI from a site
    var getLogoutUriInputParams = new GetLogoutUrlParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getLogoutUriClient = new GetLogoutUriClient();
    var getLogoutUriResponse = new GetLogoutUriResponse();

    getLogoutUriResponse = getLogoutUriClient.GetLogoutURL(oxdhttpsurl, getLogoutUriInputParams);

    return Json(new { logoutUri = getLogoutUriResponse.Data.LogoutUri });


        "uri":"https://<server>/end_session?id_token_hint=<id token>&state=<state>&post_logout_redirect_uri=<...>"


oxdCsharp UMA Namespaces

using oxdCSharp.UMA.Clients;
using oxdCSharp.UMA.CommandParameters;
using oxdCSharp.UMA.CommandResponses;

RS Protect#

ProtectResources method is used for protecting resources by the Resource Server. The Resource Server is needed to construct the command which will protect the resource. The command will contain an API path, HTTP methods (POST, GET and PUT) and scopes. Scopes can be mapped with authorization policy (uma_rpt_policies). If no authorization policy is mapped, uma_rs_check_access method will always return access as granted. For more information about uma_rpt_policies you can reference this document.


  • OxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • ProtectResources: One or more protected resources that a resource server manages, abstractly, as a set. In authorization policy terminology, a resource set is the "object" being protected.
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)


RS Protect using oxd-server

public ActionResult ProtectResources(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Protect Resource
    var protectParams = new UmaRsProtectParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        ProtectResources = new List<ProtectResource>
            new ProtectResource
                Path = "/scim",
                ProtectConditions = new List<ProtectCondition>
                    new ProtectCondition
                        HttpMethods = new List<string> { "GET" },
                        Scopes = new List<string> { "" },
                        TicketScopes = new List<string> { "" }
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken
    var protectClient = new UmaRsProtectClient();
    var protectResponse = new UmaRsProtectResponse();

    protectResponse = protectClient.ProtectResources(oxdHost, oxdPort, protectParams);

    //process response
    if (protectResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))
        return Json(new { Response = protectResponse.Status });

RS Protect using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult ProtectResources(string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Protect Resource
    var protectParams = new UmaRsProtectParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        ProtectResources = new List<ProtectResource>
            new ProtectResource
                Path = "/scim",
                ProtectConditions = new List<ProtectCondition>
                    new ProtectCondition
                        HttpMethods = new List<string> { "GET" },
                        Scopes = new List<string> { "" },
                        TicketScopes = new List<string> { "" }
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken
    var protectClient = new UmaRsProtectClient();
    var protectResponse = new UmaRsProtectResponse();

    protectResponse = protectClient.ProtectResources(oxdhttpsurl, protectParams);

    //process response
    if (protectResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))
        return Json(new { Response = protectResponse.Status });



RS Check Access#

CheckAccess method is used in the UMA Resource Server to check the access to the resource.


  • OxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • rpt: Requesting Party Token
  • path: Path of resource to be checked
  • httpmethod: HTTP methods (POST, GET and PUT)
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional, required if using oxd-https-extension)


Check Access using oxd-server

public ActionResult CheckAccess(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string oxdId, string rpt, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Check Access
    var checkAccessParams = new UmaRsCheckAccessParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        RPT = rpt,
        Path = "/scim",
        HttpMethod = "GET",
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var checkAccessClient = new UmaRsCheckAccessClient();
    var checkAccessResponse = new UmaRsCheckAccessResponse();

    checkAccessResponse = checkAccessClient.CheckAccess(oxdHost, oxdPort, checkAccessParams);

    if (checkAccessResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))
        return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(checkAccessResponse.Data) });

Check Access using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult CheckAccess( string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, string rpt, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Check Access
    var checkAccessParams = new UmaRsCheckAccessParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        RPT = rpt,
        Path = "/scim",
        HttpMethod = "GET",
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var checkAccessClient = new UmaRsCheckAccessClient();
    var checkAccessResponse = new UmaRsCheckAccessResponse();

    checkAccessResponse = checkAccessClient.CheckAccess(oxdhttpsurl, checkAccessParams);

    if (checkAccessResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))
        return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(checkAccessResponse.Data) });


Access Granted Response:


Access Denied with Ticket Response:

        "www-authenticate_header":"UMA realm=\"example\",

Access Denied without Ticket Response:


Resource is not Protected:

        "error_description":"Resource is not protected. Please protect your resource first with uma_rs_protect command."


The method GetRPT is called in order to obtain the RPT (Requesting Party Token).


  • OxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • ticket: Client Access Ticket generated by CheckAccess method
  • ClaimToken: (Optional) A package of claims provided by the client to the authorization server through claims pushing
  • ClaimTokenFormat: (Optional) A string containing directly pushed claim information in the indicated format. Must be base64url encoded unless otherwise specified.
  • pct: (Optional) Persisted Claims Token
  • rpt: (Optional) Requesting Party Token
  • scope: (Optional) A scope is an indication by the client that it wants to access some resource provided by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • state: (Optional) state that is returned from GetClaimsGatheringUrl method
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)


RP Get RPT using oxd-server

public ActionResult ObtainRpt(string oxdHost, int oxdPort,  string oxdId, string ticket, string protectionAccessToken, string pct, string rpt )
    //prepare input params for Protect Resource
    var getRptParams = new UmaRpGetRptParams()
        getRptParams.OxdId = oxdId,
        getRptParams.ticket = ticket,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getRptClient = new UmaRpGetRptClient();
    var getRptResponse = new GetRPTResponse();

    getRptResponse = getRptClient.GetRPT(oxdHost, oxdPort, getRptParams);

    //process response
    if (getRptResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))
        return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getRptResponse.Data) });

RP Get RPT using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult ObtainRpt(string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, string ticket, string protectionAccessToken, , string pct, string rpt)
    //prepare input params for Protect Resource
    var getRptParams = new UmaRpGetRptParams()
        getRptParams.OxdId = oxdId,
        getRptParams.ticket = ticket,
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getRptClient = new UmaRpGetRptClient();
    var getRptResponse = new GetRPTResponse();

    getRptResponse = getRptClient.GetRPT(oxdhttpsurl, getRptParams);

    //process response
    if (getRptResponse.Status.ToLower().Equals("ok"))
        return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getRptResponse.Data) });


Success Response:


Needs Info Error Response:

              "error_description":"The authorization server needs additional information in order to determine whether the client is authorized to have these permissions.",
              "details": {  

Invalid Ticket Error Response:

            "error_description":"Ticket is not valid (outdated or not present on Authorization Server)."

RP Get Claims Gathering URL#


  • OxdId: oxd ID from client registration
  • ticket: Client Access Ticket generated by CheckAccess method
  • ClaimsRedirectURI: The URI to which the client wishes the authorization server to direct the requesting party’s user agent after completing its interaction
  • ProtectionAccessToken: Generated from GetClientToken method (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)
  • oxdHost: The IP address of the oxd-server
  • oxdport: The port of the oxd-server
  • oxdhttpsurl: The URL of the oxd-https-extension (Optional, required if oxd-https-extension is used)


RP Get Claims Gathering URL using oxd-server

public ActionResult GetClaimsGatheringUrl(string oxdHost, int oxdPort, string oxdId, string ticket, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Check Access
    var getClaimsGatheringUrlParams = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        Ticket = ticket,
        ClaimsRedirectURI = "",
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getClaimsGatheringUrlClient = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlClient();
    var getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlResponse();

    getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse = getClaimsGatheringUrlClient.GetClaimsGatheringUrl(oxdHost, oxdPort, getClaimsGatheringUrlParams);

    //process response
    return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse.Data) });

RP Get Claims Gathering URL using oxd-https-extension

public ActionResult GetClaimsGatheringUrl( string oxdhttpsurl, string oxdId, string ticket, string protectionAccessToken)
    //prepare input params for Check Access
    var getClaimsGatheringUrlParams = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlParams()
        OxdId = oxdId,
        Ticket = ticket,
        ClaimsRedirectURI = "",
        ProtectionAccessToken = protectionAccessToken

    var getClaimsGatheringUrlClient = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlClient();
    var getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse = new UmaRpGetClaimsGatheringUrlResponse();

    getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse = getClaimsGatheringUrlClient.GetClaimsGatheringUrl(oxdhttpsurl, getClaimsGatheringUrlParams);

    //process response
    return Json(new { Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getClaimsGatheringUrlResponse.Data) });



Sample Project#

Download a Sample Project specific to this oxd-csharp library.

Software Requirements#

System Requirements:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 or higher
  • Windows Server 2008 or higher
  • .Net Framework 4.5 or higher

To use the oxd-csharp library, you will need:

  • A valid OpenID Connect Provider (OP), like the Gluu Server or Google.
  • An active installation of the oxd-server running on the same server as the client application.
  • If you want to make RESTful (https) calls from your app to your oxd-server, you will need an active installation of the oxd-https-extension).
  • A Windows server or Windows installed machine / Linux server or Linux installed machine.

Install oxd-csharp#

Use the NuGet Package Manager Console of Visual Studio Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console to install the Gluu.Oxd.OxdCSharp package, by running the following command:

PM> Install-Package Gluu.Oxd.OxdCSharp

Configure the Client Application#

  • Your client application must have a valid SSL certificate, so the URL includes: https://

  • The client hostname should be a valid hostname(FQDN), not a localhost or an IP Address. You can configure the hostname by adding the following entry in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host file:

  • Open the downloaded Sample Project specific to this oxd-csharp library in Visual Studio.

  • Enable SSL using the following instructions:

    • Open the client application in Visual Studio.
    • Go to client application properties.
    • Navigate to Development Server and set SSL Enabled to True.
  • Change the hostname in the project using the following instructions:

    • Make hidden folders visible in the windows explorer. If this has already been done then ignore then skip this step.
    • Navigate to vs/config folder in the root of the project in the windows explorer.
    • Open the applicationhost.config file.
    • Add the following lines to bindings section of the project:
<binding protocol="https" bindingInformation="*:<portno>" />
  • After adding the aforementioned lines the binding section will look like this:
<site name="GluuDemoWebsite" id="2">
    <application path="/" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
        <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="<path of the project>" />
        <binding protocol="https" bindingInformation="*:<portno>" />
  • With the oxd-server running, navigate to the URL's below to run the sample client application. To register a client in the oxd-server use the Setup Client URL. Upon successful registration of the client application, an oxd ID will be displayed in the UI. Next, navigate to the Login URL for authentication.

    • Setup Client URL:
    • Login URL:
    • UMA URL:
  • The input values used during Setup Client are stored in the configuration file (oxd_config.json). Therefore, the configuration file needs to be writable by the client application.


Please report technical issues and suspected bugs on our Support Page. You can use the same credentials you created to register your oxd license to sign in on Gluu support.