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Replace Expired Key Files#



  • Back up the existing /etc/certs/oxauth-keys.jks and /etc/certs/oxauth-keys.json
  • Back up the full o=gluu LDAP data

Manually generate and apply key#

  1. Log in to the chroot - gluu-serverd login
  2. Backup existing oxauth-keys.jks and oxauth-keys.json from /etc/certs/
  3. Grab the password/keypass/keypasswd of your oxauth jsk with: cat /install/community-edition-setup/ | grep -i oxauth_openid_jks_pass
  4. Replace above oxauth_openid_jks_pass in below command and run command.
/opt/jre/bin/java -Dlog4j.defaultInitOverride=true -cp "/home/jetty/lib/*" org.gluu.oxauth.util.KeyGenerator -keystore oxauth-keys.jks -keypasswd <oxauth_openid_jks_pass> -sig_keys RS256 RS384 RS512 ES256 ES384 ES512 PS256 PS384 PS512 RSA1_5 -enc_keys RSA1_5 RSA-OAEP -dnname "CN=oxAuth CA Certificates" -expiration 365 > oxauth-keys.json
  1. cp oxauth-keys.j* /etc/certs/
  2. Inject the new key in LDAP (Gluu CE Database) as well
  3. Download and install JXplorer in your local machine
  4. Create a tunnel to the server - ssh -L 1636:localhost:1636 [username]@[server_host]
  5. Open JXplorer and fill it per the below screenshot
  6. Get the LDAP password inside chroot cat /install/community-edition-setup/|grep 'ldapPass='. Use this password in JXplorer connection and click on OK button and in next popup click on This Session Only button.


  7. Next is to copy content of oxauth-keys.json into LDAP. Navigate to path as per below screenshot and replace content in the oxAuthConfWebKeys field. gluu > configuration > oxauth --> Table Editor tab --> click on oxAuthConfWebKeys value --> Replace value --> click on Submit.


  8. Exit from chroot

  9. gluu-serverd stop
  10. gluu-serverd start


When your SCIM service is protected with UMA, your client application uses the scim-rp.jks file bundled with your Gluu Server. Additionally, the server uses the scim-rs.jks file. These Java Keystore files are generated upon installation and expire after one year.

The following steps are required to update the keystores so that your server and client behave properly after expiration:

First, log in to the Gluu Server chroot.

Create a temporary folder (e.g. mkdir tmp) and cd to it.

Create two JKS files using these commands:

keytool -genkey -alias dummy -keystore fresher-scim-rp.jks \
-storepass secret -keypass secret -dname 'CN=oxAuth CA Certificates'  

keytool -delete -alias dummy -keystore fresher-scim-rp.jks \
-storepass secret -keypass secret -dname 'CN=oxAuth CA Certificates' 

keytool -genkey -alias dummy -keystore fresher-scim-rs.jks \
-storepass secret -keypass secret -dname 'CN=oxAuth CA Certificates'  

keytool -delete -alias dummy -keystore fresher-scim-rs.jks \
-storepass secret -keypass secret -dname 'CN=oxAuth CA Certificates'  

This will create two files: fresher-scim-rp.jks and fresher-scim-rs.jks. You may prefer to change the names and provide a password other than "secret". The files can have different passwords.

Add suitable keys and export two JSON files:

java -cp '/home/jetty/lib/*' org.gluu.oxauth.util.KeyGenerator \  
-keystore fresher-scim-rp.jks -keypasswd secret \  
-sig_keys RS256 RS384 RS512 ES256 ES384 ES512 \  
-enc_keys RS256 RS384 RS512 ES256 ES384 ES512 \  
-dnname "CN=oxAuth CA Certificates" \  
-expiration 365 > keys-rp.json  

java -cp '/home/jetty/lib/*' org.gluu.oxauth.util.KeyGenerator \  
-keystore fresher-scim-rs.jks -keypasswd secret \  
-sig_keys RS256 RS384 RS512 ES256 ES384 ES512 \  
-enc_keys RS256 RS384 RS512 ES256 ES384 ES512 \  
-dnname "CN=oxAuth CA Certificates" \  
-expiration 365 > keys-rs.json  

In this example, the files expire in 365 days. Replace "secret" with the correct passwords.

Verify that two files with valid JSON content have been created. Otherwise, check that you properly followed the instructions.

Log into oxTrust and navigate toOpenId connect > Clients > SCIM Requesting Party Client. Scroll down to JWKS text box and paste the contents of the keys-rp.json file. Back up previous content before applying the edit.

In oxTrust, go to OpenId connect > Clients > SCIM Resource Server Client. Scroll down to the JWKS text box and paste the contents of the keys-rs.json file. Back up previous content before applying the edit.

Compute the encrypted password used for file fresher-scim-rs.jks. While logged into the Gluu Server chroot, type python and press Enter. Paste the following in the interpreter:

import base64
from pyDes import *

data = '<password>'
engine = triple_des('<salt>', ECB, pad=None, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)
data = data.encode('ascii')
en_data = engine.encrypt(data)
print base64.b64encode(en_data) 
  • Replace <password> with the password you used for the fresher-scim-rs keystore. Replace <salt> with the value of encodeSalt found in the /etc/gluu/conf/salt file.

  • The last line printed has the value needed. Type quit() to return to the prompt.

In oxTrust, visit Configuration > JSON configuration > oxTrust configuration. Update the "scimUmaClientKeyStoreFile" field to point to the new keystore (e.g. /etc/certs/fresher-scim-rs.jks), and paste the value obtained in the previous step in thescimUmaClientKeyStorePassword field. Press "Save" at the bottom of the page.

Update your client's SCIM application to use fresher-scim-rp.jks with its corresponding password and test it.

Finally, remove the tmp directory in your server.

Something went wrong? Feel free to open a support ticket.