oxTrust JSON Configurations#
This page explains the oxTrust JSON Configuration which can by found by navigating to Configuration
> JSON Configuration
The following fields are available for edit in the menu.
Fields/Attributes | Description |
baseDN | The base distinguished name of oxtrust. The default is o=gluu |
orgIname | This can be left blank |
orgSupportEmail | The support email address of the Gluu Server installation |
applianceInum | The INUM of the appliance |
applianceUrl | The URI of the appliance |
baseEndpoint | |
schemaAddObjectClassWithAttributeTypesDefinition | The schema to add various attribute types |
schemaAddObjectClassWithoutAttributeTypesDefinition | The schema to add various attribute types |
This class holds the relation between the person entry and its relative object class. If a custom attribute is required for a specific operation and needs to be stored in LDAP, add it here.
Fields/Attributes | Description |
item 1 | gluuCustomPerson |
item 2 | gluuPerson |
item 3 | eduPerson |
personCustomObjectClass |
This class holds the relation between the display name of the person and the relative object class.
Fields/Attributes | Description |
item 1 | inetOrgPerson |
item 2 | gluuPerson |
schemaAddAttributeDefenition |
Items can be added under this class by clicking on the + item
Fields/Attributes | Description |
photoRepositoryRootDir | Path to the root directory of photographs |
photoRepositoryThumbWidth | thumb width of a photo |
photoRepositoryThumbHeight | sets the thumb height of a photo |
photoRepositoryCountLevels | count level per photo repository |
photoRepositoryCountFoldersPerLevel | number of folders per level |
authMode | set this tag to basic to use basic authentication or leave it blank to use oxAuth |
ldifStore | Path to the LDIF store |
shibboleth2IdpRootDir | root directory for the shibboleth plugin |
shibboleth2SpConfDir | Configuration directory for the shibboleth plugin |
pokenApplicationSecret | |
updateAplicanceStatus | update appliance state for the site. Use true to allow, and false to forbid (default value) |
svnConfigurationStoreRoot | Root of the SVN configuration store |
svnConfigurationStorePassword | Password of the SVN configuration store |
keystorePath | Path to the keystore |
keystorePassword | Password to the keystore |
allowPersonModification | Enables or disables the allowance to modify a person entry. Use true to allow (default value), and false otherwise |
idpUrl | uri of the OpenID provider that is in use |
velocityLog | Velocity log filename with path |
spMetadataPath | Path to the Gluu Server metadata |
logoLocation | Directory name for the images and logos that are used |
idpSecurityKey | Security key of the OpenID provider |
idpSecurityKeyPassowrd | Security password of the OpenID provider |
idpSecurityCert | Security certificate of the machine |
Items can be added here by clicking on the + item
Fields/Attributes | Description |
configGeneration | This entry controls the automatic generation of the configuration files. Use enable to allow and disable otherwise |
idpLdapProtocol | Protocol used by the [LDAP][ldap] server |
idpLdapServer | Hostname of the [LDAP][ldap] server with port |
orgInum | INUM of the organization |
idpBindDn | Domain name of the OpenID provider |
idpBindPassowrd | Password for the OpenID provider |
idpUserFields | |
gluuSpCert | Certificate name and location of the Gluu Server |
mysqlUrl | MySql connector as URI |
mysqlUser | Username for the MySql server |
mysqlPassword | Passowrd for the MySql server |
shibboleth2FederationRootDir | Root directory for the Shobboleth federation plugin |
cacheRefreshEnabled | Value of the cache refresh mechanism. Use true to enable and false otherwise |
cacheRefreshIntervalMinutes | Time in minutes counting down to next cache-refresh event |
caCertsLocation | Keystore to use for downloaded SSL certificates |
caCertsPassphrase | Password for the caCerts keystore |
tempCertDir | Temporary location for certificates while certificate update procedure |
certDir | Locaiton of certificates used in configuration files |
servicesRestartTrigger | Location of the file which will restart the applicance server if deleted |
persistSVN | State of persistence in SVN. Use true to enable or false otherwise |
oxAuthAuthorizeUrl | Authorization URI for oxAuth |
oxAuthTokenUrl | Token URI for oxAuth |
oxAuthValidateTokenUrl | URI for oxAuth token validation |
oxAuthEndSessionUrl | URI for oxAuth session termination |
oxAuthLogoutUrl | URI for logging out of oxAuth |
oxAuthTokenValidationUrl | URI for oxAuth token validation |
oxAuthUserInfo | URI for oxAuth user information |
oxAuthSectorIdentifierUrl | URI for oxAuth sector identifier |
oxAuthClientId | Identification number for oxAuth client |
oxAuthClientPassowrd | Password for oxAuth client |
oxAuthClientScope | Scope of the oxAuth client |
loginRedirectUrl | Redirect URI for oxAuth |
logoutRedirectUrl | URI for oxAuth |
Items can be added here by clicking on the + item
Fields/Attributes | Description |
clientAssociationAttribute | Attribute which identifies the OpenID client |
oxAuthIssuers | URI of the issuer authorization server |
ignoreValidation | Control to check/ignore token validation. Use true to validate or false otherwise |
umaIssuer | URI of the issuer authorization server |
scimUmaClientId | Identification of the UMA client |
scimUmaClientKeyId | |
scimUmaResourceId | |
scimUmaScope | Scopes available for this resource |
scimUmaClientKeyStoreFile | |
scimUmaClientKeyStorePassword | |
passportUmaClientId | |
passportUmaClientKeyId | |
passportUmaResourceID | |
passportUmaScope | |
passportUmaClientKeyStoreFile | |
recaptchaSiteKey | |
recaptchaSecretKey | |
cssLocation | Path to the CSS files |
jsLocation | Path to the JS files |
metricReporterInterval | The interval for metric reporter in seconds |
metricReporterKeepDataDays | The number of days to keep metric reported data |
metricReporterEnabled | Boolean value specifying whether to enable Metric Reporter |
rptConnectionPoolUseConnectionPooling | |
rptConnectionPoolMaxTotal | |
rptConnectionPoolDefaultMaxPerRoute | |
rptConnectionPoolValidateAfterInactivity | |
rptConnectionPoolCustomKeepAliveTimeout | |
scimTestMode | |
shibbolethVersion | |
shibboleth3ldpRootDir | |
shibboleth3SpConfDir | |
organizationName | |
idp3SigningCert | |
idp3EncryptionCert | |
disableJdkLogger | Boolean value specifying whether to disable JDK loggers |
passwordResetRequestExpirationTime | Expiration time in secionds for password reset requests |
cleanServiceInterval | Time interval for the Clean Service in seconds |
This list details the whitelisted client redirection URIs
This list details the blacklisted client redirection URIs
Scim Properties#
Description of OxTrust Properties#
Description of OxTrust Properties can be viewed here
Oxtrust import JSON description here