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Inbound OpenID Connect using Passport.js#

Out of the box, passport supports integration with several well-known social sites for inbound authentication. In this page we demonstrate how to add an additional authentication provider, namely an OpenID Connect provider (OP).


  • Gluu Server with Passport.js


If Passport was not included during initial installation, it can be installed post installation following these instructions

Backup your passport application#

There are some minor file changes that you'll need to apply in your passport app. It's good idea to have a copy at hand in case of problem. Login to chroot and backup passport:

service gluu-server- login
#cd ~ 
#mkdir temp
#cp -R /opt/gluu/node/passport/ temp

Install passport-openidconnect#

Ensure your VM has internet access. The following will add the passport-openidconnect strategy to the modules used by the application.

#cd /opt/gluu/node/passport/
#export PATH=$PATH:/opt/node/bin
#npm install passport-openidconnect --save

Output should look like this:

+ passport-openidconnect@0.0.2
added 4 packages in 1.234s

Update required UI files#

Create a logo image in png format for this provider. Copy the file to /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/static/img. You may have to create the img folder.

The file name should be the same as the provider name, eg. mypartner.png in this case.

Download the file passportlogin.xhtml and do these edits:

  • After line 333 add logic to properly read the new image. The following will work:
if (social_name.match("mypartner")) {
    img = '../../ext/resources/img/' + social_name + '.png'
  • After line 312 add logic so that the new provider is recognized. Like the following:
if (provider.match("mypartner")) {
    send_url = url_social;

cd to /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/pages and create a directory named auth and then one named passport inside it. Finally copy the edited file to /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/pages/auth/passport.

Restart oxauth (eg #service oxauth restart), and then navigate to https://<host-name>/oxauth/ext/resources/img/mypartner.png in a browser. You should be able to see your image now.

Create an OIDC client to interact with your external OP#

In this example we assume you are creating a client in a separate Gluu Server installation. For this purpose the oxTrust admin UI can be used.

Login with admin credentials to https://<host-name>/identity and go to "OpenId" > "Clients" > "Add". Provide the following settings:

  • client name: any of your choosing

  • application type: native

  • pre-authorization: false

  • persist client authorizations: true

  • subject type: pairwise

  • jws algorithm ID token: rs256

  • authentication method for token endpoint: client_secret_post

  • require auth time: false

  • scopes: openid, profile, user_name, email

  • grant types: authorization_code

  • logout session required: false

  • response types: code

  • redirect login uri: https://<host-name>/passport/auth/mypartner/callback

It's important to note that passport-openidconnect only supports the code flow (entailing usage of Confidential OAuth clients). Additionally, comunication with the token endpoint is carried out via POST only.

Supply client details in passport side#

In oxTrust of the Gluu server where passport resides, go to "Configuration" > "Manage Authentication" > "Passport authentication method". Click on "add strategy". As name use mypartner. Click "add new property" and use clientID with the respective value (looks like @!E051.5609.8133.5BC7!0001!0884.4792!0008!2FA2.683F)

Add another property for clientSecret and fill appropriately.

!!! Note: In this example "mypartner" was used to name the strategy. If you want a different one, recall to appropriately replace occurrences throughout all files modified or added.

Create strategy#

We have to add and edit some files to make passport aware of our new openId connect client.

Create mypartner.js file:#

  1. # cd /opt/gluu/node/passport/server/auth
  2. Paste the following content inside that file:

    var passport = require('passport');
    var passport=new passport.Passport(); var MyPartnerOIDCStrategy = require('passport-openidconnect').Strategy;
    var setCredentials = function(credentials) {
    var callbackURL = global.applicationHost.concat("/passport/auth/mypartner/callback");
    passport.use(new MyPartnerOIDCStrategy({
    issuer: '',
    authorizationURL: '',
    tokenURL: '',
    userInfoURL: '',
    clientID: credentials.clientID,
    clientSecret: credentials.clientSecret,
    callbackURL: callbackURL,
    scope: 'profile user_name email'
    function(iss, sub, profile, accessToken, refreshToken, done) {
    var userProfile = {
    name: profile.displayName,
    username: profile._json.user_name ||,
    email: || "",
    givenName: || "",
    familyName: || "",
    provider: "mypartner",
    accessToken: accessToken
    return done(null, userProfile);

    module.exports = {  
        passport: passport,  
        setCredentials: setCredentials  


Provide suitable values for OP's endpoints (lines 7-10)

Edit file index.js:#

  • #cd /opt/gluu/node/passport/server/routes
  • Edit the index.js file:#vi index.js
  • Add this line somewhere at the beginning of this file:

    var passportOIDCPartner = require('../auth/mypartner').passport;

  • Add a new route in that file:

    //=== my openid partner ===  
        passportOIDCPartner.authenticate('openidconnect', {  
            failureRedirect: '/passport/login'  


Edit configureStrategies.js:#

  • #cd /opt/gluu/node/passport/server/auth
  • Edit the file #vi configureStrategies.js
  • Add this line at the beginning:

    var PartnerOIDCStrategy = require('./mypartner');

  • Add the below block after other if blocks:

if (data.passportStrategies.mypartner) {
logger.log('info', 'MyPartner Strategy details received');


Restart passport (e.g. service passport restart). Passport log will show an entry like "[INFO] MyPartner Strategy details received". Log is located at /opt/gluu/node/passport/server/logs

Setup an application to use passport_social as authentication method. You can use oxTrust for this purpose: in the machine where passport is installed, login with admin credentials to https://<host-name>/identity

Go to "Configuration" > "Manage Authentication" > "Default Authn method" and choose "passport_social" for "oxTrust acr". Leave this browsing session opened and wait 1 minute till the server picks the change

Open a separate browsing session (e.g. incognito) and try to access https://<host-name>/identity, you'll see a button for the new OP in the right-hand pane and authentication should proceed there.