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CORS Filter#


CORS Filter is an implementation of the W3C's Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) specification.

The CORS Filter works by adding required Access-Control-* headers to the HttpServletResponse object. The filter also protects against HTTP response splitting. If a request is invalid or not permitted, the request is rejected with HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden).

This flowchart demonstrates request processing by this filter:


The minimal configuration required to use the CORS Filter is shown below, and is already added to the web.xml in oxauth.war. The filter name is org.xdi.oxauth.filter.CorsFilter.


Configure CORS#

CORS can be configured in oxTrust. Follow these steps:

  1. Login to oxTrust
  2. Navigate to Configuration > JSON Configuration > oxAuth Configuration
  3. Scroll down to find corsConfigurationFilters
  4. If corsConfigurationFilters is hidden or collapsed, click the arrow to expand.

    cors enable

  5. This will display the CORS Configuration Filters parameters, as shown below:


  6. Defined and configure the parameters

  7. Click save at the bottom of the page.
  8. Restart the oxauth service with service oxauth restart.

Supported Parameters#

CORS Filter supports following initialization parameters:

Attribute Description
corsAllowedOrigins A list of origins that are allowed to access the resource. A * can be specified to enable access to resource from any origin. Otherwise, a whitelist of comma separated origins can be provided. Eg:, Defaults: * (Any origin is allowed to access the resource).
corsAllowedMethods A comma separated list of HTTP methods that can be used to access the resource, using cross-origin requests. These are the methods which will also be included as part of Access-Control-Allow-Methods header in pre-flight response. Eg: GET, POST. Defaults: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS
corsExposedHeaders A comma separated list of request headers that can be used when making an actual request. These headers will also be returned as part of Access-Control-Allow-Headers header in a pre-flight response. Eg: Origin,Accept. Defaults: Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers.
corsSupportCredentials A flag that indicates whether the resource supports user credentials. This flag is exposed as part of Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header in a pre-flight response. It helps browser determine whether or not an actual request can be made using credentials. Defaults: true
corsLoggingEnabled Value to enable logging, Setting the value to False will disable logging. Defaults:true
corsPreflightMaxAge The amount of seconds, browser is allowed to cache the result of the pre-flight request. This will be included as part of Access-Control-Max-Age header in the pre-flight response. A negative value will prevent CORS Filter from adding this response header to pre-flight response. Defaults: 1800
corsRequestDecorate A flag to control if CORS specific attributes should be added to HttpServletRequest object or not. Defaults: true