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Radiator Plugin#


Gluu offers an authentication plugin for Radiator, a robust AAA server built for ISPs and carriers. With this plugin, the Gluu Server can leverage a Radiator server for authentication and single sign-on (SSO) to RADIUS applications like VPN and Wi-fi.


This plugin does not handle RADIUS Accounting-Request packets, and simply returns Access-Accept for these packets.



Consult the Radiator documentation for information about how to install Radiator.


We recommend installing Radiator on Linux, since some Perl module dependencies are difficult to get working on Windows.


Radiator and its plugins are written in Perl. In addition to Perl and the Perl modules Radiator is dependent upon, this authentication plugin has the following Perl module dependencies:

  • Data::UUID
  • Encode
  • Crypt::JWT
  • HTTP::Async
  • HTTP::Request
  • JSON

If using ActiveState Perl, modules can be installed using the command:

ppm install <module_name>

If using Perl on Linux or Strawberry Perl, modules can be installed using the command:

cpan <module_name>


A working OpenSSL installation is required to generate keys used to authenticate against the Gluu Server.

Gluu Server Configuration#

First make sure the Gluu Server is properly configured to support Radiator.

Gluu Radius Installation#

Although not used in this case in its capacity as a RADIUS server, Gluu Radius, during installation, comes with all the components required to make the GluuRadiator plugin work seamlessly with Gluu Server.

Install Gluu Radius by following the instructions here. The script itself is available here.

If Radiator and the Gluu Server will run on the same system, one additional step needs to be taken: configure Gluu Radius to use different listening ports than the ones Radiator will use. Instructions can be found here.

Authentication Keys Generation using OpenSSL#

The plugin, same as Gluu Radius uses private key JWT authentication to perform authentication against the Gluu Radius Server. This implies the usage of private and public keys. In this section, we'll generate them. The examples here will assume generation of an 2048 RSA KeyPair , and the signing algorithm used will be RS512.

  1. Generate the private key. Create or use an existing directory, and from the terminal , run the following command:

    openssl genrsa -aes256 -out gluu-radiator-pkey.pem 2048

    A passphrase (password) will be prompted for. Use a password of relatively good complexity and keep it safe. Make sure the private key is not world-readable.

  2. Generate the public key. From the working directory mentioned above, run the following command:

    openssl rsa -in gluu-radiator-pkey.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out gluu-radiator-pubkey.crt

    Enter the passphrase from step 1 when prompted for a passphrase

Gluu RO OpenID Configuration#

We will first generate a JWK (JSON Web Key) using this tool. Open the tool in your browser. Set Public Key Use to Signing , Algorithm to RS512 and Key ID to gluu-radiator-auth-sign-rs-512. A JWK will be generated. This tool only supports RSA keys.

A more unique Key ID can be chosen too. Copy the contents of the public key in gluu-radiator-pubkey.crt and paste in the PEM Encoded Key section.

Now, log in to Gluu Server from the browser. Navigate to OpenID Connect > Clients and select Gluu RO OpenID Client.

Click on the Encryption Signing Settings Tab. Add the generated JWK to the existing ones in the JWKS section. It is recommended that the contents of the JWKS section be copied in a text editor before performing this operation, then re-copied into the JWKS section. Save the effected changes changes.

Plugin Installation and Configuration#

Radiator installation is covered in the user manual provided during purchase of evaluation and is therefore out of the scope of this document.

As for the plugin itself, the only file needed is in the Radius directory. It has to be copied into the Radius directory where Radiator will be installed.

In the Radiator configuration file, add the plugin as an authenticator, as shown below alongside the Plugin parameters (will be explained later).

     <AuthBy GLUU>
          gluuServerUrl https://gluu.local/
          clientId xxxxxxxxxxx
          signaturePkeyPassword admin
          signaturePkey file:"path_to_key"
          signaturePkeyId gluu-radiator-auth-sign-rs512
          signatureAlgorithm RS512
          sslVerifyCert yes

Plugin Cryptographic Material Generation and Management Using Gluu Radius#

Gluu Radius can be used to generate cryptographic material used for authentication and signature verification for the plugin.

Install Gluu Radius on the server to will be used for authentication and (optionally) disable key regeneration and listening for Gluu Radius (see the docs).

Open a terminal and log in to the server's container , then change the current working directory to /opt/gluu/radius/.

Use the following command to generate / update authentication cryptographic material:

java -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:"/etc/gluu/conf/radius/gluu-radius-logging.xml" -jar super-gluu-radius-server.jar \
-config_file /etc/gluu/conf/radius/ -cryptogen -private_key_out <private_key_file> \
-radiator_config_out <radiator_config_file>

This command will generate cryptographic material, i.e. public and private keys, used for authentication. It will also update the OpenID client's configuration used for authentication.
- <private_key_file> is the path of the file where the private key will be saved (the pem format is suited for Gluu Radiator).
- <radiator_config_out> is the path of the file where the partial Radiator configuration for the plugin will be stored. This is optional.

The Radiator configuration file generated looks like this:

<AuthBy GLUU>
    gluuServerUrl <url>
    clientId 0008-4297f5f2-9047-43c4-89ad-beadc93706cc
    signaturePkeyPassword c71N0TykuZAo
    signaturePkey file:"//opt/gluu/radius/./auth-key.pem"
    signaturePkeyId d15c0c5a-37b7-4768-8c70-f40617e267a6_sig_rs512
    signatureAlgorithm RS512
    sslVerifyCert yes
    authScheme twostep

It contains most of the configuration parameters for Radiator. A script can be written to call this tool, generate this partial configuration and use it in the larger Radiator configuration.

Plugin Configuration Parameters#

The AuthGLUU plugin takes many parameters. They will be described below.

  • acrValue. This is an optional string parameter containing the name of Resource Owner Password Grant Interception Scripts which will be invoked during authentication. Default: super_gluu_ro.

  • scopes. This is an optional string parameter containing the openId scopes which will be used invoked during authentication. Default: openid,super_gluu_ro_session.

  • gluuServerlUrl. This is a mandatory string parameter containing the URL of the Gluu Server Instance this plugin will authenticate against.

  • clientId. This is a mandatory string parameter containing the clientID of the Gluu RO OpenID Client OpenID client configured in this section.

  • signaturePkey. This is a mandatory string parameter containing the contents of the private key used for token authentication. Note as, in the above sample configuration, we used the notation file:"/file/path/" to read the contents.

  • signaturePkeyPassword. This is a mandatory string parameter containing the password of the signaturePkey parameter. It goes without saying, since the configuration file contains such a sensitive parameter, it should be set to have the appropriate permissions.

  • signaturePkeyId. This is a mandatory string parameter containing the Key ID of the JWK public key previously generated. In the previous section, the value was set to gluu-radiator-auth-sign-rs-512.

  • signatureAlgorithm. This is a mandatory string parameter containing the JWA algorithm used for token endpoint authentication signature verification. It must match the JWS alg Algorithm for Authentication method to Token Endpoint: parameter for the corresponding OpenID client.

  • sslVerifyCert. This is an optional flag parameter which can take the values yes or no. If set to yes SSL certificate verification is turned on. If set to no SSL certification is turned off. Default value is yes.

  • sslCAPath. This is an optional string parameter which contains the path of a directory containing CA certificates used for validation. See the OpenSSL documentation for more information.

  • sslCAFile. This is an optional string parameter which contains the path to a file containing the CA certificate for the server. This may come in handy if the SSL certificate verification cannot be turned off (bad idea all the same), and the server certificate is self-signed.

  • sslVerifyCnScheme. This is an optional string containing the scheme used to perform certificate verification. See the perl package IO::Socket::SSL for details.

  • sslVerifyCnName. This is an optional string containing the name which is used in hostname verification. See the perl package IO::Socket::SSL for details.

  • unreachableServerAction. This is an optional string containing the action to take as long as the Gluu Server is unreachable. The valid values are accept, ignore and reject , representing the various Radius return values for each request , notably Access-Accept , Access-Ignore and Access-Reject. Default value is reject.

  • maxRequests. This is an optional integer containing the maximum number of simultaneous requests to the Gluu Server.

  • httpRequestTimeout. This is an optional integer containing the time (in seconds) after which an http request will be marked as failed

  • httpMaxRequestTime. This is an optional integer containing the maximum time (in seconds) an http request can last.

  • authTimeout. This is an optional integer containing the maximum time (in seconds).an entire authentication cycle can last. Set larger values if authentication is expected to take (too) long. Default of 30 seconds

  • pollInterval. This is an optional integer containing the interval (in seconds) responses will be polled from the server via http. Default is 1 second

  • authScheme. This is an optional string containing the authentication scheme to use. The valid values are onestep and twostep. onestep will simply authenticate the user against the Gluu Server and return the result in the form of a radius authentication status. twostep , which is the default , authenticates the user's credentials against gluu server , and performs an additional authentication verification (the default script uses Super Gluu).


  1. Create a user or use an existing user on Gluu Server. Make sure the user has at least one enrolled Super Gluu device associated with their account.

  2. Run Radiator (see Radiator documentation)

  3. Use a RADIUS client (e.g. NTRadPing) to attempt to authenticate. A Super Gluu authentication prompt should appear on the user's device. Tap Approve to proceed with authentication. Radiator will then return an Access-Acceptresponse.