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Gluu Server Backup#

The Gluu Server should be backed up frequently--we recommend at least one daily and one weekly backup of Gluu's data and/or VM.

There are multiple methods for backing up the Gluu Server. A few recommended strategies are provided below.

In the event of a production outage, a proper snapshot of the last working condition will help rapidly restore service.

Most platform virtualization software and cloud vendors have snapshot backup features. For instance, Digital Ocean has Live Snapshot and Droplet Snapshot; VMWare has Snapshot Manager, etc.

Snaphots should be taken for all Gluu environments (e.g. Prod, Dev, QA, etc.) and tested periodically to confirm consistency and integrity.

Tarball Method#

All Gluu Server files live in a single folder: /opt. The entire Gluu Server CE chroot folder can be archived using the tar command:

  1. Stop the server: service gluu-server stop or /sbin/gluu-serverd stop

  2. Use tar to take a backup: tar cvf gluu40-backup.tar /opt/gluu-server/

  3. Start the server again: service gluu-server start or /sbin/gluu-serverd start

LDIF Data Backup#

From time to time (daily or weekly), the LDAP database should be exported in a standard LDIF format. Having the data in plain text offers some options for recovery that are not possible with a binary backup.

Instructions are provided below for exporting OpenDJ data. The below instructions address situations where unused and expired cache and session related entries are piling and causing issues with functionality. Read more about this issue.


Errors that this may help fix include but are not restricted to:

  • Out of Memory

If your Gluu Server is backed by OpenDJ, follow these steps to backup your data:

  1. First check your cache entries by running the following command:

    /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1636 -Z -X -D "cn=directory manager" -w <password> -b 'o=gluu' 'oxAuthGrantId=*' dn | grep 'dn:' | wc -l
  2. Dump the data as LDIF

    • Log in to root:
    sudo su -
    • Log in to Gluu-Server:
    service gluu-server login


    /sbin/gluu-serverd login
    • Stop the identity, oxauth and opendj services

    • If you are moving to a new LDAP, copy over your schema files from the following directory. Otherwise simply copy it for backup:

    • Now export the LDIF and save it somewhere safe. You will not be importing this if you choose to apply any filters as below:
    /opt/opendj/bin/export-ldif -n userRoot --offline -l exactdatabackup_date.ldif
    • Now exclude oxAuthGrantId so the command becomes:
    /opt/opendj/bin/export-ldif -n userRoot --offline -l yourdata_withoutoxAuthGrantId.ldif --includeFilter '(!(oxAuthGrantId=*))'
    • You may also wish to exclude oxMetric so the command becomes:
    /opt/opendj/bin/export-ldif -n userRoot --offline -l yourdata_withoutGrantIdMetic.ldif --includeFilter '(&(!(oxAuthGrantId=*))(!            (objectClass=oxMetric)))'
  3. Now, only if needed, rebuild indexes:

    • Check status of indexes:
    /opt/opendj/bin/backendstat show-index-status --backendID userRoot --baseDN o=gluu

    Take note of all indexes that need to be rebuilt. If no indexing is needed, move on to step 4.

    • Start the opendj service

    • Build backend index for all indexes that need it accoring to previous status command, change passoword -w and index name accordingly. This command has to be run for every index separately:

    /opt/opendj/bin/dsconfig create-backend-index --port 4444 --hostname localhost --bindDN "cn=directory manager" -w password --backend-name userRoot --index-name iname --set index-type:equality --set index-entry-limit:4000 --trustAll --no-prompt
    • Stop the opendj service

    • Rebuild the indexes as needed, here are examples :

    /opt/opendj/bin/rebuild-index --baseDN o=gluu --index iname
    /opt/opendj/bin/rebuild-index --baseDN o=gluu --index uid
    /opt/opendj/bin/rebuild-index --baseDN o=gluu --index mail
    • Check status again :
    /opt/opendj/bin/backendstat show-index-status --backendID userRoot --baseDN o=gluu
    • Verify indexes:
    /opt/opendj/bin/verify-index --baseDN o=gluu --countErrors
  4. Next import your previously exported LDIF. Here, we are importing without oxAuthGrantId .


You may import the exact export of your ldap exactdatabackup_date.ldif.Do not import your exact copy of your LDIF if you are following instructions to to clean your cache entries

/opt/opendj/bin/import-ldif -n userRoot --offline -l yourdata_withoutoxAuthGrantId.ldif

If you moved to a new LDAP, copy back your schema files to this directory:

  1. Start the identity, oxauth and opendj services

  2. Finally, verify the cache entries have been removed:

    /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1636 -Z -X -D "cn=directory manager" -w -b 'o=gluu' -T 'oxAuthGrantId=*' dn | grep 'dn:' | wc –l

You should be done and everything should be working perfectly. You may notice your Gluu Server responding slower than before. That is expected -- your LDAP is adjusting to the new data, and indexing might be in process. Give it some time and it should be back to normal.


This section is under construction.


This guide introduces how to backup data and restore from a backup file.

Install backup strategy#

A typical installation of Gluu using pygluu-kubernetes.pyz will automatiically install a backup strategy that will backup Couchbase every 5 mins to a persistent volume. However, the Couchbase backup can be setup manually:

  1. Download pygluu-kubernetes.pyz. This package can be built manually.

  2. Run :

    ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz install-couchbase-backup


./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz install-couchbase-backup will not install couchbase.

Uninstall backup strategy#

A file named couchbase-backup.yaml will have been generated during installation of backup strategy. Use that as follows to remove the backup strategy:

kubectl delete -f ./couchbase-backup.yaml

Restore from backup#

Please save a copy of the configurations to a file.

kubectl get cm gluu -n <Gluu-namespace> -o yaml > configs-<date>.yaml
kubectl get secret gluu -n <Gluu-namespace> -o yaml > secrets-<date>.yaml


An existing Gluu setup must exist for this to work. Please do not attempt to delete any resources and be very careful in handling Gluu configurations and secrets.

Couchbase restore step#

  1. Install a new Couchbase if needed.

    ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz install-couchbase
  2. Create a pod definition file called restore-cb-pod.yaml and paste the below yaml changing the volumes, volumeMounts and namespace if they are different.


    ./pygluu-kubernetes.pyz install-couchbase-backup uses the volumes and volumeMounts as seen in the yaml below

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: restore-node
      namespace: cbns
    spec:  # specification of the pod's contents
        - name: restore-pod
          image: couchbase/server:enterprise-6.5.0
          # Just spin & wait forever
          command: [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "--" ]
          args: [ "while true; do sleep 30; done;" ]
            - name: "couchbase-cluster-backup-volume"
              mountPath: "/backups"
        - name: couchbase-cluster-backup-volume
            claimName: backup-pvc
      restartPolicy: Never
  3. Apply restore-cb-pod.yaml.

    kubectl apply -f  restore-cb-pod.yaml
  4. Access the restore-node pod.

    kubectl exec -it restore-node -n cbns -- /bin/bash
  5. Choose the backup of choice

    cbbackupmgr list --archive /backups --repo couchbase

    We will choose the oldest we received from the command above 2020-02-20T10_05_13.781131773Z

  6. Preform the restore using the cbbackupmgr command.

    cbbackupmgr restore --archive /backups --repo couchbase --cluster cbgluu.cbns.svc.cluster.local --username admin --password passsword --start 2020-02-20T10_05_13.781131773Z --end 2020-02-20T10_05_13.781131773Z

    Learn more about cbbackupmgr command and its options.

  7. Once done delete the restore-node pod.

    kubectl delete -f restore-cb-pod.yaml -n cbns

Gluu restore step#

  1. Save any custom files injected and used across Gluu services. These files might likely be save in Jackrabbit.

  2. Save important gluu ConfigMaps:

    kubectl get cm gluu -n gluu -o yaml > gluu_main_cm.yaml && \
    kubectl get cm gluu-config-cm -n gluu -o yaml > gluu_cms.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    kubectl get cm gluu-config-gen-json-file -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    kubectl get cm gluu-config-tls-script -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    kubectl get cm gluu-updatelbip -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_cms.yaml
  3. Save important gluu Secrets:

    kubectl get secret gluu -n gluu -o yaml > gluu_main_secret.yaml && \
    kubectl get secret tls-certificate -n gluu -o yaml > gluu_secrets.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_secrets.yaml && \
    kubectl get secret gluu-jackrabbit-admin-pass -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_secrets.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_secrets.yaml && \
    kubectl get secret gluu-jackrabbit-postgres-pass -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_secrets.yaml
  4. If this is a restore it likely means the helm deployment of Gluu is currupt. Delete the helm deployment of Gluu in preperation for a new fresh one:

    helm delete <release-name> -n <gluu-namespace>
  5. Create gluu Secret and ConfigMap from backup saved previosuly:

kubectl create -f gluu_main_secret.yaml && kubectl create -f gluu_main_cm.yaml
  1. Run the install command for helm:

    helm install <release-name> -f ./values.yaml . -n <gluu-namespace>
  2. Preform a rolling update of each service, forexample :

kubectl rollout restart gluu-deployment -n gluu

Install backup strategy#

A typical installation of Gluu using pygluu-kubernetes.pyz will automatiically install a backup strategy that will backup opendj / wren:ds every 10 mins /opt/opendj/ldif. However, the couchbase backup can be setup manually:

  1. Edit the values.yaml file and set opendj.backup.enabled to true.

  2. Set opendj.backup.enabled.cronJobSchedule to the schedule that you want.

  3. Once done, run helm install if installing for the first time and helm upgrade if Gluu is already installed to set the ldap-backup cronjob. For example,

    helm upgrade <release-name> -f ./values.yaml . --namespace=<gluu-namespace>


Up to 6 backups will be stored at /opt/opendj/ldif on the running opendj pod. The backups will carry the name backup-0.ldif to backup-5.ldif and will be overwritten to save data.

Uninstall backup strategy#

A file named ldap-backup.yaml will have been generated during installation of backup strategy. Use that as follows to remove the backup strategy:

kubectl delete -f ./couchbase-backup.yaml

Restore from backup#


An existing Gluu setup must exist for this to work. Please do not attempt to delete any resources and be very careful in handling Gluu configurations and secrets.

OpenDJ / Wren:DS restore step#

  1. Opendj volume attached should carry the backups at /opt/opendj/ldif

  2. If this is a fresh installation , attach the older volume to the new pod.

  3. Access the opendj pod.

    kubectl exec -ti opendj-0 -n gluu /bin/sh
  4. Choose the backup of choice and rename it to backup-this-copy.ldif. The pygluu-kubernetes.pyz will preform the import.

    ls /opt/opendj/ldif
    cd /opt/opendj/ldif
    cp backup-1.ldif backup-this-copy.ldif
  1. Save a copy of the ldif backups. The backups should already be on persistence disks but for ease of access please copy these ldifs to a secure location to be used in further steps.

  2. Save any custom files injected and used across Gluu services. These files might likely be save in Jackrabbit.

  3. Save important gluu ConfigMaps:

    kubectl get cm gluu -n gluu -o yaml > gluu_main_cm.yaml && \
    kubectl get cm gluu-config-cm -n gluu -o yaml > gluu_cms.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    kubectl get cm gluu-config-gen-json-file -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    kubectl get cm gluu-config-tls-script -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_cms.yaml && \
    kubectl get cm gluu-updatelbip -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_cms.yaml
  4. Save important gluu Secrets:

    kubectl get secret gluu -n gluu -o yaml > gluu_main_secret.yaml && \
    kubectl get secret tls-certificate -n gluu -o yaml > gluu_secrets.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_secrets.yaml && \
    kubectl get secret gluu-jackrabbit-admin-pass -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_secrets.yaml && \
    echo "---" >> gluu_secrets.yaml && \
    kubectl get secret gluu-jackrabbit-postgres-pass -n gluu -o yaml >> gluu_secrets.yaml
  5. If this is a restore it likely means the helm deployment of Gluu is currupt. Delete the helm deployment of Gluu in preperation for a new fresh one:

    helm delete <release-name> -n <gluu-namespace>
  6. Create gluu Secret and ConfigMap from backup saved previosuly:

kubectl create -f gluu_main_secret.yaml && kubectl create -f gluu_main_cm.yaml
  1. Run the install command for helm:

    helm install <release-name> -f ./values.yaml . -n <gluu-namespace>
  2. Move the backup ldifs to the new opendj pod at /opt/opendj/ldif

  3. Choose the backup of choice and run the command below:

    /opt/opendj/bin/import-ldif --hostname localhost --port 4444 --bindDN "cn=Directory manager" --backendID userRoot --trustAll --ldifFile /opt/opendj/ldif/backup-4.ldif --bindPassword "<Password>"
  4. Preform a rolling update of each service, forexample :

kubectl rollout restart gluu-deployment -n gluu