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Setup Script#

Setup Prompt#

The setup script will bring up a prompt to provide information for certificate as well as the IP Address and the hostname for the Gluu Server. Hit Enter to accept the default values.

Refer to the following table for details about available setup options:

Setup Option Explanation
Enter IP Address Used primarily by Apache httpd for the Listen directive. Use an IP address assigned to one of this server's network interfaces (usage of addresses assigned to loopback interfaces is not supported)
Enter hostname Internet-facing FQDN that is used to generate certificates and metadata. Do not use an IP address or localhost.
Enter your city or locality Used to generate X.509 certificates.
Enter your state or province two letter code Used to generate X.509 certificates.
Enter two letter Country Code Used to generate X.509 certificates.
Enter Organization Name Used to generate X.509 certificates.
Enter email address for support at your organization Used to generate X.509 certificates.
Optional: enter password for oxTrust and LDAP superuser Used as the LDAP directory manager password, and for the default admin user for oxTrust.
Install oxAuth OAuth2 Authorization Server Required. Includes Gluu's OpenID Connect provider (OP) and UMA authorization server (AS) implementations.
Install oxTrust Admin UI Required. This is the Gluu server admin dashboard.
Install Backend DB Server Required. Installs OpenDJ, used to store user info and configuration data.
Install Apache 2 web server Required
Install Shibboleth SAML IDP Optional. Only install if a SAML identity provider (IDP) is needed.
Install oxAuth RP Optional. OpenID Connect test client: useful for test environments, for more details see here
Install Passport Optional. Install if you want to support external IDP, for instance to offer users social login.
Install Gluu Radius Optional. Installs Radius server. More information is available here

When complete, the setup script will show the selections and prompt for confirmation. If everything looks OK, select Y to finish installation.

After 5-10 minutes the following success message will appear:

Gluu Server installation successful! Point your browser to [hostname].

Avoiding common issues#

Avoid setup issues by acknowledging the following:

  • IP Address: Do not use localhost for either the IP address or hostname.

  • Hostname:

    • Make sure to choose the hostname carefully. Changing the hostname after installation is not a simple task.
    • Use a real hostname--this can always be managed via host file entries if adding a DNS entry is too much work for testing.
    • For clustered deployments, use the hostname of the cluster that will be used by applications connecting to Gluu.


Use a FQDN (fully qualified domain name) as hostname and refrain from using as IP address or usage of private IP is not supported and not recommended.

  • Only run the setup script one time. Running the command twice will break the instance.

If a resolvable DNS host is not used, then it must be added to the hostname of the Operating System hosts file on the server running the browser.


Remove or encrypt the file as it contains the clear text passwords for LDAP, admin user, keystores, and 3DES salt.

Errors can be found the the setup_errors.log file and a detailed step by step installation is found in the setup.log file under the /install/community-edition-setup folder.

Script Command Line Options#

The setup script can be used to configure your Gluu Server and to add initial data for oxAuth and oxTrust to start. If is found in this folder, these properties will automatically be used instead of the interactive setup.

The administrator can use the following command line options to include additional components:

  • -r Install oxAuth RP
  • -p Install Passport
  • -d specify the directory where community-edition-setup is located. Defaults to '.'
  • -f specify file
  • -h invoke this help
  • -n no interactive prompt before install starts. Run with -f
  • -N no Apache httpd server
  • -s install the Shibboleth IDP
  • -u update hosts file with IP address/hostname
  • -w get the development head war files
  • -t Load test data
  • -x Load test data and exit
  • --import-ldif=custom-ldif-dir Render ldif templates from custom-ldif-dir and import them in LDAP
  • --listen_all_interfaces Allow the LDAP server to listen on all server interfaces. This is required for clustered installations to replicate between LDAP servers. If not enabled, the LDAP server listens only to localhost
  • ---allow-pre-released-features Enable options to install experimental features, not yet officially supported.
  • --remote-ldap Allows use of a remote LDAP server.
  • --remote-couchbase Allows use of a remote Couchbase server.

Example Command: # ./ -ps This command will install Gluu Server with Passport and Shibboleth IDP.