Gluu LDAP Schema#
Below is the schema for Gluu OpenDJ:
This section of the documentation is for reference only. Schemas should not be manually edited.
Below objectclasses and attributes are extracted from Gluu Specific Schemas.
- oxId: Identifier
- oxSectorIdentifier: ox Sector Identifier
- oxAssociatedClient (or) associatedClient: Associate the dn of an OAuth2 client with a person or UMA Resource Set.
- c
- displayName
- givenName
- gluuManagedOrganizations: Used to track with which organizations a person is associated
- gluuOptOuts: White pages attributes restricted by person in oxTrust profile management
- gluuStatus: Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
- gluuWhitePagesListed: Allow Publication
- iname
- inum: XRI i-number
- gluuSLAManager: Specifies if the person has the SLA manager role
- memberOf
- o
- oxAuthPersistentJWT: oxAuth Persistent JWT
- oxCreationTimestamp: Registration time
- oxExternalUid
- oxLastLogonTime: Last logon time
- oxTrustActive
- oxTrustAddresses
- oxTrustEmail
- oxTrustEntitlements
- oxTrustExternalId
- oxTrustImsValue
- oxTrustMetaCreated
- oxTrustMetaLastModified
- oxTrustMetaLocation
- oxTrustMetaVersion
- oxTrustNameFormatted
- oxTrustPhoneValue
- oxTrustPhotos
- oxTrustProfileURL
- oxTrustRole
- oxTrustTitle
- oxTrustUserType
- oxTrusthonorificPrefix
- oxTrusthonorificSuffix
- oxTrustx509Certificate
- oxPasswordExpirationDate: Password Expiration date, represented as an ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) format
- persistentId: PersistentId
- middleName (or) oxTrustMiddleName: Middle name(s)
- nickname (or) oxTrustnickname: Casual name of the End-User
- preferredUsername: Shorthand Name
- profile: Profile page URL of the person
- picture (or) photo1: Profile picture URL of the person
- website: Web page or blog URL of the person
- emailVerified: True if the e-mail address of the person has been verified; otherwise false
- gender: Gender of the person, either female or male
- birthdate: Birthday of the person, represented as an ISO 8601:2004 [ISO8601‑2004] YYYY-MM-DD format
- zoneinfo (or) timezone: Time zone database representing the End-Users time zone. For example, Europe/Paris or America/Los_Angeles
- locale (or) oxTrustLocale: Locale of the person, represented as a BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag
- phoneNumberVerified: True if the phone number of the person has been verified, otherwise false
- address: OpenID Connect formatted JSON object representing the address of the person
- updatedAt: Time the information of the person was last updated. Seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z
- preferredLanguage
- role: Role
- secretAnswer: Secret Answer
- secretQuestion: Secret Question
- seeAlso
- sn
- cn
- transientId: TransientId
- uid
- userPassword
- st
- street
- l
- oxCountInvalidLogin: Invalid login attempts count
- oxEnrollmentCode: oxEnrollmentCode
- gluuIMAPData: This data has information about your IMAP connection
- oxPPID: Persistent Pairwise ID for OpenID Connect
- c
- description
- displayName
- gluuGroupType: Type of Group. Not used.
- gluuGroupVisibility: Group visibility. Not used.
- gluuStatus: Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
- iname
- inum: XRI i-number
- member
- o
- owner
- seeAlso
- oxTrustMetaCreated
- oxTrustMetaLastModified
- oxTrustMetaLocation
- oxTrustMetaVersion
- c
- county: ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code
- deployedAppliances: Track which appliances are deployed at an organization.
- description
- displayName
- gluuAddPersonCapability: Organizational attribute to control whether new users can be added via the oxTrust GUI.
- gluuAdditionalUsers:
- gluuApplianceUpdateRequestList (or) gluuApplianceUpdateReuestList: Used by the Gluu Server to request an update
- gluuCustomMessage: oxTrust custom welcome message
- gluuFaviconImage: Stores URL of Favicon
- gluuFederationHostingEnabled: oxTrust flag for the federation feature. Values enabled or disabled.
- gluuInvoiceNo:
- gluuLogoImage: Logo used by oxTrust for default look and feel.
- gluuManageIdentityPermission:
- gluuManager: Used to specify if a person has the manager role
- gluuManagerGroup: Used in organization entry to specifies the DN of the group that has admin priviledges in oxTrust.
- gluuOrgProfileMgt: enable or disable profile management feature in oxTrust
- gluuOrgShortName: Short description, as few letters as possible, no spaces.
- gluuPaidUntil:
- gluuPaymentProcessorTimestamp:
- gluuProStoresUser:
- gluuStatus: Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
- gluuTempFaviconImage: Store location for upload of Favicon
- gluuThemeColor: oxTrust login page configuration
- gluuWhitePagesEnabled
- iname
- inum: XRI i-number
- l
- memberOf
- nonProfit:
- o
- oxCreationTimestamp: Registration time
- oxLinkLinktrack: Linktrack link
- oxLinktrackEnabled: Is Linktrack API configured?
- oxLinktrackLogin: Linktrack API login
- oxLinktrackPassword: Linktrack API password
- oxRegistrationConfiguration: Registration Configuration
- postalCode
- proStoresToken
- prostoresTimestamp
- scimAuthMode: SCIM Authorization mode
- scimGroup: SCIM Group
- scimStatus: SCIM status
- st
- street
- telephoneNumber
- title
- uid
- userPassword
- blowfishPassword: Blowfish crypted text
- c
- description
- displayName
- gluuAdditionalBandwidth: Track bandwidth requirements for the Gluu Server instance
- gluuAdditionalMemory: Track additional memory requirements for the Gluu Server instance
- gluuApplianceDnsServer: Persist the DNS server that should be used for the Gluu Server instance
- gluuAppliancePollingInterval: Set the frequency of the health status update of the Gluu Server
- gluuBandwidthRX: Track data received by the Gluu Server
- gluuBandwidthTX: Track data sent by the Gluu Server
- gluuDSstatus: Monitor health of the instance LDAP server.
- gluuFederationHostingEnabled: oxTrust flag for the federation feature. Values enabled or disabled.
- gluuFreeDiskSpace: Monitor free disk space on the Gluu Server instance
- gluuFreeMemory: Monitor free memory on the Gluu Server instance
- gluuFreeSwap: Monitor swap space on the Gluu Server instance
- gluuGroupCount: Monitor the number of groups
- gluuHTTPstatus: Monitor HTTP availability of the Gluu Server instance
- gluuHostname: The hostname of the Gluu Server instance
- gluuInvoiceNo:
- gluuIpAddress: IP address of the Gluu Server instance
- gluuLastUpdate: Monitors last time the server was able to connect to the monitoring system
- __gluuLifeRay:
- gluuLoadAvg: Monitor the average CPU load for a Gluu Server instance
- gluuManageIdentityPermission:
- gluuManager: Used to specify if a person has the manager role
- gluuMaxLogSize: Maximum Log File Size
- gluuOrgProfileMgt: enable or disable profile management feature in oxTrust
- gluuPaidUntil:
- gluuPaymentProcessorTimestamp:
- gluuPersonCount: Monitor the number of people in the LDAP severs for a Gluu Server instance
- gluuPrivate:
- gluuPublishIdpMetadata: Gluu Server flag to publish the IDP metadata via the web server
- gluuResizeInitiated:
- gluuSPTR:
- gluuScimEnabled: oxTrust SCIM feature - enabled or disabled
- gluuShibAssertionsIssued: Monitors activity of Gluu Server Shibboleth IDP
- gluuShibFailedAuth: Monitors failed login attempts on Gluu Server Shibboleth IDP
- gluuShibSecurityEvents: Monitors security events on Gluu Server Shibboleth IDP
- gluuShibSuccessfulAuths: Monitors login attempts on Gluu Server Shibboleth IDP
- oxTrustEmail
- gluuSmtpFromEmailAddress: Gluu Server SMTP configuration
- gluuSmtpFromName: SMTP From Name
- gluuSmtpHost: SMTP Host
- gluuSmtpPassword: SMTP User Password
- gluuSmtpPort: SMTP Port
- gluuSmtpRequiresAuthentication: SMTP Requires Authentication
- gluuSmtpRequiresSsl: SMTP Requires SSL
- gluuSmtpUserName: SMTP User Name
- gluuSslExpiry: SAML Trust Relationship configuration
- gluuStatus: Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
- gluuSystemUptime: Monitors how long the Gluu Server instance has been running.
- gluuTargetRAM: Monitors total available RAM on Gluu Server instance
- gluuUrl: Gluu instance URL
- gluuVDSenabled: oxTrust VDS enabled or disabled
- gluuVDSstatus: Gluu VDS configuration
- gluuVdsCacheRefreshEnabled
- gluuVdsCacheRefreshLastUpdate
- gluuVdsCacheRefreshLastUpdateCount
- gluuVdsCacheRefreshPollingInterval
- gluuVdsCacheRefreshProblemCount
- gluuWhitePagesEnabled
- iname
- inum: XRI i-number
- inumFN: XRI i-number sans punctuation
- o
- oxAuthenticationMode
- oxTrustAuthenticationMode
- oxIDPAuthentication: Custom IDP authentication configuration
- oxLogViewerConfig: Log viewer configuration
- oxSmtpConfiguration: SMTP configuration
- oxMemcachedConfiguration: Memcached configuration
- oxTrustStoreCert: oxPush device configuration
- oxTrustStoreConf: oxPush application configuration
- passwordResetAllowed: Is password reset mechanics allowed
- softwareVersion
- userPassword
- oxTrustCacheRefreshServerIpAddress
- gluuPassportEnabled
- description
- displayName
- gluuAttributeEditType: Specify in oxTrust who can update an attribute, admin or user
- gluuAttributeName: Specify an identifier for an attribute. May be multi-value where an attribute has two names, like givenName and first-name.
- gluuAttributeOrigin: Specify the person objectclass associated with the attribute, used for display purposes in oxTrust.
- gluuAttributeSystemEditType:
- gluuAttributeType: Data type of attribute. Values can be string, photo, numeric, date
- oxAuthClaimName: Used by oxAuth in conjunction with gluuttributeName to map claims to attributes in LDAP.
- gluuAttributeUsageType:
- gluuAttributeViewType: Specify in oxTrust who can view an attribute, admin or user
- gluuCategory: Used to group attributes together.
- gluuSAML1URI: SAML 1 URI of attribute
- gluuSAML2URI: SAML 2 URI of attribute
- gluuStatus: Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
- iname
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxAttributeType: NameId or attribute
- oxMultivaluedAttribute
- oxNameIdType: NameId Type
- oxSCIMCustomAttribute
- oxSourceAttribute: Source Attribute for this Attribute
- seeAlso
- urn
- gluuRegExp: Regular expression used to validate attribute data
- gluuTooltip: Custom tooltip to be shown on the UI
- oxValidation: This data has information about attribute Validation
- description
- displayName
- federationRules: Track rules for the federation in Gluu SAML config. Deprecated as multi-party federation management should move to Jagger.
- gluuContainerFederation: SAML Trust Relationship federation info
- gluuEntityId: Specifies SAML trust relationship entity ID
- gluuIsFederation: Used in oxTrust to specify if a SAML Trust Relationship is a federation. It could also be a website
- gluuProfileConfiguration: SAML Trust Relationship attribute
- gluuReleasedAttribute: oxTrust reference for the dn of the released attribute
- gluuRulesAccepted:
- gluuSAMLMetaDataFilter: Metadata filter in SAML trust relationship
- gluuSAMLTrustEngine: SAML trust relationship configuration
- gluuSAMLmaxRefreshDelay: SAML trust relationship refresh time
- gluuSAMLspMetaDataFN: SAML Trust Relationship file location of metadata
- gluuSAMLspMetaDataSourceType: SAML Trust Relationship SP metadata type - file, URI, federation
- gluuSAMLspMetaDataURL: SAML Trust Relationship URI location of metadata
- gluuSpecificRelyingPartyConfig: SAML Trust Relationship configuration
- gluuStatus: Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
- gluuTrustContact: oxTrust login page configuration
- gluuTrustDeconstruction:
- gluuValidationLog
- gluuValidationStatus
- iname
- inum: XRI i-number
- o
- oxAuthPostLogoutRedirectURI: oxAuth Post Logout Redirect URI
- url
- researchAndScholarshipEnabled: Trust relationship attribute to show that InCommon R&S activated
- gluuEntityType: This data has information about TR EntityType
- gluuStatus: Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
- inum: XRI i-number
- primaryKeyAttrName: Primary Key Attribute Name
- primaryKeyValue: Primary Key Value
- secondaryKeyAttrName: Secondary Key Attribute Name
- secondaryKeyValue: Secondary Key Value
- tertiaryKeyAttrName: Tertiary Key Attribute Name
- tertiaryKeyValue: Tertiary Key Value
- gluuInvoiceAmount:
- gluuInvoiceDate:
- gluuInvoiceLineItemName:
- gluuInvoiceNumber:
- gluuInvoiceProductNumber:
- gluuInvoiceQuantity:
- gluuInvoiceStatus:
- inum: XRI i-number
- creationDate: Creation Date used for password reset requests
- oxGuid: A random string to mark temporary tokens
- personInum: Inum of a person
- description
- oxGuid: A random string to mark temporary tokens
- oxLinkCreator: Link Creator
- oxLinkExpirationDate: Link Expiration Date
- oxLinkLinktrack: Linktrack link
- oxLinkModerated: Is Link Moderated?
- oxLinkModerators: Link Moderators
- oxLinkPending: Pending Registrations
- ou
- o
- o
- displayName
- iname
- inum: XRI i-number
- organizationalOwner: OX organizationalOwner
- owner
- sourceRelationalXdiStatement: OX SourceRelationalXdiStatement
- targetRelationalXdiStatement: OX TargetRelationalXdiStatement
- x: OX XRI Component
- xdiStatement: OX xdiStatement
- xri: OX XRI address
- associatedPerson: Reference the DN of a person.
- displayName
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxAuthAppType: oxAuth App Type
- oxAuthClientIdIssuedAt: oxAuth Client Issued At
- oxAuthClientSecret: oxAuth Client Secret
- oxAuthClientSecretExpiresAt: Date client expires
- oxAuthClientURI: oxAuth Client URI
- oxAuthContact: oxAuth Contact
- oxAuthDefaultAcrValues: oxAuth Default Acr Values
- oxAuthDefaultMaxAge: oxAuth Default Max Age
- oxAuthGrantType: oxAuth Grant Type
- oxAuthIdTokenEncryptedResponseAlg: oxAuth ID Token Encrypted Response Alg
- oxAuthIdTokenEncryptedResponseEnc: oxAuth ID Token Encrypted Response Enc
- oxAuthIdTokenSignedResponseAlg: oxAuth ID Token Signed Response Alg
- oxAuthInitiateLoginURI: oxAuth Initiate Login URI
- oxAuthJwksURI: oxAuth JWKs URI
- oxAuthJwks: oxAuth JWKs
- oxAuthLogoURI: oxAuth Logo URI
- oxAuthPolicyURI: oxAuth Policy URI
- oxAuthPostLogoutRedirectURI: oxAuth Post-Logout Redirect URI
- oxAuthRedirectURI: oxAuth Redirect URI
- oxAuthRegistrationAccessToken: oxAuth Registration Access Token
- oxAuthRequestObjectSigningAlg: oxAuth Request Object Signing Alg
- oxAuthRequestObjectEncryptionAlg: oxAuth Request Object Encryption Alg
- oxAuthRequestObjectEncryptionEnc: oxAuth Request Object Encryption Enc
- oxAuthRequestURI: oxAuth Request URI
- oxAuthRequireAuthTime: oxAuth Require Authentication Time
- oxAuthResponseType: oxAuth Response Type
- oxAuthScope: oxAuth Attribute Scope
- oxAuthSectorIdentifierURI: oxAuth Sector Identifier URI
- oxAuthSignedResponseAlg: oxAuth Signed Response Alg
- oxAuthSubjectType: oxAuth Subject Type
- oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthMethod: oxAuth Token Endpoint Auth Method
- oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg: oxAuth Token Endpoint Auth Signing Alg
- oxAuthTosURI: oxAuth TOS URI
- oxAuthTrustedClient: oxAuth Trusted Client
- oxAuthUserInfoEncryptedResponseAlg: oxAuth User Info Encrypted Response Alg
- oxAuthUserInfoEncryptedResponseEnc: oxAuth User Info Encrypted Response Enc
- oxAuthExtraConf: oxAuth additional configuration
- oxLastAccessTime: Last access time
- oxLastLogonTime: Last logon time
- oxPersistClientAuthorizations: ox Persist Client Authorizations
- oxAuthLogoutURI: oxAuth Policy URI
- oxAuthLogoutSessionRequired: oxAuth Policy URI
- defaultScope: Track the default scope for an custom OAuth2 Scope.
- description
- displayName
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxScopeType: OX Attribute Scope type
- oxAuthClaim: oxAuth Attribute Claim
- oxScriptDn: Script object DN
- oxAuthGroupClaims: oxAuth Group Attribute Claims (true or false)
- oxLastAccessTime: Last access time
- oxAuthAuthenticationTime: oxAuth Authentication Time
- oxAuthPermissionGranted: oxAuth Permission Granted
- oxAuthPermissionGrantedMap: oxAuth Permission Granted Map
- oxAuthUserDN: oxAuth User DN
- oxAuthSessionId: oxAuth Session Id
- oxState: oxState
- oxAuthSessionAttribute: oxAuthSessionAttribute
- oxAsJwt: Boolean field to indicate whether object is used as JWT
- oxJwt: JWT representation of the object or otherwise JWT associated with the object
- oxInvolvedClients: Involved clients
- ou
- oxAuthConfDynamic: oxAuth Dynamic Configuration
- oxAuthConfErrors: oxAuth Errors Configuration
- oxAuthConfStatic: oxAuth Static Configuration
- oxAuthConfWebKeys: oxAuth Web Keys Configuration
- oxRevision: Revision
- ou
- oxTrustConfApplication: oxTrust Application Configuration
- oxTrustConfCacheRefresh: oxTrust Cache Refresh Configuration
- oxRevision: Revision
- oxTrustConfImportPerson: oxTrust Import Person Configuration
- ou
- oxConfApplication: ox Application Configuration
- oxRevision: Revision
- displayName
- inum: XRI i-number
- owner
- oxAssociatedClient (or) associatedClient: Associate the dn of an OAuth2 client with a person or UMA Resource Set.
- oxAuthUmaScope: URI reference of scope descriptor
- oxFaviconImage: URI for a graphic icon
- oxGroup: User group
- oxId: Identifier
- oxResource: Host path
- oxRevision: Revision
- oxType: ox type
- oxUrl: ox URL
- displayName
- inum: XRI i-number
- owner
- oxFaviconImage: URI for a graphic icon
- oxIconUrl: ox icon url
- oxId: Identifier
- oxPolicyRule: Policy Rule
- oxPolicyScriptDn: OX policy script Dn
- oxRevision: Revision
- oxType: ox type
- oxUrl: ox url
- oxAmHost: am host
- oxAuthExpiration: oxAuth Expiration
- oxAuthUmaScope: URI reference of scope descriptor
- oxConfigurationCode: ox configuration code
- oxHost: ox host
- oxResourceSetId: ox resource set ID
- oxTicket: ox ticket
- oxAuthGrantId: oxAuth grant id
- oxAuthCreation: oxAuth Creation
- oxAuthAuthenticationTime: oxAuth Authentication Time
- oxAuthAuthorizationCode: oxAuth authorization code
- oxAuthCreation: oxAuth Creation
- oxAuthExpiration: oxAuth Expiration
- oxAuthGrantId: oxAuth grant ID
- oxAuthGrantType: oxAuth Grant Type
- oxAuthJwtRequest: oxAuth JWT Request
- oxAuthNonce: oxAuth nonce
- oxAuthScope: oxAuth Attribute Scope
- oxAuthTokenCode: oxAuth Token Code
- oxAuthTokenType: oxAuth Token Type
- oxAuthUserId: oxAuth user ID
- oxAuthClientId: oxAuth Client ID
- oxAuthenticationMode
- uniqueIdentifier
- oxCodeChallenge: OX PKCE code challenge
- oxCodeChallengeMethod: OX PKCE code challenge method
- oxAuthSessionDn: oxAuth Session DN
- oxAmHost: am host
- oxAuthAuthenticationTime: oxAuth Authentication Time
- oxAuthClientId: oxAuth Client id
- oxAuthCreation: oxAuth Creation
- oxAuthExpiration: oxAuth Expiration
- oxAuthTokenCode: oxAuth Token Code
- oxAuthUserId: oxAuth user ID
- oxUmaPermission: ox UMA permission
- uniqueIdentifier
- literalBinaryValue: ox literalValue
- literalValue: ox literalValue
- organizationalOwner: ox organizationalOwner
- owner
- targetRelationalXdiStatement: ox TargetRelationalXdiStatement
- x: ox XRI Component
- xdiStatement: ox xdiStatement
- xri: ox XRI address
- ou
- oxProxConf: oxProx Configuration
- oxScriptDn: Script object DN
- c
- displayName
- inum: XRI i-number
- l
- oxDomain: domain
- oxId: Identifier
- oxX509PEM: x509 in PEM format
- oxX509URL: x509 URL
- displayName
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxProxyClaimMapping: oxProx claim mapping
- oxProxyScope: oxProx scope
- oxProxyToOpClientMapping: oxProx client mapping to op client
- oxAuthCreation: oxAuth Creation
- oxAuthExpiration: oxAuth Expiration
- oxProxyAccessToken: oxProx access token
- oxProxyClientId: oxProx client id
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxScript: Attribute that contains script (python, java script)
- oxScriptType: Attribute that contains script type (e.g. python, java script)
- displayName
- oxId: Identifier
- oxName: Name
- oxPushApplicationConf: oxPush application configuration
- oxAuthUserId: oxAuth user id
- oxId: Identifier
- oxPushApplication: oxPush application DN
- oxPushDeviceConf: oxPush device configuration
- oxType: ox type
- inum: XRI i-number
- displayName
- description
- oxScript: Attribute that contains script (python, java script)
- oxScriptType: Attribute that contains script type (e.g. python, java script)
- programmingLanguage: programming language
- oxModuleProperty: Module property
- oxConfigurationProperty: Configuration property
- oxLevel: Level
- oxRevision: Revision
- gluuStatus: Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
- oxId: Identifier
- displayName
- description
- oxDeviceKeyHandle: oxDeviceKeyHandle
- oxDeviceHashCode: oxDeviceHashCode
- oxApplication: oxApplication
- oxDeviceRegistrationConf: oxDeviceRegistrationConf
- oxDeviceData: oxDeviceData
- oxCounter: oxCounter
- oxStatus: oxStatus
- creationDate: Creation Date used for password reset requests
- oxLastAccessTime: Last access time
- oxTrustMetaLastModified
- oxTrustMetaLocation
- oxTrustMetaVersion
- oxId: Identifier
- oxRequestId: oxRequestId
- oxRequest: oxRequest
- oxSessionStateId: oxSessionStateId
- personInum: Inum of a person
- creationDate: Creation Date used for password reset requests
- uniqueIdentifier
- oxStartDate: Start date
- oxEndDate: End date
- oxApplicationType: Application type
- oxMetricType: Metric type
- creationDate: Creation Date used for password reset requests
- oxData: OX data
- oxId: Identifier
- oxAuthClientId: oxAuth Client id
- oxAuthScope: oxAuth Attribute Scope
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxAuthRedirectURI: oxAuth Redirect URI
- oxAuthClientId: oxAuth Client id
- ou
- friendlyName: oxAsimba friendlyName field
- uniqueIdentifier
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxAsimbaEntry: oxAsimba configuration JSON/XML serialization field
- oxConfApplication: ox Application Configuration
- oxRevision: Revision
- ou
- friendlyName: oxAsimba friendlyName field
- uniqueIdentifier
- inum: XRI i-number
- organizationId: oxAsimba IDP organizationId field
- oxAsimbaEntry: oxAsimba configuration JSON/XML serialization field
- oxRevision: Revision
- ou
- friendlyName: oxAsimba friendlyName field
- uniqueIdentifier
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxAsimbaEntry: oxAsimba configuration JSON/XML serialization field
- oxRevision: Revision
- ou
- friendlyName: oxAsimba friendlyName field
- uniqueIdentifier
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxAsimbaEntry: oxAsimba configuration JSON/XML serialization field
- oxRevision: Revision
- ou
- friendlyName: oxAsimba friendlyName field
- uniqueIdentifier
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxAsimbaEntry: oxAsimba configuration JSON/XML serialization field
- oxRevision: Revision
- ou
- gluuPassportConfiguration: oxTrust Passport Strategy Configuration
- gluuStatus: Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
- ou
- friendlyName: oxAsimba friendlyName field
- uniqueIdentifier
- inum: XRI i-number
- oxConfApplication: ox Application Configuration
- oxRevision: Revision