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User Registration

User Registration#

The Gluu Server is shipped with a user registration script that implements a very basic user registration process.

In most situations, we recommend writing a custom registraton app and then using Gluu's SCIM 2.0 endpoints to send the identity data to Gluu. Using SCIM will give you more control and flexibility over the registration process. Also, since oxTrust is frequently not Internet facing, the registration page (https://<hostname>/identity/register) may not be available to a user on the web.

Instructions for using Gluu's user registration functionality follows:

Enable User Registration#

To enable user registration via the Gluu Server, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Custom Scripts and select the User Registration tab;
  2. Find the Enabled field and check the box;
  3. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page;
  4. New users will now be able to register for accounts at: https://<hostname>/identity/register.


When user registration is handled via oxTrust, users cannot be added to a backend LDAP or Active Directory server. This means that self-registration via oxTrust is only effective if users are authenticated by Gluu's LDAP (and not a backend LDAP or AD server).

Adding Attributes to Registration#

A limited number of attributes are present in the default registration form. If more attributes are needed, they can be added via the GUI by navigating to Organization Configuration > Manage Registration. Learn how to add attributes to the default registration form.

Manual Approval of New Users#

By default, the Custom property (key/value) field will include the value: enable_user and true. This enables new users to log in as soon as registration is complete. If you want to manually review and approve new user registrations, you can set this value to false as shown in the screenshot below.
