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Use oxd's Python Flask library to send users from a Flask application to your Gluu Server OpenID Connect Provider (OP) for dynamic enrollment, single sign-on (SSO), strong authentication, and access management policy enforcement.

!!! Note: You can also refer to the oxd-python library docs for more details on python classes.

Installation Guides#

Software Requirements#

System Requirements:

Ubuntu 14.04 with some basic utilities listed below:

apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi python-dev git python-pip
a2enmod wsgi
a2enmod ssl

Gluu development binaries:

echo "deb trusty-devel main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluu-devel-repo.list
curl | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install gluu-oxd-server

To use the oxd-python library, you will need:

  • A valid OpenID Connect Provider (OP), like the Gluu Server or Google.
  • An active installation of the oxd-server running on the same server as the client application.
  • If you want to make RESTful (https) calls from your app to your oxd-server, you will also need an active installation of the oxd-https-extension.
  • A Windows server or Windows installed machine / Linux server or Linux installed machine.

Configuring oxd-server#

  • Edit the file /opt/oxd-server/conf/oxd-conf.json

    Update the following fields "server_name", "license_id", "public_key" and "public_password"

  • Edit the file /opt/oxd-server/conf/oxd-default-site-config.json

    Change the OP HOST name to your OpenID Provider domain at the line "op_host": "https://<idp-hostname>"

    Change the response_types line to "response_types": ["code"]

  • To start oxd-server, run the following command or click here for more detailed instructions:

/etc/init.d/oxd-server start

Demosite Deployment#

OpenID Connect only works with HTTPS connections. Enter the following to prepare the SSL certificates:

mkdir /etc/certs
cd /etc/certs
openssl genrsa -des3 -out demosite.key 2048
openssl rsa -in demosite.key -out demosite.key.insecure
mv demosite.key.insecure demosite.key
openssl req -new -key demosite.key -out demosite.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in demosite.csr -signkey demosite.key -out demosite.crt

Get the source code for demosite:

cd /var/www/html
git clone

Deploying the site:

cd oxd-python
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp demosite/demosite.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/demosite.conf
chown www-data demosite/demosite.cfg
a2ensite demosite
service apache2 restart
  • The site is now set as the default site for HTTPS (Port 443) at your domain. However, the callback URLs need to be configured before you can see things working.

  • Edit demosite/demosite.cfg and change the redirect URLs to your domain.

  • If you are testing at a local server, add to /etc/hosts to point to your IP instead of editing the URLs in the demosite.cfg file.

  • With the oxd-server running, navigate to the URL's below to run the sample client application. To register a client in the oxd-server use the Setup Client URL. Upon successful registration of the client application, an oxd ID will be displayed in the UI. Next, navigate to the Login URL for authentication.

    • Setup Client URL:
    • Login URL:
    • UMA URL: