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The following documentation demonstrates how to use the oxd client software Perl library to send users from a Perl application to an OpenID Connect Provider (OP), like the Gluu Server or Google, for login.

Sample Project#

Download a sample project specific to this oxd library.

System Requirements#

  • Ubuntu / Debian / CentOS / RHEL / Windows 7 or higher / Windows Server 2008 or higher
  • Perl 5
  • Apache 2.4.4 +
  • OxdPerlModule 3.0.1
  • CGI::Session module
  • Net::SSLeay module
  • IO::Socket::SSL module


Required Software#

To use the oxd Perl library, you will need:

  • A valid OpenID Connect Provider (OP), like Google or the Gluu Server.
  • An active installation of the oxd server running in the same server as the client application.
  • A Windows server or Windows installed machine / Linux server or Linux installed machine.

Install oxdPerlModule from CPAN#

To install oxdPerlModule from CPAN run the following command in Linux terminal or Windows command window

cpan > install INDERPAL/OxdPerlModule-0.01.tar.gz

To install CGI::Session, Net::SSLeay and IO::Socket::SSL modules run the following commands in CPAN

cpan > install CGI::Session
cpan > install Net::SSLeay
cpan > install IO::Socket::SSL

Configure the Client Application#

  • The oxd-perl configuration file is located at oxd-settings.json. This file has to be in the Client application root directory. The values here are used during Client application registration in OpenID Connect Provider. For a full list of supported oxd configuration parameters, check this document. Below is a typical configuration data set required for registration:
  "op_host": "<https://ophost_url>",
  "authorization_redirect_uri" : "",
  "post_logout_redirect_uri" : "",
  "client_logout_uris" : "",
  "scope" : [ "openid", "profile", "email" ],
  "application_type" : "web",
  "response_types" : ["code"],
  "acr_values" : [ "basic" ]
  • Your client application must have a valid ssl cert, so the url includes: https://


Install Perl on ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get install perl
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2 
Then create virtual host of oxd-perl oxd-perl.conf under /etc/apache2/sites-available/ file and add these lines :

$ cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
$ vim oxd-perl-example.conf
add below mention lines on virtual host file

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
    <VirtualHost _default_:443>

        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/oxd-perl/example/

        <Directory /var/www/html/oxd-perl/example/>
                        AllowOverride All

        ErrorLog /var/www/html/oxd-perl/example/logs/error.log
        CustomLog /var/www/html/oxd-perl/example/logs/access.log combined

        AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
           <Files 'xmlrpc.php'>
                   Order Allow,Deny
                   deny from all

        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile  /etc/certs/demosite.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/certs/demosite.key

                <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">
                        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

                # processes .cgi and .pl as CGI scripts

                ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/html/oxd-perl/
                <Directory "/var/www/html/oxd-perl">
                        Options +ExecCGI
                        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
                        AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

                BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-6]" \
            nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
            downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
                BrowserMatch "MSIE [17-9]" ssl-unclean-shutdown


Then enable oxd-perl-example.conf virtual host by running:

$ sudo a2ensite oxd-perl-example.conf 

After that add domain name in virtual host file. In console:

$ sudo nano /etc/hosts

Add these lines in virtual host file:

Reload the apache server

$ sudo service apache2 restart
Setting up and running demo app

Navigate to perl app root:

Copy example folder from oxdPerl directory and placed on root folder

cd /var/www/html/oxd-perl/example


  • The client hostname should be a valid hostname (FQDN), not localhost or an IP Address. You can configure the hostname by adding the following entry in your C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file:

  • Enable SSL by adding the following lines on virtual host file of Apache in the location C:/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:

<VirtualHost *>
    DocumentRoot "<apache web root directory>"

<VirtualHost *:443>
    DocumentRoot "<apache web root directory>"
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile "<Path to your ssl certificate file>"
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "<Path to your ssl certificate key file>"
    <Directory "<apache web root directory>">
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

oxd Server Methods#

The oxd server provides the following six methods for authenticating users with an OpenID Connect Provider (OP):

Sample code#


Use following code to assign required parameter values from oxd-settings.json to the perl client application. These values can be used as parameter for the oxd server methods.

    $object = new OxdConfig();
    my $opHost = $object->getOpHost();
    my $oxdHostPort = $object->getOxdHostPort();
    my $authorizationRedirectUrl = $object->getAuthorizationRedirectUrl();
    my $postLogoutRedirectUrl = $object->setPostLogoutRedirectUrl();
    my $scope = $object->getScope();
    my $applicationType = $object->getApplicationType();
    my $responseType = $object->getResponseType();
    my $grantType = $object->getGrantTypes();
    my $acrValues = $object->getAcrValues();

Register Site#

In order to use an OpenID Connect Provider (OP) for login, you need to register your client application at the OP. During registration oxd will dynamically register the OpenID Connect client and save its configuration. Upon successful registration a unique identifier will be issued by the oxd server. If your OpenID Connect Provider does not support dynamic registration (like Google), you will need to obtain a ClientID and Client Secret which can be passed to the OxdRegister module as a parameter. The Register Site method is a one time task to configure a client in the oxd server and OP.

Required parameters:

  • opHost: The URL of the OpenID Connect Provider (OP)
  • authorizationRedirectUrl: A URL which the OP is authorized to redirect the user after authorization.


my $register_site = new OxdRegister( );


my $oxd_id = $register_site->getResponseOxdId();

print Dumper($register_site->getResponseObject());



Update Site Registration#

The UpdateRegistration module can be used to update an existing client in the OP.

Fields like Authorization redirect url, post logout url, scope, client secret and other fields can be updated using this method.

Required parameters:

  • oxd_id: oxd Id from client registration
  • authorization_redirect_uri: A URL which the OP is authorized to redirect the user after authorization.

  • post_logout_redirect_uri: URL to which the RP is requesting that the End-User's User Agent be redirected after a logout has been performed.


my $update_site_registration = new UpdateRegistration();


my $oxd_id = $update_site_registration->getResponseOxdId();

print Dumper($update_site_registration->getResponseObject());



Get Authorization URL#

The GetAuthorizationUrl module returns the OpenID Connect Provider authentication URL to which the client application must redirect the user to authorize the release of personal data. The response URL includes state value, which can be used to obtain tokens required for authentication. This state value used to maintain state between the request and the callback.

Required parameters:

  • oxd_id: oxd Id from client registration


my $get_authorization_url = new GetAuthorizationUrl( );


my $oxdurl = $get_authorization_url->getResponseAuthorizationUrl();

print Dumper($get_authorization_url->getResponseObject());



Get Tokens by Code#

Upon successful login, the login result will return code and state. GetTokenByCode module uses code and state to retrieve token which can be used to access user claims.

Required parameters:

  • oxd_id: oxd Id from client registration
  • code: The Code from OP authorization redirect url
  • state: The State from OP authorization redirect url


my $code = $cgi->escapeHTML($cgi->param("code"));
my $state = $cgi->escapeHTML($cgi->param("state"));
my $session_state = $cgi->escapeHTML($cgi->param("session_state"));

my $get_tokens_by_code = new GetTokenByCode();


my $user_oxd_id_token = $get_tokens_by_code->getResponseIdToken();
my $accessToken = $get_tokens_by_code->getResponseAccessToken();
my $refreshToken = $get_tokens_by_code->getResponseRefreshToken();

print Dumper($get_tokens_by_code->getResponseObject());


        "id_token":"eyJ0 ... NiJ9.eyJ1c ... I6IjIifX0.DeWt4Qu ... ZXso",
        "id_token_claims": {
             "iss": "",
             "sub": "24400320",
             "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
             "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
             "exp": 1311281970,
             "iat": 1311280970,
             "at_hash": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng"

Get User Info#

Once the user has been authenticated by the OpenID Connect Provider, the GetUserInfo module returns Claims (Like First Name, Last Name, emailId, etc.) about the authenticated end user.

Required parameters:

  • oxd_id: oxd Id from client registration
  • accessToken: accessToken from GetTokenByCode


my $get_user_info = new GetUserInfo();


my $username = $get_user_info->getResponseObject()->{data}->{claims}->{name}[0];
my $useremail = $get_user_info->getResponseObject()->{data}->{claims}->{email}[0];

print Dumper($get_user_info->getResponseObject());


            "sub": ["248289761001"],
            "name": ["Jane Doe"],
            "given_name": ["Jane"],
            "family_name": ["Doe"],
            "preferred_username": ["j.doe"],
            "email": [""],
            "picture": [""]


OxdLogout module returns the OpenID Connect Provider logout url. Client application uses this logout url to end the user session.

Required parameters:

  • oxd_id: oxd Id from client registration


my $logout = new OxdLogout();


$logoutUrl = $logout->getResponseObject()->{data}->{uri};

print Dumper($logout->getResponseObject());


        "uri":"https://<server>/end_session?id_token_hint=<id token>&state=<state>&post_logout_redirect_uri=<...>"


Please report technical issues and suspected bugs on our support page. You can use the same credentials you created to register for your oxd license to sign in on Gluu support.