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Upgrade to the latest Gluu Server#


Find your existing version below for instructions to upgrade to the latest version of Gluu.


The Gluu Server cannot be upgraded with a simple apt-get upgrade. In lieu of using our upgrade scripts documented below, you can perform a fresh install of the latest version and export/import your existing data.


  • Before upgrading, make sure to back up the Gluu container or LDAP LDIF.
  • Upgrades should always be thoroughly scoped and tested on a development environment first.

Additional notes#

  • Scripts and directories outside the Chroot will still reflect the version from which you upgraded. For example, if you started with version 3.1.3, the directory will still be gluu-server-3.1.3, even after upgrading to 3.1.8.

Upgrade from 3.1.x to 3.1.8#


The upgrade script requires the /install/community-edition-setup/ to be available. Information in this file is used in the upgrade process.

To perform an in-place upgrade to Gluu Server 3.1.8, download and run our in-place upgrade script, following these instructions:

  1. Log in to your server with service gluu-server-3.1.x login

  2. Download the upgrade script with

  3. Run the script with sh

  4. When the script has finished, restart your server:

service gluu-server-3.1.x restart

Upgrade from 3.0.x to 3.1.8#

Upgrading generally involves the following steps:

  • Install the new version

  • Export the data from your current version

  • Stop the current Gluu Server

  • Start the new version of Gluu Server

  • Import data into the new server

Gluu provides the necessary scripts to import and export data in and out of the servers.

Export the Data from the Current Installation#

# service gluu-server-3.0.x login

# cd

# wget

# wget -c

Install the python-pip package.

# curl "" -o ""

# python

Install the json-merge Python package and run the import script.

# pip install jsonmerge

# python


Choose OpenLDAP if your current LDAP Server is OpenLDAP when you are asked to choose a target LDAP Server.

The export script will generate a directory called backup_3031 which will have all the data from the current installation. Check the log file generated in the directory for any errors.

Install the Latest Version of the Gluu Server#

Stop the current version of the Gluu Server.

# service gluu-server-3.0.x stop

Review the installation docs to install the Gluu Server using the package manager. Once the package manager has installed version 3.1.8, execute the following commands:

# cp -r /opt/gluu-server-3.0.x/root/backup_3031/ /opt/gluu-server-3.1.8/root/

# service gluu-server-3.1.8 start

# service gluu-server-3.1.8 login

# cd

# cp backup_3031/ /install/community-edition-setup/

# cd /install/community-edition-setup/

# ./

Enter the required information to complete the installation.

Import your Old Data#

Navigate to where you have the backup_3031 folder (if the above commands were followed, it is in /root/) and execute the following commands to get the necessary scripts:

# cd

# wget -c

# wget

Install the python-pip package using your package manager.

# curl "" -o ""

# python

Install the json-merge Python package and run the import script.

# pip install jsonmerge

Install the python-ldap package. For Debian and Ubuntu:

# apt-get update

# apt-get install python-ldap

For CentOS and RHEL:

# yum install python-ldap

Now run the import script:

# python backup_3031


The import script will enable the default admin user and will disable all custom authentication scripts. You should manually enable them if any were configured.

After completion of import, stop/start gluu-server container one final time.

Any errors or warnings will be displayed in the terminal and can be reviewed in the import log. Now you should be able to log into the oxTrust web UI using the old admin credentials and you should see all previous data in place.