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This an example of running Gluu Server on a single VM using Docker Compose.

The following is a thorough explanation of the process we used to make launching a stand-alone instance repeatable, modular and consistent. Adjust the process as needed.


Pre-Installation Notes#

Before deploying Gluu Server, choose whether to use default or custom installation. If default installation is selected, skip over the Customizing Installation section and go to Deploying Gluu Server section instead.

Customizing Installation#

Choosing Services#

List of supported services:

Service Setting Name Mandatory Enabled
consul - yes always
registrator - yes always
vault - yes always
nginx - yes always
oxauth SVC_OXAUTH no yes
oxtrust SVC_OXTRUST no yes
ldap SVC_LDAP no yes
oxpassport SVC_OXPASSPORT no no
oxshibboleth SVC_OXSHIBBOLETH no no
redis SVC_REDIS no no
radius SVC_RADIUS no no
vault auto-unseal SVC_VAULT_AUTOUNSEAL no no
oxd_server SVC_OXD_SERVER no no
key_rotation SVC_KEY_ROTATION no no
cr_rotate SVC_CR_ROTATE no no

To enable/disable non-mandatory services listed above, create (if not exist) and set the value to "yes" to enable or set to any value to disable the service. Here's an example:

SVC_LDAP="yes"              # will be enabled
SVC_OXPASSPORT="no"         # will be disabled
SVC_OXSHIBBOLETH=""         # will be disabled
SVC_VAULT_AUTOUNSEAL="yes"  # enable Vault auto-unseal with GCP KMS API

To override manifests (i.e. changing oxAuth service definition), add ENABLE_OVERRIDE=yes in, for example:


Then define overrides in docker-compose.override.yml (create the file if not exists):

version: "2.4"

    container_name: my-oxauth

For reference, review the Docker docs for multiple compose files.

Choosing Persistence Backends#

List of supported persistence backends:

  • PERSISTENCE_TYPE: choose one of ldap, couchbase, or hybrid (default to ldap)

  • PERSISTENCE_LDAP_MAPPING: choose one of default, user, site, statistic, cache, authorization, token, or client (default to default); only effective if PERSISTENCE_TYPE is hybrid

To choose persistence backend, create (if not exist) and set the corresponding option as seen above. Here's an example:

PERSISTENCE_TYPE="couchbase"    # Couchbase will be selected
PERSISTENCE_LDAP_MAPPING="user" # store user mapping in LDAP
COUCHBASE_USER="admin"          # Couchbase user
COUCHBASE_URL=""   # Hosts or IP addresses (comma-separated) of Couchbase

If couchbase or hybrid is selected, there are additional steps required to satisfy dependencies:

  • put Couchbase cluster certificate into couchbase.crt file
  • put Couchbase password into couchbase_password file
  • Couchbase cluster must have data, index, and query services at minimum

Using Vault auto-unseal#

In this example, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) KMS is going to be used. Here's an example on how to obtain GCP KMS credentials JSON file, and save it as gcp_kms_creds.json in the same directory where is located. Here's an example:

    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "project",
    "private_key_id": "1234abcd",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nabcdEFGH==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
    "client_email": "",
    "client_id": "1234567890",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_x509_cert_url": ""

Afterwards, create gcp_kms_stanza.hcl in the same directory where is located. Here's an example:

seal "gcpckms" {
    credentials = "/vault/config/creds.json"
    project     = "<PROJECT_NAME>"
    region      = "<REGION_NAME>"
    key_ring    = "<KEYRING_NAME>"
    crypto_key  = "<KEY_NAME>"

Deploying Gluu Server#

Run the following script:


Do not be alarmed for the warning alerts that may show up. Wait until it prompts for information or loads the previous configuration found. In the case where this is a fresh install, the output will be similar to the following logs:

[I] Determining OS Type and Attempting to Gather External IP Address
Host is detected as Linux
Is this the correct external IP Address: [Y/n]? y
[I] Preparing cluster-wide config and secrets
WARNING: The DOMAIN variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The HOST_IP variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Pulling consul (consul:)...
latest: Pulling from library/consul
bdf0201b3a05: Pull complete
af3d1f90fc60: Pull complete
d3a756372895: Pull complete
54efc599d7c7: Pull complete
73d2c234fe14: Pull complete
cbf8018e609a: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:bce60e9bf3e5bbbb943b13b87077635iisdksdf993579d8a6d05f2ea69bccd
Status: Downloaded newer image for consul:latest
Creating consul ... done
[I] Checking existing config in Consul
[W] Unable to get config in Consul; retrying ...
[W] Unable to get config in Consul; retrying ...
[W] Unable to get config in Consul; retrying ...
[W] Configuration not found in Consul
[I] Creating new configuration, please input the following parameters
Enter Domain:                 yourdomain
Enter Country Code:           US
Enter State:                  TX
Enter City:                   Austin
Enter Email:        
Enter Organization:           Gluu Inc
Enter Admin/LDAP Password:
Confirm Admin/LDAP Password:
Continue with the above settings? [Y/n]y

The startup process may take some time. Keep track of the deployment by using the following command:

./ logs -f


On initial deployment, since Vault has not been configured yet, the will generate root token and key to interact with Vault API, saved as vault_key_token.txt. Secure this file as it contains recovery key and root token.

Tearing Down Gluu Server#

Run the following command to delete all objects during the deployment:

./ down


How to use ldapsearch#

docker exec -ti ldap \
    /opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -Z -X \
    -h localhost \
    -p 1636 \
    -D "cn=directory manager" \
    -b "o=gluu" \
    -s base \
    -T "objectClass=*"

Locked out of your Gluu demo?#

This is how Vault can be manually unlocked

  1. Get Unseal key from vault_key_token.txt
  2. Log into vault container: docker exec -it vault sh
  3. Run this command : vault operator unseal
  4. Wait for about 10 mins for the containers to get back to work.