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Single Host using Docker#

This an example of running Gluu Server Docker Edition (DE) on a single VM.

Here are the instructions to deploy a stand-alone instance with a bash script named The core concept of this script is to intake some necessary information from the user on initial startup and deploy the containers.

What follows is a thorough explanation of the process we used to make launching a stand-alone instance repeatable, modular and consistent. Adjust the process as needed.


  • CONFIG_DIR=$PWD/volumes/config-init/db: used to identify the location of the persistence volumes you would like to store the config.json file. This location can be changed before first creating your configuration, but if changed after, the script won't be able to load up the previous configuration.

  • HOST_IP=$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}'): This variable automatically pulls the current host IP address. This variable, along with DOMAIN variable, are used to populate the /etc/hosts file of the oxTrust container. This is necessary due to the fact that oxTrust must be able to discover oxAuth's /.well-known/openid-configuration to be properly configured. For that reason, NGINX, which is bound on the host network's eth0 interface in this example, will route oxTrust to the proper location, https://$DOMAIN/.well-known/openid-configuration.

  • GLUU_VERSION=<version>: In the script, this is used to identify which version of config-init to run. This must match the version of Gluu Server you're trying to deploy.

  • INIT_CONFIG_CMD="": Used to either run the gluufederation/config-init:<version> generate configuration command if no previous config.json is found in CONFIG_DIR, or prompt the user if they want to deploy with the current config.json file.

  • The following are used for certificates, with the exception of DOMAIN, which is also used to modify the /etc/hosts file of the oxTrust container, and ADMIN_PW, which will be the password for oxTrust and LDAP:

    • DOMAIN=""
    • ADMIN_PW=""
    • EMAIL=""
    • ORG_NAME=""
    • STATE=""
    • CITY=""


  • load_services: deploys all the services in the docker-compose file. Note that config-init is run as a separate command.

  • prepare_config: checks config in Consul KV. If it can't find the required config, this function will load configuration from an existing config.json (see load_config function below), otherwise users will be prompted to enter the required configuration (see generate_config below).

  • load_config: loads config from a JSON file (config.json) stored under CONFIG_DIR directory.

  • generate_config: creates initial configuration and dump saved config into config.json stored under CONFIG_DIR directory.

Multi Host using Docker Swarm Mode#

This an example of running Gluu Server Docker edition on multiple VMs using Docker Swarm Mode.

Here are the instructions to deploy clustered instances of Gluu Server Docker containers. This example consists of several shell scripts, and config files (including docker-compose files).

What follows is an explanation of the process we used to deploy clustered Gluu Server Docker containers.


As this example uses Docker Swarm Mode, the node refers to a Docker Swarm node (either manager or worker), basically a host/server. For simplicity, the clustered Gluu Server is distributed into 3 nodes (called manager, worker-1, and worker-2), with each node having a full stack of containers (Consul, Registrator, Redis, Twemproxy, OpenDJ, oxAuth, oxTrust, oxPassport, oxShibboleth, and NGINX). Given this topology, the Gluu Server is still able to serve the request even when one of the nodes is down. Another interesting case is by using 3 nodes, the possibility of having an issue with Consul is minimized.


The cluster operates over native Docker Swarm networking called overlay. To allow a container that is running using the plain docker run command to connect to the network, a custom network called gluu is created (based on overlay with --attachable option).

By having this custom network, we can address our concerns:

  • any container that doesn't execute long-running process (e.g. config-init) is able to access Consul container inside the network
  • deploy container that requires fixed IP address/hostname (for example: LDAP replication), but can be reached by other containers inside the network

Shared Volume Between Nodes#

oxTrust and oxShibboleth rely on a mounted volume to share oxShibboleth configuration files. Given there are 3 nodes that need to share the same copy of oxShibboleth files, csync2 is used. Note, csync2 is installed as node's OS package, not a container version. The csync2 setup is executed when running script (see section below).


  • provision Swarm nodes and setup csync2 replication
  • generate, dump, or load configuration required by the cluster
  • deploy Redis and Twemproxy as cache storage
  • deploy OpenDJ including creating initial data
  • deploy OpenDJ that replicate the data from another OpenDJ container
  • deploy OpenDJ that replicate the data from another OpenDJ container

Docker Compose Files#

  • cache.yml: contains Docker Swarm service definition for Twemproxy container
  • registrator.yml: contains Docker Swarm service definition for Registrator container
  • consul.yml: contains Docker Swarm service definition for Consul container
  • web.yml: contains Docker Swarm service definition for oxAuth, oxTrust, oxShibboleth, oxPassport, and NGINX container

Load Balancer#

Given 3 nodes that run clustered Gluu Server, it's recommended to deploy an external loadbalancer, for example: NGINX or DigitalOcean loadbalancer. Note, the process of deploying an external loadbalancer is out of the scope of this document.


This an example of running Gluu Server Docker edition on single VM using Kubernetes on Minikube.

Here are the instructions to deploy a stand-alone Gluu Server Docker containers.

Google Kubernetes Engine#

This an example of running Gluu Server Docker edition on multiple VMs using Google Kubernetes Engine.

Here are the instructions to deploy clustered instances of Gluu Server Docker containers.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux#

This an example of running Gluu Server Docker edition on single VM using Docker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Here are the instructions to deploy a stand-alone Gluu Server Docker containers.