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Upgrade to Gluu Server 4.1#


The Gluu Server cannot be upgraded with a simple apt-get upgrade. You will need to either use our in-place upgrade script or explicitly install the new version and export/import your data. Find the existing version below for upgrade instructions to Gluu Server 4.1.


  • Before upgrading, make sure to back up the Gluu container or LDAP LDIF.
  • Upgrades should always be thoroughly scoped and tested on a development environment first.

Upgrade with Scripts#

Community Edition version 4.1 must be upgraded from version 4.0.x. Explanations of what actions the upgrade script performs are included below.

Upgrade 3.1.x to 4.0#

The upgrade script can download all needed software and applications from the internet. Skip this step if already using 4.0. You can perform an online upgrade by following these steps:

  • Create directory
mkdir /root/upg40
  • Download the upgrade script
wget -O /root/upg40/
  • Execute the script with -o argument
cd /root/upg40
python -o

Your upgrade directory will be the current directory. The script will create these directories: app, war, temp, setup

When the upgrade script prompts:

If you have custom ldap schema, add them now and press c  
If you don't have any custom schema you can continue with pressing c

Put the schema file in /opt/opendj/config/schema/


  • This upgrade replaces all the default Gluu Server scripts WITH SCRIPTS FROM 4.0 and removes other custom scripts. (This will replace any customization you may have made to these default script entries)
  • Default authentication mode will be set to auth_ldap_server
  • Cache provider configuration will be set to 4.0 default
  • Reconfigure your logo and favicon

Upgrade 4.0 to 4.1#

  • Create directory

    mkdir /root/upg410

  • Download the upgrade script

    wget -O /root/upg410/

  • Execute the script:

cd /root/upg410/

4.0 upgrade script details#

The 4.0 upgrade script performs the following tasks:

  • Upgrades Java to Amazon Corretto. Extracts certificates from the existing Java keystore to hostname_service.crt in the upgrade directory. After upgrading Java, imports to keystore
  • Upgrades all Gluu WAR files, NodeJS, and Passport components
  • Transfers all data from LDAP to gluu.ldif in the upgrade directory
  • Upgrades to WrenDS (a community maintained fork of OpenDJ). If you are currently running OpenLDAP, it will be backed up and migrated to WrenDS
  • Processes gluu.ldif to convert the existing data set to the new model. Removes all inums. Depending on the data size, this step will take some time. Writes resulting data to gluu_noinum.ldif. Your current passport configuration will be moved to gluuPassportConfiguration.json for future reference
  • Imports gluu_noinum.ldif to newly installed WrenDS. Rejected and Skipped entries will be written to opendj_rejects.txt and opendj_skips.txt to the upgrade directory
  • Upgrade script uses to updated the configuration. All activities will be logged to setup/update.log and update_error.log
  • All files will be backed up with file_name.gluu-version-#~ where # is a consecutive number, unless backup is specified in another way.
  • Sets the OpenID Connect claimsParameterSupported property to false by default to ensure clients are unable to gather unwanted claims. If a client in use depends on this property, it can be set back to true in the JSON configuration.


If you are using custom schema:
(a) OpenDJ Users: Back up the schema file
(b) OpenLDAP users: Convert the schema according to this guide

Kubernetes upgrading instructions#


This guide introduces how to upgrade from one version to another.



  1. Download pygluu-kubernetes.pyz. This package can be built manually.

  2. If using LDAP: Create configmap for 101-ox.ldif file.

    kubectl create cm oxldif -n gluu --from-file=101-ox.ldif
  3. If using LDAP: Mount 101-ox.ldif in opendj-pods. Open opendj yaml or edit the statefulset directly kubectl edit statefulset opendj -n gluu

      - name: ox-ldif-cm
          name: oxldif
      - envFrom:
        - configMapRef:
            name: opendj-cm-b9g25hk457
        image: gluufederation/wrends:4.1.0_01
        - name: ox-ldif-cm
          mountPath: /opt/opendj/config/schema/101-ox.ldif
          subPath: 101-ox.ldif
  4. Run :

    ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz upgrade


  1. Copy the following yaml into upgrade.yaml and adjust all entries marked below:

    apiVersion: v1
      DOMAIN: FQDN #<-- Change this to your FQDN
      GLUU_CACHE_TYPE: NATIVE_PERSISTENCE #<-- Change this if necessary
      GLUU_CONFIG_ADAPTER: kubernetes
      GLUU_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: gluu  #<-- Change this to Gluus namespace
      GLUU_COUCHBASE_CERT_FILE: /etc/certs/couchbase.crt
      GLUU_COUCHBASE_PASSWORD_FILE: /etc/gluu/conf/couchbase_password
      GLUU_COUCHBASE_URL: cbgluu.cbns.svc.cluster.local #<-- Change this if necessary
      GLUU_COUCHBASE_USER: admin #<-- Change this if necessary
      GLUU_LDAP_URL: opendj:1636
      GLUU_PERSISTENCE_LDAP_MAPPING: "" #<-- Change this if using hybrid with ldap as persistence
      GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE: couchbase
      GLUU_SECRET_ADAPTER: kubernetes
      GLUU_SECRET_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: gluu #<-- Change this to Gluus namespace
    kind: ConfigMap
        app: gluu-upgrade
      name: upgrade-cm
    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
        app: gluu-upgrade
      name: gluu-upgrade-job
            app: gluu-upgrade
          - args:
            - --source
            - "4.0" #<-- Change this if necessary
            - --target
            - "4.1" #<-- Change this if necessary
            - configMapRef:
                name: upgrade-cm
            image: gluufederation/upgrade:4.1.1_02
            name: gluu-upgrade-job
            - mountPath: /etc/gluu/conf/couchbase_password
              name: cb-pass
              subPath: couchbase_password
            - mountPath: /etc/certs/couchbase.crt
              name: cb-crt
              subPath: couchbase.crt
          restartPolicy: Never
          - name: cb-pass
              secretName: cb-pass #<-- Change this to the secret name holding couchbase pass
          - name: cb-crt
              secretName: cb-crt #<-- Change this to the secret name holding couchbase cert
  2. Modify all images inside main values.yaml to latest images according to upgrade target version.

  3. If using LDAP: Create configmap for 101-ox.ldif file.

    kubectl create cm oxldif -n gluu --from-file=101-ox.ldif
  4. If using LDAP: Mount 101-ox.ldif in opendj-pods. Open opendj yaml or edit the statefulset directly kubectl edit statefulset opendj -n gluu

      - name: ox-ldif-cm
          name: oxldif
      - envFrom:
        - configMapRef:
            name: opendj-cm-b9g25hk457
        image: gluufederation/wrends:4.1.0_01
        - name: ox-ldif-cm
          mountPath: /opt/opendj/config/schema/101-ox.ldif
          subPath: 101-ox.ldif
  5. Apply upgrade.yaml

    kubectl create -f upgrade.yaml -n <namespace>

Wait until upgrade job is finished and tail the logs of the upgrade pod.

  1. Run upgrade Helm

    helm upgrade -f values.yaml .

Exporting Data#


  • This step is not needed.

  • Make sure to backup existing LDAP data

  • Set environment variable as a placeholder for LDAP server password (for later use):

  • Assuming that existing LDAP container called ldap has data, export data from each backend:

    1. Export o=gluu

      kubectl exec -ti ldap /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch \
          -Z \
          -X \
          -D "cn=directory manager" \
          -w $LDAP_PASSWD \
          -p 1636 \
          -b "o=gluu" \
          -s sub \
          'objectClass=*' > gluu.ldif
    2. Export o=site

      kubectl exec -ti ldap /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch \
          -Z \
          -X \
          -D "cn=directory manager" \
          -w $LDAP_PASSWD \
          -p 1636 \
          -b "o=site" \
          -s sub \
          'objectClass=*' > site.ldif
    3. Export o=metric

      kubectl exec -ti ldap /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch \
          -Z \
          -X \
          -D "cn=directory manager" \
          -w $LDAP_PASSWD \
          -p 1636 \
          -b "o=metric" \
          -s sub \
          'objectClass=*' > metric.ldif
  • Unset LDAP_PASSWD environment variable