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Docker Swarm Mode


This an example of running Gluu Server on multiple VMs using Docker Swarm Mode.

What follows is an explanation of the process we used to deploy clustered Gluu Server Docker containers.


  • Download Manifests

    wget -q \
        && unzip
    cd enterprise-edition-4.0/examples/swarm/
  • For OpenStack users, take a look at these notes before moving forward

  • For non-OpenStack users:

    1. Install Docker
    2. Install Docker Machine
    3. Get DigitalOcean access token

Shared Volume Between Nodes#

oxTrust and oxShibboleth rely on a mounted volume to share oxShibboleth configuration files. Given there are three nodes that need to share the same copy of oxShibboleth files, csync2 is used. Note, csync2 is installed as node's OS package, not a container version. The csync2 setup is executed when running script (see section below).

Provisioning Cluster Nodes#

Nodes are divided into two roles:

  • Swarm manager, consists of manager node
  • Swarm worker, consists of worker-1 and worker-2 node

These nodes are created/destroyed using docker-machine and are deployed as DigitalOcean droplets.

Refer to for an overview of each role.

Set Up Nodes#

We need to create a file containing DigitalOcean access token:

echo $DO_TOKEN > digitalocean-access-token

To set up nodes, execute the command below:

./ up

This command will create manager, worker-1, and worker-2 nodes and set up the Swarm cluster.

Wait until all processes are completed, and then we can execute this command to check nodes status:

docker-machine ssh manager 'docker node ls'

This will return an output similar to the example below:

hylmq7086sr1oxmac6k8mjtcr * manager     Ready   Active          Leader          18.03.0-ce
hdvgmuvwm9z5p4u4740ichd77   worker-1    Ready   Active                          18.03.0-ce
hdvgmuvwm9z5p4u4740ichd88   worker-2    Ready   Active                          18.03.0-ce

After the Swarm cluster is created, we also create a custom network called gluu. To inspect the network, run the following command:

docker-machine ssh manager 'docker network inspect gluu'

This will return the network information:

        "Name": "gluu",
        "Id": "j6gt3o0jrgyk5b10h1hf4gxh8",
        "Created": "2018-04-05T18:30:22.47872588Z",
        "Scope": "swarm",
        "Driver": "overlay",
        "EnableIPv6": false,
        "IPAM": {
            "Driver": "default",
            "Options": null,
            "Config": []
        "Internal": false,
        "Attachable": false,
        "Ingress": false,
        "ConfigFrom": {
            "Network": ""
        "ConfigOnly": false,
        "Containers": null,
        "Options": {
            "": "4097"
        "Labels": null

Tear Down Nodes#

To destroy nodes, simply execute the command below (regardless of the nodes driver):

./ down

This will prompt the user to destroy each node.

Deploying Services#

Basically, a service can be seen as tasks executed on a manager or worker node. A service manages specific image tasks (such as create/destroy/scale/etc).

Refer to for an overview of Swarm service.

In this example, the following services/containers are used to deploy the Gluu stack:

  • Consul service
  • Vault service
  • Registrator service
  • config-init container
  • WrenDS (a fork of OpenDJ) container
  • oxAuth service
  • oxTrust service
  • oxShibboleth service
  • oxPassport service
  • NGINX service

Deploy Consul#

To deploy the service:

# connect to remote docker engine in manager node
eval $(docker-machine env manager)
docker stack deploy -c consul.yml gluu

Deploy Vault#

The following files are required for Vault auto-unseal process using GCP KMS service:

  • gcp_kms_creds.json
  • gcp_kms_stanza.hcl

Obtain Google Cloud Platform KMS credentials JSON file, save it as gcp_kms_creds.json. Save the content as Docker secret.

docker secret create gcp_kms_creds gcp_kms_creds.json

Create gcp_kms_stanza.hcl:

seal "gcpckms" {
    credentials = "/vault/config/creds.json"
    project     = "<PROJECT_NAME>"
    region      = "<REGION_NAME>"
    key_ring    = "<KEYRING_NAME>"
    crypto_key  = "<KEY_NAME>"

Make sure to adjust the values above, then save the content as Docker secret.

docker secret create gcp_kms_stanza gcp_kms_stanza.hcl

Create Docker config for custom Vault policy:

docker config create vault_gluu_policy vault_gluu_policy.hcl

To deploy the service:

docker stack deploy -c vault.yml gluu

Vault must be initialized (once) and configured to allow containers accessing the secrets:


Prepare cluster-wide config and secret#

Cluster-wide config are saved into Consul KV storage and secrets are saved into Vault. All Gluu containers pull these to self-configure themselves.

Run the following command to prepare the config and secrets:



this process may take some time, please wait until the process completed.

Deploy Cache Storage (OPTIONAL)#

By default, the cache storage is set to NATIVE_PERSISTENCE. To use REDIS, deploy the service first:

docker stack deploy -c redis.yml gluu

Deploy LDAP#

Run the following command to deploy ldap services (manager, worker-1, and worker-2):

docker stack deploy -c ldap.yml gluu

Import initial data into LDAP:


Deploy Registrator#

Registrator acts a service registry bridge to watch oxAuth/oxTrust/oxShibboleth/oxPassport container events. The event will be watched and data will be saved into Consul. This is needed because the NGINX container needs to reconfigure its config whenever those containers are added or removed into/from the cluster.

Run the following command to deploy registrator service:

docker stack deploy -c registrator.yml gluu

Deploy oxAuth, oxTrust, oxShibboleth, oxPassport, and NGINX#

Run the following commands to deploy oxAuth, oxTrust, oxShibboleth, and NGINX:

DOMAIN=$DOMAIN docker stack deploy -c web.yml gluu


$DOMAIN is the domain value that's entered when running ./

Enabling oxPassport#

Enable Passport support by following the official docs here.

Enabling key-rotation and cr-rotate (OPTIONAL)#

To enable key rotation for oxAuth keys (useful when we have RP) and cr-rotate (to monitor cycled IP address of oxTrust container used for cache refresh), run the following command:

docker stack deploy -c utils.yml gluu

Load Balancer#

With three nodes that run a clustered Gluu Server, it's recommended to deploy an external loadbalancer, for example: NGINX or DigitalOcean loadbalancer. The process of deploying an external loadbalancer is out of the scope of this document.

Notes for OpenStack Users#

  1. Ignore Set up nodes and Requirements section.

  2. Docker machine will not be used

  3. Ignore using ./ for deploying

  4. Provision three VMs with at least 8GB RAM each with OS flavor of your choosing that being ubuntu 18, CentOS7 ...etc

  5. Make sure the ports associated with installation are open. Including docker swarm ports. In CentOS that might mean adding the allowed VMs and their respective ports.

    iptables -N GLUU
    iptables -A GLUU -s -j ACCEPT  # VM docker-swarm-node-1
    iptables -A GLUU -s -j ACCEPT # VM docker-swarm node-2
    iptables -A GLUU -s -j ACCEPT # VM docker-swarm-node-3
    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 2376 -j GLUU
    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 2377 -j GLUU
    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 7946 -j GLUU
    iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 7946 -j GLUU
    iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 4789 -j GLUU
    # SSL PORT
    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j GLUU
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A GLUU -j LOG --log-prefix "unauth-swarm-access"
  6. Please note that networking is key for a successful installation. Before initializing the setup make sure your nodes can reach each other on the ports used for gluu i.e attach the security policies that allow inner communications between the nodes.

  7. Install latest Docker on each VM.

  8. Initialize Docker swarm mode for your first VM here that would be Node-1

    # example: docker swarm init --advertise-addr
    docker swarm init --advertise-addr <ip-for-node-1>
  9. The above command will initialize Docker swarm and output a command that will be used to add workers to this manager node.

    To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
    docker swarm join \
        --token SWMTKN-1-3pu6hszjassdfsdfknkj234u2938u4jksdfnl-1awxwuwd3z9j1z3puu7rcgdbx \
  10. Execute the output command on the other nodes here Node-2 and Node-3.

    docker swarm join \
        --token SWMTKN-1-3pu6hszjassdfsdfknkj234u2938u4jksdfnl-1awxwuwd3z9j1z3puu7rcgdbx \
  11. Optional If you want all of the nodes to be managers promote them using the following command:

    docker node promote node1 node2
  12. Create the network.

    docker network create -d overlay gluu
  13. Create volumes for Node-1

    mkdir -p /opt/config-init/db \
        /opt/opendj/config /opt/opendj/db /opt/opendj/ldif /opt/opendj/logs /opt/opendj/backup /opt/opendj/flag \
        /opt/consul \
        /opt/vault/config /opt/vault/data /opt/vault/logs \
  14. Create volumes for Node-2 and Node-3

    mkdir -p /opt/opendj/config /opt/opendj/db /opt/opendj/ldif /opt/opendj/logs /opt/opendj/backup \
        /opt/consul \
        /opt/vault/config /opt/vault/data /opt/vault/logs \
  15. Continue deploying services. But note that you will not use any docker-machine commands, but instead execute the commands directly on the respective node here Node-1 is the manager.