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Config Init


config-init is a special container that is neither daemonized nor executing a long-running process. The purpose of this container is to generate, dump (backup), or even load (restore) the config and secrets.


The latest stable version for Gluu Server Docker Edition v3.1.6 is gluufederation/config-init:3.1.6_03.

Environment Variables#

The following environment variables are supported by the container:

  • GLUU_CONFIG_ADAPTER: The config backend adapter, can be consul (default) or kubernetes.
  • GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST: hostname or IP of Consul (default to localhost).
  • GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_PORT: port of Consul (default to 8500).
  • GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_CONSISTENCY: Consul consistency mode (choose one of default, consistent, or stale). Default to stale mode.
  • GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_SCHEME: supported Consul scheme (http or https).
  • GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_VERIFY: whether to verify cert or not (default to false).
  • GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_CACERT_FILE: path to Consul CA cert file (default to /etc/certs/consul_ca.crt). This file will be used if it exists and GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_VERIFY set to true.
  • GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_CERT_FILE: path to Consul cert file (default to /etc/certs/consul_client.crt).
  • GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_KEY_FILE: path to Consul key file (default to /etc/certs/consul_client.key).
  • GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_TOKEN_FILE: path to file contains ACL token (default to /etc/certs/consul_token).
  • GLUU_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace (default to default).
  • GLUU_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_CONFIGMAP: Kubernetes configmaps name (default to gluu).
  • GLUU_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_USE_KUBE_CONFIG: Load credentials from $HOME/.kube/config, only useful for non-container environment (default to false).
  • GLUU_SECRET_ADAPTER: The secrets adapter, can be vault or kubernetes.
  • GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_SCHEME: supported Vault scheme (http or https).
  • GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_HOST: hostname or IP of Vault (default to localhost).
  • GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_PORT: port of Vault (default to 8200).
  • GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_VERIFY: whether to verify cert or not (default to false).
  • GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_ROLE_ID_FILE: path to file contains Vault AppRole role ID (default to /etc/certs/vault_role_id).
  • GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_SECRET_ID_FILE: path to file contains Vault Approle secret ID (default to /etc/certs/vault_secret_id).
  • GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_CERT_FILE: path to Vault cert file (default to /etc/certs/vault_client.crt).
  • GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_KEY_FILE: path to Vault key file (default to /etc/certs/vault_client.key).
  • GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_CACERT_FILE: path to Vault CA cert file (default to /etc/certs/vault_ca.crt). This file will be used if it exists and GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_VERIFY set to true.
  • GLUU_SECRET_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace (default to default).
  • GLUU_SECRET_KUBERNETES_CONFIGMAP: Kubernetes secrets name (default to gluu).
  • GLUU_SECRET_KUBERNETES_USE_KUBE_CONFIG: Load credentials from $HOME/.kube/config, only useful for non-container environment (default to false).
  • GLUU_WAIT_MAX_TIME: How long the startup "health checks" should run (default to 300 seconds).
  • GLUU_WAIT_SLEEP_DURATION: Delay between startup "health checks" (default to 5 seconds).
  • GLUU_OVERWRITE_ALL: Overwrite all config (default to false).

Unsupported environment variables from previous versions (see GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_* or GLUU_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_* for replacement as seen below):

Old Environment Variable New Environment Variable


The following commands are supported by the container:

  • generate
  • dump
  • load


The generate command will generate all the initial configuration files for the Gluu Server components. All existing config will be ignored unless forced by passing environment variable GLUU_OVERWRITE_ALL.

The following parameters and/or environment variables are required to launch unless otherwise marked.


  • --email: The email address of the administrator usually. Used for certificate creation.
  • --domain: The domain name where the Gluu Server resides. Used for certificate creation.
  • --country-code: The country where the organization is located. User for certificate creation.
  • --state: The state where the organization is located. Used for certificate creation.
  • --city: The city where the organization is located. Used for certificate creation.
  • --org-name: The organization using the Gluu Server. Used for certificate creation.
  • --admin-pw: The administrator password for oxTrust and LDAP
  • --ldap-type: Currently only OpenDJ is supported.
  • --base-inum: (optional) Base inum with the following format @!xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx where x represents a number or uppercased alphabet, for example @!1BDD.80B7.128C.099A. If omitted, the value will be auto-generated.
  • --inum-org: (optional) Organization inum with the following format <BASE_INUM>!0001!xxxx.xxxx where x represents a number or uppercased alphabet, for example @!1BDD.80B7.128C.099A!0001!4FB1.6F8C. If omitted, the value will be auto-generated.
  • --inum-appliance: (optional) Appliance inum with the following format <BASE_INUM>!0002!xxxx.xxxx where x represents a number or uppercased alphabet, for example @!1BDD.80B7.128C.099A!0002!8E48.6E9D. If omitted, the value will be auto-generated.


The dump command will dump all configuration from inside KV store into the /opt/config-init/db/config.json file inside the container. The following parameters and/or environment variables are required to launch, unless otherwise marked.

Please note that to dump this file into the host, you'll need to map a mounted volume to the /opt/config-init/db directory. See this example on how to dump the config into the /path/to/host/volume/config.json file:

docker run \
    --rm \
    --network container:consul \
    -e GLUU_CONFIG_ADAPTER=consul \
    -e GLUU_SECRET_ADAPTER=vault \
    -v /path/to/host/volume:/opt/config-init/db \
    gluufederation/config-init:3.1.6_03 dump


The load command will load a config.json into the KV store. All existing config will be ignored unless forced by passing environment variable GLUU_OVERWRITE_ALL.

Please note that to load this file from the host, you'll need to map a mounted volume to the /opt/config-init/db directory. For an example on how to load the config from /path/to/host/volume/config.json file, see the following:

docker run \
    --rm \
    --network container:consul \
    -e GLUU_CONFIG_ADAPTER=consul \
    -e GLUU_SECRET_ADAPTER=vault \
    -v /path/to/host/volume:/opt/config-init/db \
    gluufederation/config-init:3.1.6_03 load