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oxTrust API


The following sections are guides on how to access oxTrust API using within Gluu Server container deployment. See oxTrust API docs for reference.


  1. gluufederation/config-init:4.0.1_05 image (test mode client is introduced).
  2. gluufederation/persistence:4.0.1_05 image (enable oxTrust API upon deployment).
  3. gluufederation/oxauth:4.0.1_05 image.
  4. gluufederation/oxtrust:4.0.1_05 image.

Available API Modes#

The oxTrust API has two modes that administrators can configure according to need.

Test Mode#


Test mode is not recommended for production. Choose UMA mode instead.

  1. Set environment variable GLUU_OXTRUST_API_ENABLED=true and GUU_OXTRUST_API_TEST_MODE=true when running gluufederation/persistence container to enable oxTrust API:

    docker run \
        --rm \
        --name persistence \
        -e GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST=consul \
        -e GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_HOST=vault \
        -e GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE=ldap \
        -e GLUU_LDAP_URL=ldap:1636 \
        -e GLUU_OXTRUST_API_ENABLED=true \
        -e GLUU_OXTRUST_API_TEST_MODE=true \
        -v $PWD/vault_role_id.txt:/etc/certs/vault_role_id \
        -v $PWD/vault_secret_id.txt:/etc/certs/vault_secret_id \

    If using kubernetes answer yes to both the following prompts:

    Enable oxTrust Api         [N]?[Y/N]                               y
    Enable oxTrust Test Mode [N]?[Y/N]                                 y

    Alternatively, enable the features using oxTrust UI.

  2. Obtain Test mode client credentials from config and secret backends.

    1. Grab api_test_client_id from config backend; in this example, we're getting 0008-b52a8524-35b2-4835-968e-481a366be8cd as its value. This is the client ID.

    2. Grab api_test_client_secret from secret backend; in this example, we're getting TVtZwLZxp25XFDelMJNDQsa8 as its value. This is the client secret.

  3. Get token from Gluu Server; in this example we're using

    curl -k -u '0008-b52a8524-35b2-4835-968e-481a366be8cd:TVtZwLZxp25XFDelMJNDQsa8' \ \
        -d grant_type=client_credentials

    The response example:

        "access_token": "0d14102c-70e5-485c-8b64-e56f1ecfcf3e",
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "expires_in": 299

    Extract the access_token value (in this case, 0d14102c-70e5-485c-8b64-e56f1ecfcf3e is the token).

  4. Make request to oxTrust API endpoints:

    curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer 0d14102c-70e5-485c-8b64-e56f1ecfcf3e' \

    If succeed, the output is similar to the following:

            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "displayName": "Gluu Manager Group",
            "description": "This group is for administrative purpose, with full acces to users",
            "members": [
            "inum": "60B7",
            "owner": null,
            "organization": null,
            "iname": null

UMA Mode#

  1. Set environment variable GLUU_OXTRUST_API_ENABLED=true when running gluufederation/persistence container to enable oxTrust API:

    docker run \
        --rm \
        --name persistence \
        -e GLUU_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST=consul \
        -e GLUU_SECRET_VAULT_HOST=vault \
        -e GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE=ldap \
        -e GLUU_LDAP_URL=ldap:1636 \
        -e GLUU_OXTRUST_API_ENABLED=true \
        -e GLUU_OXTRUST_API_TEST_MODE=false \
        -v $PWD/vault_role_id.txt:/etc/certs/vault_role_id \
        -v $PWD/vault_secret_id.txt:/etc/certs/vault_secret_id \

    If using kubernetes answer Y to enabling oxTrust API and N to enabling Test Mode.

    Enable oxTrust Api         [N]?[Y/N]                               y
    Enable oxTrust Test Mode [N]?[Y/N]                                 N
    Alternatively, enable the features using oxTrust UI.

  2. Make request to oxTrust API (in this example, we're going to use URL), for example:

    curl -k -I

    The request is rejected due to unauthenticated client and the response headers will be similar as the following:

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    WWW-Authenticate: UMA realm="Authorization required",, as_uri=, ticket=ed5d9fa7-7117-4fc0-85c2-17a064448dc8

    Extract the ticket from WWW-Authenticate header; in this example the ticket is ed5d9fa7-7117-4fc0-85c2-17a064448dc8.

  3. Copy api-rp.jks and api-rp-keys.json from oxAuth container into host:

    docker cp oxauth:/etc/certs/api-rp.jks api-rp.jks \
        && docker cp oxauth:/etc/certs/api-rp-keys.json api-rp-keys.json

    In kubernetes get the oxauth pod name and use the following commands:

    sh kubectl cp oxauth-acsacsd2123:etc/certs/api-rp.jks api-rp.jks \ && kubectl cp oxauth-acsacsd2123:etc/certs/api-rp-keys.json api-rp-keys.json

  4. Determine algorithm for signing JWT string, i.e. RS256.

    Here's an example of api-rp-keys.json contents:

        "keys": [
                "kty": "RSA",
                "e": "AQAB",
                "use": "sig",
                "crv": "",
                "kid": "777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256",
                "x5c": ["MIIDAzCCAeugAwIBAgIgIoDkhKXYZG5/LDPoUEUBxLpvsUDwL+OEzkAMuMpglzLH6g9dDUyGVEh8iRg=="],
                "exp": 1606219942910,
                "alg": "RS256",
                "n": "r3LItabzy3Lg0SXf_6EZ1oANjyYQ_HCEj-r5cynyD7dnAQdXvkRLVMAby0EAoCaeEo_QkU79BCOY6o2w"

    Make sure alg value is RS256. Grab the kid value (in this example 777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256).

  5. Grab keystore password from secret backend where key is api_rp_client_jks_pass. In this example, we're getting secret as its value.

  6. Convert api-rp.jks to api-rp.pkcs12 (delete existing api-rp.pkcs12 file if any):

    keytool -importkeystore \
        -srckeystore api-rp.jks \
        -srcstorepass secret  \
        -srckeypass secret \
        -srcalias 777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256 \
        -destalias 777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256 \
        -destkeystore api-rp.pkcs12 \
        -deststoretype PKCS12 \
        -deststorepass secret \
        -destkeypass secret
  7. Extract public and private key pair from api-rp.pkcs12:

    openssl pkcs12 -in api-rp.pkcs12 -nodes -out api-rp.pem -passin pass:secret

    Here's an example of generated api-rp.pem:

    Bag Attributes
        friendlyName: d405b162-fb5d-4e9f-81cd-4edcb0db486a_sig_rs256
        localKeyID: 54 69 6D 65 20 31 35 37 35 31 37 34 30 33 35 32 33 30
    Key Attributes: <No Attributes>
    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
    Bag Attributes
        friendlyName: d405b162-fb5d-4e9f-81cd-4edcb0db486a_sig_rs256
        localKeyID: 54 69 6D 65 20 31 35 37 35 31 37 34 30 33 35 32 33 30
    subject=/CN=oxAuth CA Certificates
    issuer=/CN=oxAuth CA Certificates
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    Grab the string starts with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and ends with -----END PRIVATE KEY-----. This is the private key.

  8. Prepare data for generating JWT string.

    1. Header

          "typ": "JWT",
          "alg": "RS256",
          "kid": "777c0619-802c-480d-9432-a5e25f85867a_sig_rs256"
    2. Payload

      Grab client ID from config backend where key is oxtrust_requesting_party_client_id. In this example we're getting 0008-76f0b100-6d68-4f21-96ca-c6e49d30094b as its value.

          "iss": "0008-76f0b100-6d68-4f21-96ca-c6e49d30094b",
          "sub": "0008-76f0b100-6d68-4f21-96ca-c6e49d30094b",
          "exp": 1575185573,
          "iat": 1575181565,
          "jti": "2f1c50c6-0359-4913-b3f9-c17ca93a1b82",
          "aud": ""


      • iat value is time since epoch; we can use date +%s command to get a value
      • exp value is expiration since epoch; we can use date --date="1 hours" +%s
      • jti value must be unique; we can use uuidgen command to get a value
      • aud is the URL for getting the token
      • iss and sub are client ID
    3. Private key (see previous section about extracting private key)

    After header, payload, and private key are ready, generate JWT string using debugger or any of supported libraries. Save the JWT string, for example:

  9. Grab token from

    curl -k \
        -d grant_type='urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket' \
        -d ticket='ed5d9fa7-7117-4fc0-85c2-17a064448dc8'  \
        -d client_id='0008-76f0b100-6d68-4f21-96ca-c6e49d30094b' \
        -d client_assertion_type='urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer' \
        -d client_assertion='eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs.RiLZyW2yYdF4P0QD0oY9zjBfsFwFSpSCRUe.3WnaETMtAIPpXQhry6SYFR1tFv1t4XO14o1qVA'
        -d scope=`oxtrust-api-read oxtrust-api-write`

    The response example:

        "access_token": "d01cdc70-6519-4118-89bb-9ee1748acdd1_D8F4.E104.D094.6B62.79E0.6F8E.FB55.0509",
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "upgraded": false,
        "pct": "0b598193-11cb-4926-9e4c-cc7c95e6ce37_CB14.8C6B.E2B2.46CD.53B2.CBEF.C50E.9FE9"

    Extract value of access_token; in this case d01cdc70-6519-4118-89bb-9ee1748acdd1_D8F4.E104.D094.6B62.79E0.6F8E.FB55.0509.

  10. Retry request to get groups (this time pass along the token in the request header):

    curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer d01cdc70-6519-4118-89bb-9ee1748acdd1_D8F4.E104.D094.6B62.79E0.6F8E.FB55.0509' \

    If succeed, the output is similar to the following:

            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "displayName": "Gluu Manager Group",
            "description": "This group is for administrative purpose, with full acces to users",
            "members": [
            "inum": "60B7",
            "owner": null,
            "organization": null,
            "iname": null

    Reuse the token (as long as it still valid) to make any request to oxTrust API endpoints.