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Change Admin Password


There are times when default Gluu admin password need to be changed, for example rotating password for security reason.

Change admin password in oxTrust#

  1. Login to oxTrust UI as admin user (created during installation).
  2. Go to Users > Manage People sidebar menu, search for admin user in the form field. A list of matched users will be presented in a table.
  3. Click the admin UID in the results table.
  4. Scroll down and click Change Password button; a popup will be presented. Click Set password after password has been changed. If password successfully updated, the user will be logged out.

Update Kubernetes secrets#


The following additional steps only applies in cloud-native installation.

Once admin password has been changed via oxTrust UI, the Kubernetes secrets need to be updated as well. See steps below on how to update the secrets:

  1. Change config.adminPass attribute in values.yaml for subsequential installs/upgrades using helm:

      # use same password that was updated in oxTrust
      adminPass: "newAdminPassword"
  2. Create new file with the following contents:

    from pygluu.containerlib import get_manager
    # get the value of `userPassword` attribute from `gluuPerson` table/objectClass/document in persistence
    encoded_oxtrust_admin_password = "<userPassword>"
    manager = get_manager()
    manager.secret.set("encoded_oxtrust_admin_password", encoded_oxtrust_admin_password)

    Note, the <userPassword> value is taken from userPassword attribute/column of gluuPerson table/document. Consult to persistence (MySQL/PostgreSQL/OpenDJ/Couchbase/Spanner) docs on how to get value of an attribute.


    The following experimental script can be used to get userPassword attribute from persistence and save it into Kubernetes secrets. This may not work in older versions of Gluu cloud-native installation.

    import os
    from pygluu.containerlib import get_manager
    from pygluu.containerlib.persistence.couchbase import CouchbaseClient
    from pygluu.containerlib.persistence.couchbase import id_from_dn
    from pygluu.containerlib.persistence.couchbase import get_couchbase_password
    from pygluu.containerlib.persistence.ldap import LdapClient
    from pygluu.containerlib.persistence.spanner import SpannerClient
    from pygluu.containerlib.persistence.sql import SQLClient
    from pygluu.containerlib.persistence.sql import doc_id_from_dn
    from pygluu.containerlib.utils import ldap_encode
    encoded_oxtrust_admin_password = ""  # nosec: B105
    manager = get_manager()
    # get encoded_oxtrust_admin_password from persistence
    admin_inum = manager.config.get("admin_inum")
    dn = f"inum={admin_inum},ou=people,o=gluu"
    persistence_type = os.environ.get("GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE", "ldap")
    if persistence_type == "sql":
        client = SQLClient()
        entry = client.get("gluuPerson", doc_id_from_dn(dn), column_names=["userPassword"])
        encoded_oxtrust_admin_password = entry["userPassword"]
    elif persistence_type == "spanner":
        client = SpannerClient()
        entry = client.get("gluuPerson", doc_id_from_dn(dn), column_names=["userPassword"])
        encoded_oxtrust_admin_password = entry["userPassword"]
    elif persistence_type == "couchbase":
        client = CouchbaseClient(
        bucket_prefix = os.environ["GLUU_COUCHBASE_BUCKET_PREFIX"]
        bucket = f"{bucket_prefix}_user"
        id_ = id_from_dn(dn)
        req = client.exec_query(
            f"SELECT {bucket}.userPassword FROM {bucket} USE KEYS '{id_}'"  # nosec: B608
        entry = req.json()["results"][0]
        encoded_oxtrust_admin_password = entry["userPassword"]
    # fallback to ldap
        client = LdapClient(manager)
        entry = client.get(dn, attributes=["userPassword"])
        encoded_oxtrust_admin_password = entry["userPassword"].raw_values[0].decode()
    # push the new encoded_oxtrust_admin_password value to secrets
    manager.secret.set("encoded_oxtrust_admin_password", encoded_oxtrust_admin_password)
  3. Copy the to a running pod and execute:

    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE cp $POD:/tmp/

    Run the script to update the secrets:

    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec $POD -- python3 /tmp/


    To avoid unwanted updates, it's best to delete the script after password has been changed.

    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec $POD -- rm -f /tmp/