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Admin REST APIs#


Gluu Server offers REST APIs for the oxTrust Admin GUI. With the REST API, server configurations can be automated, new GUIs can be built to expose specific admin functionality, and other integrations can be created for the Gluu admin portal.

VM Installation instructions#

Add the REST API extension to an existing Gluu 4.4.x deployment by following these steps:

  1. Inside the Gluu chroot, navigate to /custom/libs/.

  2. In this folder, download the .jar file corresponding to the Gluu Server 4.4 version currently installed:

  3. Navigate to /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/webapps/.

  4. Create a file called identity.xml if it does not already exist.

  5. Add the following to identity.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0"  encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "">
    <Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
      <Set name="contextPath">/identity</Set>
      <Set name="war"><Property name="jetty.webapps" default="."/>/identity.war</Set>
      <Set name="extractWAR">true</Set>
      <Set name="extraClasspath">./custom/libs/[jarName].jar</Set>
  6. On the second to last line, replace [jarName] with the name of the .jar file downloaded in step 2.

  7. Restart the identity service.

Kubernetes and Docker instructions#


The following sections are guides on how to access oxTrust API using within Gluu Server container deployment. See below oxTrust API docs for reference.


  1. gluufederation/config-init:4.0.1_05 image (test mode client is introduced).
  2. gluufederation/persistence:4.0.1_05 image (enable oxTrust API upon deployment).
  3. gluufederation/oxauth:4.0.1_05 image.
  4. gluufederation/oxtrust:4.0.1_05 image.

Available API Modes for CN#

The oxTrust API has two modes that administrators can configure according to need for cloud native deployments.

Test Mode for CN#


Test mode is not recommended for production. Choose UMA mode instead.

  1. Set environment variable GLUU_OXTRUST_API_ENABLED=true and GLUU_OXTRUST_API_TEST_MODE=true when running gluufederation/persistence container to enable oxTrust API:

    docker run \
        --rm \
        --name persistence \
        -e GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST=consul \
        -e GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_HOST=vault \
        -e GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE=ldap \
        -e GLUU_LDAP_URL=ldap:1636 \
        -e GLUU_OXTRUST_API_ENABLED=true \
        -e GLUU_OXTRUST_API_TEST_MODE=true \
        -v $PWD/vault_role_id.txt:/etc/certs/vault_role_id \
        -v $PWD/vault_secret_id.txt:/etc/certs/vault_secret_id \

    If using kubernetes pygluu-kubernetes.pyz answer yes to both the following prompts:

    Enable oxTrust Api         [N]?[Y/N]                               y
    Enable oxTrust Test Mode [N]?[Y/N]                                 y

    Alternatively, enable the features using oxTrust UI.

    1. Navigate to Configuration > Manage Custom Scripts, Under UMA RPT Policies, select and enable the custom script named oxtrust_api_access_policy

    2. Navigate to Configuration > JSON Configuration, select oxTrust Configuration tab Search for the field named oxTrustApiTestMode, set it to True and save the change.

  2. Obtain Test mode client credentials from config and secret backends.

    1. Grab api_test_client_id from config backend; in this example, we're getting 0008-b52a8524.45b2-4.45-968e-481a366be8cd as its value. This is the client ID.

    2. Grab api_test_client_secret from secret backend; in this example, we're getting TVtZwLZxp25XFDelMJNDQsa8 as its value. This is the client secret.

  3. Get token from Gluu Server; in this example we're using

    curl -k -u '0008-b52a8524-35b2-4835-968e-481a366be8cd:TVtZwLZxp25XFDelMJNDQsa8' \ \
        -d grant_type=client_credentials

    The response example:

        "access_token": "0d14102c-70e5-485c-8b64-e56f1ecfcf3e",
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "expires_in": 299

    Extract the access_token value (in this case, 0d14102c-70e5-485c-8b64-e56f1ecfcf3e is the token).

  4. Make request to oxTrust API endpoints:

    curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer 0d14102c-70e5-485c-8b64-e56f1ecfcf3e' \

    If succeed, the output is similar to the following:

            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "displayName": "Gluu Manager Group",
            "description": "This group is for administrative purpose, with full acces to users",
            "members": [
            "inum": "60B7",
            "owner": null,
            "organization": null,
            "iname": null

UMA Mode for CN#

  1. Set environment variable GLUU_OXTRUST_API_ENABLED=true when running gluufederation/persistence container to enable oxTrust API:

    docker run \
        --rm \
        --name persistence \
        -e GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST=consul \
        -e GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_HOST=vault \
        -e GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE=ldap \
        -e GLUU_LDAP_URL=ldap:1636 \
        -e GLUU_OXTRUST_API_ENABLED=true \
        -e GLUU_OXTRUST_API_TEST_MODE=false \
        -v $PWD/vault_role_id.txt:/etc/certs/vault_role_id \
        -v $PWD/vault_secret_id.txt:/etc/certs/vault_secret_id \

    If using kubernetes pygluu-kubernetes.pyz answer Y to enabling oxTrust API and N to enabling Test Mode.

    Enable oxTrust Api         [N]?[Y/N]                               y
    Enable oxTrust Test Mode [N]?[Y/N]                                 N
    Alternatively, enable the features using oxTrust UI.

    1. Navigate to Configuration > Manage Custom Scripts, Under UMA RPT Policies, select and enable the custom script named oxtrust_api_access_policy
  2. Make request to oxTrust API (in this example, we're going to use URL), for example:

    curl -k -I

    The request is rejected due to unauthenticated client and the response headers will be similar as the following:

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    WWW-Authenticate: UMA realm="Authorization required",, as_uri=, ticket=ed5d9fa7-7117-4fc0-85c2-17a064448dc8

    Extract the ticket from WWW-Authenticate header; in this example the ticket is ed5d9fa7-7117-4fc0-85c2-17a064448dc8.

  3. Copy api-rp.jks and api-rp-keys.json from oxAuth container into host:

    docker cp oxauth:/etc/certs/api-rp.jks api-rp.jks \
        && docker cp oxauth:/etc/certs/api-rp-keys.json api-rp-keys.json

    In kubernetes get the oxauth pod name and use the following commands:

    sh kubectl cp oxauth-acsacsd2123:etc/certs/api-rp.jks api-rp.jks \ && kubectl cp oxauth-acsacsd2123:etc/certs/api-rp-keys.json api-rp-keys.json

  4. Determine algorithm for signing JWT string, i.e. RS256.

    Here's an example of api-rp-keys.json contents:

        "keys": [
                "kty": "RSA",
                "e": "AQAB",
                "use": "sig",
                "crv": "",
                "kid": "777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256",
                "x5c": ["MIIDAzCCAeugAwIBAgIgIoDkhKXYZG5/LDPoUEUBxLpvsUDwL+OEzkAMuMpglzLH6g9dDUyGVEh8iRg=="],
                "exp": 1606219942910,
                "alg": "RS256",
                "n": "r3LItabzy3Lg0SXf_6EZ1oANjyYQ_HCEj-r5cynyD7dnAQdXvkRLVMAby0EAoCaeEo_QkU79BCOY6o2w"

    Make sure alg value is RS256. Grab the kid value (in this example 777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256).

  5. Grab keystore password from secret backend where key is api_rp_client_jks_pass. In this example, we're getting secret as its value.

  6. Convert api-rp.jks to api-rp.pkcs12 (delete existing api-rp.pkcs12 file if any):

    keytool -importkeystore \
        -srckeystore api-rp.jks \
        -srcstorepass secret  \
        -srckeypass secret \
        -srcalias 777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256 \
        -destalias 777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256 \
        -destkeystore api-rp.pkcs12 \
        -deststoretype PKCS12 \
        -deststorepass secret \
        -destkeypass secret
  7. Extract public and private key pair from api-rp.pkcs12:

    openssl pkcs12 -in api-rp.pkcs12 -nodes -out api-rp.pem -passin pass:secret

    Here's an example of generated api-rp.pem:

    Bag Attributes
        friendlyName: d405b162-fb5d-4e9f-81cd-4edcb0db486a_sig_rs256
        localKeyID: 54 69 6D 65 20 31 35 37 35 31 37 34 30 33 35 32 33 30
    Key Attributes: <No Attributes>
    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
    Bag Attributes
        friendlyName: d405b162-fb5d-4e9f-81cd-4edcb0db486a_sig_rs256
        localKeyID: 54 69 6D 65 20 31 35 37 35 31 37 34 30 33 35 32 33 30
    subject=/CN=oxAuth CA Certificates
    issuer=/CN=oxAuth CA Certificates
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    Grab the string starts with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and ends with -----END PRIVATE KEY-----. This is the private key.

  8. Prepare data for generating JWT string.

    1. Header

          "typ": "JWT",
          "alg": "RS256",
          "kid": "777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256"
    2. Payload

      Grab client ID from config backend where key is oxtrust_requesting_party_client_id. In this example we're getting 0008-76f0b100-6d68-4f21-96ca-c6e49d30094b as its value.

          "iss": "0008-76f0b100-6d68-4f21-96ca-c6e49d30094b",
          "sub": "0008-76f0b100-6d68-4f21-96ca-c6e49d30094b",
          "exp": 1575185573,
          "iat": 1575181565,
          "jti": "2f1c50c6-0359-4913-b3f9-c17ca93a1b82",
          "aud": ""


      • iat value is time since epoch; we can use date +%s command to get a value
      • exp value is expiration since epoch; we can use date --date="1 hours" +%s
      • jti value must be unique; we can use uuidgen command to get a value
      • aud is the URL for getting the token
      • iss and sub are client ID
    3. Private key (see previous section about extracting private key)

    After header, payload, and private key are ready, generate JWT string using debugger or any of supported libraries. Save the JWT string, for example:

  9. Grab token from

    curl -k \
        -d grant_type='urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket' \
        -d ticket='ed5d9fa7-7117-4fc0-85c2-17a064448dc8'  \
        -d client_id='0008-76f0b100-6d68-4f21-96ca-c6e49d30094b' \
        -d client_assertion_type='urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer' \
        -d client_assertion='eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs.RiLZyW2yYdF4P0QD0oY9zjBfsFwFSpSCRUe.3WnaETMtAIPpXQhry6SYFR1tFv1t4XO14o1qVA'
        -d scope=`oxtrust-api-read oxtrust-api-write`

    The response example:

        "access_token": "d01cdc70-6519-4118-89bb-9ee1748acdd1_D8F4.E104.D094.6B62.79E0.6F8E.FB55.0509",
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "upgraded": false,
        "pct": "0b598193-11cb-4926-9e4c-cc7c95e6ce37_CB14.8C6B.E2B2.46CD.53B2.CBEF.C50E.9FE9"

    Extract value of access_token; in this case d01cdc70-6519-4118-89bb-9ee1748acdd1_D8F4.E104.D094.6B62.79E0.6F8E.FB55.0509.

  10. Retry request to get groups (this time pass along the token in the request header):

    curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer d01cdc70-6519-4118-89bb-9ee1748acdd1_D8F4.E104.D094.6B62.79E0.6F8E.FB55.0509' \

    If succeed, the output is similar to the following:

            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "displayName": "Gluu Manager Group",
            "description": "This group is for administrative purpose, with full acces to users",
            "members": [
            "inum": "60B7",
            "owner": null,
            "organization": null,
            "iname": null

    Reuse the token (as long as it still valid) to make any request to oxTrust API endpoints.

Available API modes for VM#

The oxTrust API has two modes that administrators can configure according to need for VM-based deployments.

Test Mode for VM#

Follow these steps to configure the test mode:

  1. Move the oxTrust API jar to /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/custom/libs/.
  2. Edit identity.xml as mentioned above
  3. Restart the identity service
  4. Log into Gluu Admin UI
  5. Navigate to Configuration > Manage Custom Scripts
  6. Under UMA RPT Policies, select and enable the custom script named oxtrust_api_access_policy
  7. Save the custom script
  8. Navigate to Configuration > JSON Configuration, select oxTrust Configuration tab
  9. Search for the field named oxTrustApiTestMode, set it to True and save the change.
  10. Add an OpenId Connect client for testing:

    • Client Name: whatever you want
    • Client secret: a memorable secret
    • scopes: openid,permission
    • grand types: client_credentials
    • Response type: token
    • NB: After pressing the save button, take note of the client ID generated and the secret. We need them for next step.
  11. Run the command below from a terminal to request an access token from Gluu Server

    curl -k -u 'testClientId:testClientSecert' -d grant_type=client_credentials https://yourhostname/oxauth/restv1/token
  12. Use that accesss token as Bearer token when making api calls.

UMA Mode for VM#

The UMA mode is the mode in which the API is protected by UMA. This is the recommended mode for production server.

Available Endpoints#

API Description
addClientToUmaResource Add client to an UMA resource
addGroupMember Add a group member
addRadiusClient Add a new RADIUS client
addScopeToClient Add a scope to an OIDC client
addScopeToUmaResource Add a scope to an UMA resource
create Create a new configuration
createAttribute Add a new attribute
createClient Add a new OpenID Connect client
createCustomScript Add a new custom script
createGroup Add a new group
createPassportProvider Add a new passport provider
createPerson Add a new person
createScope Add a new OpenID Connect scope
createSectorIdentifier Add a new sector identifier
createUmaResource Add a new UMA resource
createUmaScope Add a new UMA scope
delete Delete an existing configuration
deleteAllProviders Delete all providers
deleteAllUmaScopes Delete all UMA scopes
deleteAttribute Delete an attribute
deleteAttributes Delete all attributes
deleteClient Delete an OpenID Connect client
deleteClientScopes Delete the scopes in an OpenID Connect Client
deleteClients Delete all clients
deleteCustomScript Delete a custom script
deleteGroup Delete a group
deleteGroupMembers Delete the members of a group
deleteGroups Delete all groups
deletePeople Delete all people
deletePerson Delete a person
deleteProvider Delete a passport provider
deleteRadiusClient Delete a RADIUS client
deleteScope Delete an OpenID Connect scope
deleteScopes Delete all OpenID Connect scopes
deleteSectorIdentifier Delete a Sector Identifier
deleteUmaResource Delete an UMA resource
deleteUmaScope Delete an UMA scope
getAllActiveAttributes Get all active attributes
getAllAttributes Get all attributes
getAllInactiveAttributes Get all inactive attributes
getAllScopes Get all scopes
getAllSectorIdentifiers Get all sector identifiers
getAttributeByInum Get a specific attribute
getCasConfig Get the existing configuration
getClientByInum Get a specific OpenID Connect client
getClientScope Get scopes assigned to an OpenID client
getConfiguration Get Gluu configuration
getCurrentAuthentication Get current authentication methods
getCustomScriptsByInum Get specific custom scripts
getGroupByInum Get a specific group
getGroupMembers Get members of a specific group
getOxAuthJsonSettings Get oxAuth JSON configuration settings
getOxtrustJsonSettings Get oxTrust JSON configuration settings
getOxtrustSettings get oxTrust configuration settings
getPassportBasicConfig Get Passport's basic configuration
getPersonByInum Get a specific person
getProviderById Get a specific Passport provider
getRadiusClient Get a specific RADIUS client
getScopeByInum Get a specific OpenID Connect scope
getScopeClaims List all claims for a scope
getSectorIdentifierById Get a specific Sector Identifier
getServerConfig Get RADIUS server configuration
getServerStatus Get current server status
getSmtpServerConfiguration Get SMTP server configuration
getUmaResourceById Get a specific UMA resource
getUmaResourceClients Get the clients for a specific UMA resource
getUmaResourceScopes Get the scopes for a specific UMA resource
getUmaScopeByInum Get a specific UMA scope
listCertificates List descriptions of the Gluu Server's certificates
listClients List all OpenID Connect clients
listCustomScripts List all custom scripts
listCustomScriptsByType List all person authentication scripts
listGroups List all groups
listPeople List all people
listProviders List all Passport providers
listRadiusClients List all RADIUS clients
listUmaResources List all UMA resources
listUmaScopes List UMA scopes
read Get the existing configuration
removeClientToUmaResource Remove a client from an UMA resource
removeGroupMember Remove a member from a group
removeScopeToClient Remove an existing scope from a client
removeScopeToUmaResource Remove a scope from an UMA resource
searchAttributes Search attributes
searchGroups Search OpenID Connect clients
searchGroups1 Search groups
searchGroups2 Search person
searchScope Search OpenID Connect scopes
searchSectorIdentifier Search sector identifiers
searchUmaResources Search UMA resources
searchUmaScopes Search UMA scopes
status Check the status of a configuration
status1 Check the status of an existing configuration
testSmtpConfiguration Test the SMTP configuration
update Update the configuration
update1 Update an existing configuration
updateAttribute Update a new attribute
updateAuthenticationMethod Update the authentication methods
updateClient Update an OpenID Connect client
updateCustomScript Update a custom script
updateGroup Update a group
updateGroup1 Update a person
updateOxauthJsonSetting Update an oxAuth JSON configuration setting
updateOxtrustJsonSetting Update an oxTrust JSON configuration setting
updateOxtrustSetting Update oxTrust settings
updatePassportBasicConfig Update Passport basic configuration
updatePassportProvider Update a Passport provider
updateRadiusClient Update RADIUS client
updateScope Update an OpenID Connect scope
updateSectorIdentifier Update a sector identifier
updateServerConfiguration Update the RADIUS server configuration
updateSmtpConfiguration Update the SMTP configuration
updateUmaResource Update an UMA Resource
updateUmaScope Update an UMA scope

API Reference#

Current Swagger documentation for oxTrust APIs can be found in the oxTrust API doc.


Gluu oxTrust APIs are made available under the Apache License 2.0.