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Docker Installation#


This guide provides instructions for deploying the Gluu Server on a single node VM using Docker.


For Docker deployments, provision a VM with:

Linux users#

Mac users#


Obtain files for deployment#

Download the pygluu-compose.pyz executable:

chmod +x pygluu-compose.pyz


pygluu-compose.pyz requires Python 3.6+ (and python3-distutils package if Ubuntu/Debian is used).

Run the following command to generate manifests for deployment:

./pygluu-compose.pyz init

The generated files are similar to example below:

├── couchbase.crt
├── couchbase_password
├── docker-compose.yml
├── gcp_kms_creds.json
├── gcp_kms_stanza.hcl
├── pygluu-compose.pyz
├── svc.cr_rotate.yml
├── svc.key_rotation.yml
├── svc.ldap.yml
├── svc.oxauth.yml
├── svc.oxd_server.yml
├── svc.oxpassport.yml
├── svc.oxshibboleth.yml
├── svc.oxtrust.yml
├── svc.radius.yml
├── svc.redis.yml
├── svc.vault_autounseal.yml
├── vault_gluu_policy.hcl
├── vault_role_id.txt
└── vault_secret_id.txt

Proceed to deployment section for basic setup of Gluu Server deployment or read the customizing section for advance setup.

Customizing installation#

Choose services#

The following services are available during deployment:

Service Setting Name Mandatory Enabled by default
consul - yes always
registrator - yes always
vault - yes always
nginx - yes always
oxauth SVC_OXAUTH no yes
oxtrust SVC_OXTRUST no yes
ldap SVC_LDAP no yes
oxpassport SVC_OXPASSPORT no no
oxshibboleth SVC_OXSHIBBOLETH no no
redis SVC_REDIS no no
radius SVC_RADIUS no no
vault auto-unseal SVC_VAULT_AUTOUNSEAL no no
oxd_server SVC_OXD_SERVER no no
key_rotation SVC_KEY_ROTATION no no
cr_rotate SVC_CR_ROTATE no no

To enable/disable non-mandatory services listed above, create a file called and set the value to True to enable or set to False to disable the service. For example:

SVC_LDAP = True                 # will be enabled
SVC_OXPASSPORT = False          # will be disabled

Any services not specified in will follow the default settings.

To override manifests (i.e. changing oxAuth service definition), add ENABLE_OVERRIDE = True in, for example:


Then define overrides in docker-compose.override.yml (create the file if not exist):

version: "2.4"

    container_name: my-oxauth

If docker-compose.override.yml exists, this file will be added as the last Compose file. For reference on multiple Compose file, please take a look at

Choose persistence backends#

Supported backends are LDAP, Couchbase, or mix of both (hybrid). The following config control which persistence backend is selected:

  • PERSISTENCE_TYPE: choose one of ldap, couchbase, or hybrid (the default is ldap)
  • PERSISTENCE_LDAP_MAPPING: choose one of default, user, site, cache, or token (default to default)

To choose a persistence backend, create a file called (if it wasn't created in the last step) and set the corresponding option as seen above. For example:

PERSISTENCE_TYPE = "couchbase"      # Couchbase will be selected
PERSISTENCE_LDAP_MAPPING = "user"   # store user mapping in LDAP
COUCHBASE_USER = "admin"            # Couchbase user
COUCHBASE_URL = ""     # Host/IP address of Couchbase server; omit the port

If couchbase or hybrid is selected, there are additional steps required to satisfy dependencies:

  • put Couchbase cluster certificate into the couchbase.crt file

  • put Couchbase password into the couchbase_password file

  • the Couchbase cluster must have data, index, and query services at minimum

  • if COUCHBASE_URL is set to hostname, make sure it can be reached by DNS query; alternatively add the extra host into docker-compose.override.yml file, for example:


Set up Vault auto-unseal#

Enable Vault auto-unseal with GCP KMS API by specifying it in

SVC_VAULT_AUTOUNSEAL = True     # enable Vault auto-unseal with GCP KMS API

The following is an example of how to obtain GCP KMS credentials JSON file, and save it as gcp_kms_creds.json in the same directory where pygluu-compose.pyz is located, for example:

    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "project",
    "private_key_id": "1234abcd",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nabcdEFGH==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
    "client_email": "",
    "client_id": "1234567890",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_x509_cert_url": ""

Afterwards, create gcp_kms_stanza.hcl in the same directory where pygluu-compose.pyz is located; for example:

seal "gcpckms" {
    credentials = "/vault/config/creds.json"
    project     = "vault-project-1234"
    region      = "us-east1"
    key_ring    = "vault-keyring"
    crypto_key  = "vault-key"


Adjust the contents of gcp_kms_stanza.hcl except the credentials value as it is mapped in svc.vault_autounseal.yml file.

Deploy the Gluu Server#

Run the following command to install the Gluu Server:

./pygluu-compose.pyz up

Running the command above will show the deployment process:

[I] Attempting to gather external IP address
[I] Using as external IP address


pygluu-compose.pyz up command will try to detect external IP address of the host. In the example above, is detected automatically. If somehow the IP is incorrect, stop current process and set the IP address explicitly in (create the file if not exist).

HOST_IP = ""  # set the external IP address explicitly

Re-run the pygluu-compose.pyz up command to load new settings.

Creating consul ... done
Creating vault  ... done

The consul and vault services are required to provide config and secret layers used by the rest of Gluu Server services.

[I] Checking Vault status
[W] Unable to get seal status in Vault; retrying ...
[I] Initializing Vault with 1 recovery key and token
[I] Vault recovery key and root token saved to vault_key_token.txt
[I] Unsealing Vault manually
[I] Creating Vault policy for Gluu
[I] Enabling Vault AppRole auth

On initial deployment, since Vault has not been configured yet, the pygluu-compose.pyz will generate a root token and key to interact with Vault API, saved as vault_key_token.txt (secure this file, as it contains the recovery key and root token). pygluu-compose.pyz will also setup Vault AppRole for interaction between other services to Vault. Note that by enabling AppRole, there will be vault_role_id.txt and vault_secret_id.txt files under working directory.

[I] Attempting to gather FQDN from Consul
[W] Unable to get FQDN from Consul; retrying ...
[W] Unable to get FQDN from Consul; retrying ...
[W] Unable to get FQDN from Consul; retrying ...
Enter hostname []:
Enter country code [US]:
Enter state [TX]:
Enter city [Austin]:
Enter oxTrust admin password: ***********
Repeat password: ***********
Enter LDAP admin password: ***********
Repeat password: ***********
Enter email []:
Enter organization [Gluu]:

After consul and vault have been deployed, the next things is getting config from consul. If there's no existing config, a series of config will be prompted to user as seen above.


When prompted for hostname (which will be used as https://<hostname> address), using a public FQDN is highly recommended. If somehow there's no way to use public FQDN, map the VM IP address and the FQDN in /etc/hosts file.

# /etc/hosts

Wait for few seconds and the deployment will continue the rest of the processes.

[I] Launching Gluu Server .........................................
[I] Gluu Server installed successfully; please visit

See checkings logs section on how to track the progress.

Checking the deployment logs#

The deployment process may take some time. You can keep track of the deployment by using the following command:

./pygluu-compose.pyz logs -f

Uninstall the Gluu Server#

Run the following command to delete all objects during the deployment:

./pygluu-compose.pyz down


How to use ldapsearch#

docker exec -ti ldap /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch \
    -h localhost \
    -p 1636 \
    -Z \
    -X \
    -D "cn=directory manager" \
    -b "o=gluu" \
    -s base \
    -T "objectClass=*"

How to unseal Vault#

There are several ways to unseal Vault:

  1. Use auto-unseal
  2. Re-run pygluu-compose up command.
  3. Quick manual unseal
    1. Get unseal key from vault_key_token.txt file.
    2. Log in to the Vault container: docker exec -it vault sh.
    3. Run vault operator unseal command (a prompt will appear). Enter the unseal key.
    4. Wait for few seconds for the containers to get back to work.