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Single Sign-On (SSO) to Moodle#

The following doc describes how to achieve SSO to Moodle using the Gluu Server IDP and the Moodle OpenID Connect (OIDC) plugin from Office 365.

Install OIDC in Moodle#

Clone the moodle-auth_oidc source code from its git repo:

# git clone

Let's assume that Moodle is installed at the following location:


Move the code to auth as follows:

# mv  moodle-auth_oidc   /var/www/html/

Login as admin to your Moodle site and then navigate to:

Site administration > Plugins > Authentication

Follow the on-screen instructions about updating the database.

Add OIDC Client in Gluu#

In oxTrust, navigate to OpenID Connect > Clients.

Create a new client with the following specifications:

Attribute Name Values
Client Name Your desired value
Pre-Authorization Enabled
Authentication method for the Token Endpoint client_secret_post
Redirect Login URIs https://<hostname>/auth/oidc/
Scopes address, email, openid, permission, phone, profile, user_name
Response Types code, token, id_token
Grant Types authorization_code, implicit, refresh_token
Logout Session Required True

Configure Gluu in Moodle#


Enter the corresponding values in the Moodle OIDC form:

OIDC Form Field Name Values
Provider Name Gluu OpenID Connect
Client ID Enter the value from the newly created client
Client Secret Enter the value from the newly created client
Authorization Endpoint Enter the authorization_endpoint value, which can be found at https://<idp-hostname>/.well-known/openid-configuration
Token Endpoint Enter the token_endpoint value, which can be found at https://<idp-hostname>/.well-known/openid-configuration
Redirect URI auth_oidc https://<hostname>/auth/oidc/